People!! When its over-its over...

Yeah, some people are pieces of shit. Welfare reform is necessary. That is not what this is about. Why are so many middle class people so ready to fight ruthlessly to protect the interests of the top 5% wealthiest? This does not benefit you. I guarantee that some of your parents, grandparents and other relatives are receiving or will receive some type of federal aid ... Medicare, Social Security, etc. Are they lazy? Do they lack self control? You are being duped by these politicians whose campaign $$$ and future job opportunities come from this top 5%. WTF? Wake up.

Yeah, some people are pieces of shit. Welfare reform is necessary. That is not what this is about. Why are so many middle class people so ready to fight ruthlessly to protect the interests of the top 5% wealthiest? This does not benefit you. I guarantee that some of your parents, grandparents and other relatives are receiving or will receive some type of federal aid ... Medicare, Social Security, etc. Are they lazy? Do they lack self control? You are being duped by these politicians whose campaign $$$ and future job opportunities come from this top 5%. WTF? Wake up.

Duhh....older people on Medicare, Social Security paid into the system with years of work and weekly payrole contributions. They're not freeloading like the welfare recipients....sitting in front of the tube and collecting..producing babies and wanting everyone else to pay for them. Big difference. As far as the wealthy they need to pay their due but so should welfare recipients who contribute nothing. How about taxing medicaid, let them give a little back somewhere. Right now wealthy pay the bulk of the taxes but the middle class is gaining ground fast...and still the low end payscales pay nothing.

This is really messed up. The CEO of GE which does not pay any corporate tax due to a brilliant team of tax experts, is an economic adviser to the president. His company can pull a GE legally while advising the president on what?

Yep, Jeffrey the right hand O chosen man, as "jobs advisor" heads GE. GE was granted no corporate tax. Way to go, Mr O! Now Jeff has just sent one of their major companies to China...granting the Chinese lots of new jobs...not jobs for the US people, jobs to China. Another example of O wisdom in action. Hmmmmm a little hypocritical?.... How soon are those 2012 elections, people?

Yeah, some people are pieces of shit. Welfare reform is necessary. That is not what this is about. Why are so many middle class people so ready to fight ruthlessly to protect the interests of the top 5% wealthiest? This does not benefit you. I guarantee that some of your parents, grandparents and other relatives are receiving or will receive some type of federal aid ... Medicare, Social Security, etc. Are they lazy? Do they lack self control? You are being duped by these politicians whose campaign $$$ and future job opportunities come from this top 5%. WTF? Wake up.

Calm down. What is wrong for someone who has involuntarily paid into the social security system to demand to collect what they were promised? Merck reps making good money pay a lot into the system. Now it is evil for them to collect on it?

Calm down. What is wrong for someone who has involuntarily paid into the social security system to demand to collect what they were promised? Merck reps making good money pay a lot into the system. Now it is evil for them to collect on it?

Social security is an involuntary investment in your future retirement.

Anyone who invested all their hard earned money should collect.

Calm down. What is wrong for someone who has involuntarily paid into the social security system to demand to collect what they were promised? Merck reps making good money pay a lot into the system. Now it is evil for them to collect on it?

LOL but not a laughing matter. Government takes your money, promises to give it back so you can live in retirement. You depend on it, then its taken away. Isnt that robbery? Most will think so at elections. Majority of retired dont have much of a pension.Most employees dont have all those yeas of service that would amount to much at all.

LOL but not a laughing matter. Government takes your money, promises to give it back so you can live in retirement. You depend on it, then its taken away. Isn't that robbery? Most will think so at elections. Majority of retired don't have much of a pension.Most employees don't have all those yeas of service that would amount to much at all.

I am retired now. If anyone is still young enough I would suggest the following. I know it is tough now none can become a tenured rep at Merck as in the old days. Look at social security as a supplement, not something you depend on entirely. The politicians will keep raiding the piggy bank. Invest more in your 401K. I max'ed mine out plus more. It was painful but now I am glad I did.

I believe in compassion and charity. But I want to do that myself and direct my money to charities of my choice. I don't want the government get involved in wealth distribution. If a person makes good money and pays in more $$ in the system, he/she should collect them back in its entirety.

Can't afford to food, housing and clothing for your kids? Then dont have them! Take responsibility. No self control? Then dont expect others to pay for your stupidity. Why should anyone be rewarded ....often multiple times ...for bad behavior? Your attitude is what is wrong with society....irresponsible with a sense of unending entitlement. If you want something, work for it, earn it and elevate yourself. When you have self-respect and do what needs to be done without the poor me handout mentality you gain in all areas of your life.

Our kids get rewarded for doing the right things. We do it to reinforce the good behavior. Funny but can you imagine if we got NMIP points for breaking policy or not doing our jobs?

