Personal Miles Reported vs. Gas Card Use


Does anyone ever audit / review the two? I was told no and as a result I took trips this summer out of state with the company car that I didn't record personal mileage for. Yes, I did use the gas card. Person who told me said they had never recorded personal mileage in 6 years of being at AZ.

I don't use my car at all for personal mileage because I have 3 other cars that have to be driven at least once a week but my DSM told me to put something in anyway. It's a joke, they must like you if they're looking the other way!

Yes, they will eventually call you on it. Think about, you used the company car in a state that you don't live in. If you filled the gas tank up in a place that is further than 350 miles from you home then you will have to cough up some extra change if you run over your total quarterly allotment. It still cheaper to pay AZ than to actually pay for gas at the pump. AZ will ALWAYS win with this stuff....since they can't make money with their patents, they will rip off their reps

Does anyone ever audit / review the two? I was told no and as a result I took trips this summer out of state with the company car that I didn't record personal mileage for. Yes, I did use the gas card. Person who told me said they had never recorded personal mileage in 6 years of being at AZ.

You should be fired for two reasons. First, you are stealing. Stealing stupid. Secondly, you ended a sentence with a preposition.

Seriously, you would risk your job and livelihood over personal mileage? And the DSM that has been signing off looking at 0 personal miles every single report, should be fired as well.

Does anyone ever audit / review the two? I was told no and as a result I took trips this summer out of state with the company car that I didn't record personal mileage for. Yes, I did use the gas card. Person who told me said they had never recorded personal mileage in 6 years of being at AZ.


The OP is obviously trying to get someone else in trouble because nobody (not even drug reps) are stupid enough to call national attention to such behavior. The OP represents the type of backstabbing that will eventually bring AZ to an end. Fucking narc. People, trust no one and keep your personal shit to yourself.

I will enjoy knowing that a bunch of compliance boobs are going ape shit right about now auditing everyone's expense reports. Not many people left. Should take about 3 hours.

My manager did an audit on my car to make sure that the miles I was using matched my gas card. It did and no problems. So an FYI if they want to review your manager can do it in about 10 minutes. He also caught 2 others in the district not working, because of the miles being used did match the amount of miles between calls and the gas card. So just be honest and you will be fine.

My manager did an audit on my car to make sure that the miles I was using matched my gas card. It did and no problems. So an FYI if they want to review your manager can do it in about 10 minutes. He also caught 2 others in the district not working, because of the miles being used did match the amount of miles between calls and the gas card. So just be honest and you will be fine.

Just be honest, and they will have to work a little harder to find a reason to get rid of you.

Don't get too honest, however; they hate reality. Remember how much of your day is total bullshit? Remember how useless your manager was on your last field ride? Remember how much business you lost the last time some "big shot" from HQ came out and rode with you?

Yeah, just continue to ignore sound business principles. You don't have a function, at this point, you're out there for show anyway.

This was definitely an attempt to out a rep and probably send a message to many others. Personally I hope the people who lie about personal miles DO get fired. We should not be paying for your gas on the trip to Yellowstone. That is the same as filling up and running out on the bill. If you know someone who does this call the Hotline and turn their ass in.

I bet you could get rid of half the reps and almost all DSMs and RSDs and every single account director. Managed markets is the worst. Our audit folks have their head up their ass on one of the biggest line items in the sales budget. Audi them all and then fire the cheaters.

This was definitely an attempt to out a rep and probably send a message to many others. Personally I hope the people who lie about personal miles DO get fired. We should not be paying for your gas on the trip to Yellowstone. That is the same as filling up and running out on the bill. If you know someone who does this call the Hotline and turn their ass in.

Yeah, like I said, you're fucking narcs. Are you willing to turn them in when they cheat you out of your bonus? What about that raise nobody's going to get? Greed breeds greed. Loyalty breeds loyalty. They chose which example you should follow...

Once they run the report, if you are jacking around, you are done

they will track fill up times to your call entries and then look at where you filled up and then confirm, "does it make sense for your location and calls to have those fill ups". If you have a call entered at 2:05pm but 30 miles away at 2:10 have a gas fill up..... stand by for the HR special treatment

It saddens me to think that we have these spoiled bratty reps driving all over the US on vacations and they are not reporting hundreds or thousands of personal miles. I hope you are discovered for what you are - a cheat.

you are ignorant, these people do it even in territory...

they fake their calls all day, go shopping and play with the kids

then usually they always fill up after 5, but too stupid to when gas is low to throw 5 bucks in themselves to avoid detection

then they get caught onto... they run the fuel report and then start connecting the dots.

then you are cooked, vacations is easy pickings.... you are a tool if you aren't on vacation and start a trip early. you don't fill up until the evening out of territory and do it late. aka fill up before leaving town.

In the past I lent my mini van to my cousin Abduhl so he could use it for a taxi in the evening. Since I was faking all my calls anyway, the mileage worked out. The plan failed when Abduhl got mad at a fare and locked him in the van.

It happens ALL the time. A sense of entitlement + arrogance = thinking you can get away with anything. Why pay your fair share when you can get away with driving anywhere you want at no cost, putting bullshit expenses through on your corporate AMEX and shopping by 1:00PM?

In the past I lent my mini van to my cousin Abduhl so he could use it for a taxi in the evening. Since I was faking all my calls anyway, the mileage worked out. The plan failed when Abduhl got mad at a fare and locked him in the van.

I never allowed cousin abduhl to use my gas card. He did give out a free Crestor pen to every far over $15.