Perry. You screwed the little guys

Fair would have been making territories twice the size they are. Some people have extremely little access and small territories that are a huge issue. Others don't even live in their territory...

The above post ignored reality.

We are launching a new drug against a well entrenched competitor-how in the hell would making territories larger grow share?

The NBU needs to be realigned. Peds/Adult? Really. There is some dead weight that needs to be cut.

The above post ignored reality.

We are launching a new drug against a well entrenched competitor-how in the hell would making territories larger grow share?

The NBU needs to be realigned. Peds/Adult? Really. There is some dead weight that needs to be cut.
There is a lot of fat in NBU and it will be cut out. NBU has not been achieving sales goals and sr. management is tired of hearing the excuses. If you can't make top line sales goals then you need to maximize bottom line earnings. Simple business principle.

Rangers Lead The Way! I am proud to have served as an Army Ranger. I can't stand the whining beetches in our sales force! Oh, we have to spend a training week in Dallas at a nice hotel, oh dear me! How about you go to Ft. Benning for training and then do two tours in Afghanistan! Bunch of crybabies!!

Thank you for your service, if you served.

You are now in the civilian world.

The " I'm tougher than you." bs
gets old and most of the prior service folks who have this attitude were in the rear with gear.

Ex-Coast Guard here and I LOVE being a pharma rep. Easiest gig ever! Using this time to getting my MBA and then time for a top paying job! See you snowflakes in the Big D.

There is a lot of fat in NBU and it will be cut out. NBU has not been achieving sales goals and sr. management is tired of hearing the excuses. If you can't make top line sales goals then you need to maximize bottom line earnings. Simple business principle.

how is NBU doing ytd? still missing the mark?

I am selling X like there is no tomorrow! The secret to my success is quite simple, spectacular performance is preceded by spectacular preparation! Now for the whiners, get the heck out of Shire OBU.