Perlmutter to replace Kim?

Kim is unfortunately staying for a while. He is going to go nuclear winter on R&D in the USA. They are building a 1.5-2.0 billion dollar building in China. Cuong Viet Do has deep roots and connections in China and India from his previous jobs. 600 people to start out with. Do they think that anyone believes they will go 2 billion for 600 people? That number will be closer to 20,000 when all is said and done.

If anyone thinks that R&D is bad now, just wait until this nightmare comes to life. Once this happens there is no coming back.

Maybe they will move all of production and QA to China. We can dump R&D and just buy other companies pipelines. A pharmaceutical company that actually produces nothing.

MRL is wasting 8 bil annually with no results. It has spent on avg 7 billion to bring a product to market. The talent and management to change does not exist. What is left is the b and c team. Permutter knows the mrk lazy do nothing culture. has a tall order.

MRL is wasting 8 bil annually with no results. It has spent on avg 7 billion to bring a product to market. The talent and management to change does not exist. What is left is the b and c team. Permutter knows the mrk lazy do nothing culture. has a tall order.

Do u have any idea what your talking about? 7 billion to bring a drug to market?
I think januvia, isentress, gardasil, to name a few are pretty successful mrl accomplishments.

Do u have any idea what your talking about? 7 billion to bring a drug to market?
I think januvia, isentress, gardasil, to name a few are pretty successful mrl accomplishments.
beyond gardasil, the other are pretty old (2006-2007 range)

Better drugs will be released by our competitors within the next 3 years.

MRL is wasting 8 bil annually with no results. It has spent on avg 7 billion to bring a product to market. The talent and management to change does not exist. What is left is the b and c team. Permutter knows the mrk lazy do nothing culture. has a tall order.

I'd love to see where this 7 billion number came from. I've seen estimates from 800 million up to 1 billion, but those are numbers supplied by pharma companies themselves, so take it for what it's worth. It's probably way less.
Unfortunately Merck fell into the same trap every pharma company fell into. They went for short term gain by focusing on sales and marketing and neglected long term investments in research, which is why Merck had a dried up pipeline a few years back. Frazier is doing the responsible and correct thing in refocusing on research. Merck is a pharma company after all, it should be driven by science and innovation. It's the core business.

I'd love to see where this 7 billion number came from. I've seen estimates from 800 million up to 1 billion, but those are numbers supplied by pharma companies themselves, so take it for what it's worth. It's probably way less.
Unfortunately Merck fell into the same trap every pharma company fell into. They went for short term gain by focusing on sales and marketing and neglected long term investments in research, which is why Merck had a dried up pipeline a few years back. Frazier is doing the responsible and correct thing in refocusing on research. Merck is a pharma company after all, it should be driven by science and innovation. It's the core business.

Here's an appropriate and simple analysis done by Matthew Herper at Forbes. Basically, reported R&D costs divided by number of approvals = cost per new approval.

The number for Merck with this equation is $4.2 billion (Pfizer, e.g. was ~$7 b, and AZ wins the inefficiency prize at ~$12 b). Merck was actually better than many of it's competitiors. That is, of course, damning with faint praise

Here's an appropriate and simple analysis done by Matthew Herper at Forbes. Basically, reported R&D costs divided by number of approvals = cost per new approval.

The number for Merck with this equation is $4.2 billion (Pfizer, e.g. was ~$7 b, and AZ wins the inefficiency prize at ~$12 b). Merck was actually better than many of it's competitiors. That is, of course, damning with faint praise

Let's see now who can list all 16 approvals since 1997. Singulair, Gardasil, Januvia, what else? Fosamax Plus?

Let's see now who can list all 16 approvals since 1997. Singulair, Gardasil, Januvia, what else? Fosamax Plus?

Better yet - who can list all compounds under Dr. Kim's 'leadership' for which Merck received Complete Response Letters from the FDA? Receive a CRL is a good thing, right, Peter? You got a complete response? That must be a good thing?

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