Perry. You screwed the little guys


Perry, I know you mean well and thank you. BUT, you are, once again, screwing a portion of the sales team ..those who have territories bringing in over 100 a week have much easier access to an extra 10 than the small ones with very low volumes.

Fix it. You are losing reps left and right. More will go. We counted on you to be fair and you are not.

Some will have to increase by less than 10%, some by over 50%.

I'm not in the least bit motivated by the territory specific $ amount. Too little, too late and nowhere near enough to make a dent in the crazy amount that we've missed out on due to unrealistic goals.
This will not keep anyone from leaving.

I'm not in the least bit motivated by the territory specific $ amount. Too little, too late and nowhere near enough to make a dent in the crazy amount that we've missed out on due to unrealistic goals.
This will not keep anyone from leaving.

So true. Let's call this what it is- not a "contest" for extra money but a true up, as in: here's a chance to earn the bonus money you would usually get in June but won't bc we screwed u w/ your goal.
So, thanks, i guess, for at least giving us a chance (for some territories) to at least make our usual bonus to pay our bills.

Perry, I know you mean well and thank you. BUT, you are, once again, screwing a portion of the sales team ..those who have territories bringing in over 100 a week have much easier access to an extra 10 than the small ones with very low volumes.

Fix it. You are losing reps left and right. More will go. We counted on you to be fair and you are not.

Some will have to increase by less than 10%, some by over 50%.

Fix what ? The plan was executed and successful as the sub par reps are leaving in droves through self attrition.
Please resign now it helps our bottom line and we get a head bonus on every departure.


Perry, I know you mean well and thank you. BUT, you are, once again, screwing a portion of the sales team ..those who have territories bringing in over 100 a week have much easier access to an extra 10 than the small ones with very low volumes.

Fix it. You are losing reps left and right. More will go. We counted on you to be fair and you are not.

Some will have to increase by less than 10%, some by over 50%.

It's about time some larger territories can make some extra cash. The smaller territories have been paid significantly higher per rx the past how many quarters and needed significantly less scripts.
Thank you for the 10x10 !

So true. Let's call this what it is- not a "contest" for extra money but a true up, as in: here's a chance to earn the bonus money you would usually get in June but won't bc we screwed u w/ your goal.
So, thanks, i guess, for at least giving us a chance (for some territories) to at least make our usual bonus to pay our bills.
He promised to rework the second quarter goals with either indexing or a true up PLUS contests. Will we get a bonus adjustment or only this silly contest?

He promised to rework the second quarter goals with either indexing or a true up PLUS contests. Will we get a bonus adjustment or only this silly contest?

We have this contest to make extra and he will adjust goal at end of qtr. just go sell something. He took care of the reps at B+L so I have faith he will do the same.

We have this contest to make extra and he will adjust goal at end of qtr. just go sell something. He took care of the reps at B+L so I have faith he will do the same.

No. No. No. He has never adjusted our goals for NBU. Q3 goals last year were a complete joke... no adjustments made for us and we were actually making the company record profits... he better not take money from us to pay for adjustments for u when u aren't making the company any money... He is smarter than that I hope

Perry is a good and pragmatic leader. He believes in pay for performance. NBU did not meet its goal last year so payouts were adjusted to reflect achievement. With X, it will be the same situation. Perform and you will be paid well. If you are average or below average, you need to ramp it up to receive great compensation. This is a business folks not a daycare for spoiled babies! Business is tough and you should not expect to get a participation award! God do I hate the whiners!! We should only hire ex-military!!

Pay for performance huh?

What did Vyvanse do in 2016? $2B ?

Yet, bonus payouts did not reflect. The issue is the forecasting, covering other business units and inflating wholesale costs; meanwhile lets go to a index system:

But wait, if I increase wholesale price, we win; but more scripts are rebated even more meaning those rx are worth less..

It's a total mess!!!

We should KNOW where are numbers are coming from and get credit for all; wait we do don't we?? (First rx)

Can I track my kicker program, 25-34 age bucket? Nah just got to trust.

I'll just sit back and wait on my 1000points for dropping X brochures. I'm sure that's coming right around the corner.

It's about time some larger territories can make some extra cash. The smaller territories have been paid significantly higher per rx the past how many quarters and needed significantly less scripts.
Thank you for the 10x10 !

You obviously don't understand our compensation plan, possible volumes of dry eye per territory or this contest. Glad you can make money. What the original poster was referring to was all the low volume territories that average say 15 or 20 rx a week and are at 50% marketshare or close to it. It's virtually impossible to expect those reps to bring in an extra 10 vs the reps who have a couple hundred xiidra scripts a week and are at 20% marketshare. It should have been a PERCENTAGE increase not a set number.
If you didn't bring in $50k 4th Q in a high volume territory with 100 docs, then you suck. We had reps in our region with less than 80 docs. Smalll volume.