Pfizer contract, when is it up???

OK people don't be so morose. We are cheaper than either the Pfizer or King reps. They are so over sourced and the payroll has to be incredible. Ian Read is committed to contract as the way to the future of pharma. Just wait and be patient

OK people don't be so morose. We are cheaper than either the Pfizer or King reps. They are so over sourced and the payroll has to be incredible. Ian Read is committed to contract as the way to the future of pharma. Just wait and be patient

this rep drank the kool aid, two reps already told they are gone june 30th, it is a fact cuts are coming but not sure who and why

Were the two reps A or B bag? Did their RFC tell them? Ours is acting like everyone is fine. Wish he would be straight with us.

Ours is acting like everything is great too, but I don't think he really knows anything and it is his job to try and keep us motivated. It doesn't make sense that the King rep, Pfizer rep and myself would be selling 2 of the same products in the same territory so obviously something has to be changing. It will be interesting to see what happens. Good luck everyone.

Ok it will be a little of both. Do you think anyone really knows. Just wait and find out with the rest of us. This speculation is just plain silly. I know it's hard to work in these conditions but you have no control over the outcome so just live your life.

It will all come down to what is in the territory as of now...I know A reps that are tripping over eachother, just as much as the B reps are.
The worst part is no severance. If we had a little buffer, I would be ok with waiting. Oh well...back to the drawing board!

If you don't have an A bag person in your territory and you are B bag but they need a P4 on A bag if Pristiq is going there, will they just move you over to A bag? I know the current situation wont continue. My counterpart, King Rep and I are tripping over each other selling Celebrex and Lyrica now. That obviously doesn't make sense to continue with it that way.

So according to the email our RFC's will contact us on June 9th, day after town hall, to let us know our fate. Surely if we are cut they don't expect us to work until June 30th??? I am also assuming that they will still be paying us 2nd Q bonus- when the data comes out- correct???

Prepare for the worst, and expect the worst.

I mean, this contract hasn't been that great anyway.

If they lay me off, then its UI and be picky as hell for the next sales gig.

There is no way I am going back into contract after this debacle.

Prepare for the worst, and expect the worst.

I mean, this contract hasn't been that great anyway.

If they lay me off, then its UI and be picky as hell for the next sales gig.

There is no way I am going back into contract after this debacle.

I hear you, ESP when you can't switch from this crap shoot!

the new AZ COntract reps have one or two respiratory drugs starting salary was 63k + bonus w/ DM, not RFC's. Good luck!

We were told that we could not apply for any other Publicis jobs that were open. Was told this was good news that would mean they need us for the contract extension. But now I don't know. It would have been nice if we could have applied for the AZ jobs.

Heck, most are not working now much less after the 9th. I'm guessing only 20% are kept. Certainly NO B reps. We are tripping over each other with King. My pfizer counterpart has heard that not only will majority of King reps, be gone after Oct. 1 but there will also be layoffs on the Pfizer side. Pfizer made a really bad investerment buying King and with the new Medicade/medicare policies, it will only get worse.

Come on people really?? THIS IS A CONTRACT JOB! Were you not looking for a real job since taking the the offer?? Im sure some of you have, and its harder than hell to find a job with all the competition. Trust me I've been looking since January! But lets face it, this contract will end wether June or Oct. Stop hoping and start looking and asking each rep you come across in the field if their hiring! Lets just hope our RFC or DBM dont work with us before June 9th cause why bother!

Maybe this is a dumb question but, I have it in my head that even if we are laid off June 9th we will still be employed until June 30th. Can anyone verify this? The reason I ask is that I'd like to take advantage of some of my health benies before they expire. I put a chunk into my FSA and I want to use as much as possible, in the likely event that I'll be out of a job soon.