Yes, he told us in advance what he planned to do. Few were listening.

The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'.

From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.

The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...

During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".


'Senator' Obama replied:

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."


Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of waring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations ofIslam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path..My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

WHAAAAAAAT, the Hell is that???

Yes, you read it right.

I, for one, am speechless!!!

Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post

Wow!!! How gullible you are!! You really believe that this was said. You and any others that fell for this need to read an article from "", which I quote below! Wow!, I can not believe you; this was debunked 3 years ago!


A widely circulated chain e-mail attributes the following quote to Barack Obama:

"But Obama never said it. It's satire written by syndicated columnist John Semmens, whose columns are posted on the Web site The Arizona Conservative. The above quote was part of a short item Semmens wrote in October 2007, imagining a rationale for the oft-emailed photo of Obama not having his hand over his heart during the national anthem . ( We wrote about the anthem issue previously here, which was part of a chain email falsely claiming Obama refused to say the pledge of allegiance .) "

We cannot just toss aside the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed. We have to help them. YES AGREE...1000%

Sure, trim things that need trimming. YES AGREE....Wake up America....Start with must end as we know it. Welfare must become workfare only....dont work, dont get check. Plain and simple! Cut medicaid too...we all know that those benefits are more than some of the best major plans around! Cut the plush salaries and benefits of all state, federal, county government workers. Taxpayers pay it all and we are being bankrupted....

Huh! You are sounding very shrill! The biggest salaries and most outrageous pensions go to police and firemen. Most can work for 20 years and retire with a full pension. In fact, most get to drastically inflate the pensions by simply loading up on overtime during their last year. Lastly, most are retired on full penision for much longer than they actually work. DO YOU WANT TO CUT THEIR PAY AND PENSIONS? Wisconson didnt!

Welfare was dramatically addressed under clinton. The days of the lifelong welfare queen are long over. I wouldnt call medicaid "better than most". Agian, its interesting how you want to address all financial problems on the backs of the poor. Do you know that in any given year 60% of all corporations doing business in the US, pay ZERO federal taxes? Do you know that the incomes of billionaire hedge fund managers get taxed at 15% (less than teachers and nurses)? What about the hundresds of billions, if not trillions, that support a bloated "military industrial complex"? What about farm subsidies? What about oil subsibdies to companies making billions of dollars in profits per quarter? What about over paid pharma reps that bring zero value to the medical process? What about the top 2% of earners who have the lowest tax rate ever? What about the trillions in unfunded wars?

The bottomline is that the solutions to our problems come on the spending side, but also the revenue side. These problems can not be solved on the backs of the "least of us"!

I personally don't know any jet owner, and if they worked for it, let them keep them. Looking up is not the problem. Looking down is: Like the 19 years with four children from four different babby daddys, and my tax dollars pay for food ,housing, medical, and day care so they can work on number five. Illegals getting checks from my tax dollars. Simple the freeloaders are killing this county. NO tax dollars should be spent on anything unless it is produced by the American work force. No more getting fat foods at Walmart, make sure low income are feed with American Food through a commissary system. To put a stop to all the fat kids. For seniors, if you've worked and paid into the system you can take out, if not you'll have to depend on your family or church. Freeloading needs to stop, from the bottom up.

Very ignorant, blaming our problems on the least of us. What about the farmer who is paid to grow stuff that nobody wants (farm subsidies)? GE paid ZERO taxes (as did 66% of all corporations) last years; is that OK? Lastly, lets keep it real, one of the biggest welfare programs around is the home mortgage deduction! Lets keep it real please! The issues are spending related, and Revenue related. The bush tax cuts are responsible for 3 trillion dollars of the current deficit. Thats just a fact! Said another way, when a household gets in to too much debt, they must cut expenses, but sometimes daddy needs to get a second job more income).

Disagree. There will always be those who truely are needy. These should get help at least for awhile. To allow people to stay dependent is destructive to the person and to society. If someone is sick, disabled (no fakes) or elderly they should be the only ones getting assistance. Want money, then work.....wont work, then no money. No freeloaders, no abusive entitlement seekers. The party is over and Uncle Sam is out of candy....

Yeah, including your home mortgage deduction. Why should your decision to buy a home cost the rest of us money. I live in a NYC apartment, and can not deduct my rent.

Duhh....older people on Medicare, Social Security paid into the system with years of work and weekly payrole contributions. They're not freeloading like the welfare recipients....sitting in front of the tube and collecting..producing babies and wanting everyone else to pay for them. Big difference. As far as the wealthy they need to pay their due but so should welfare recipients who contribute nothing. How about taxing medicaid, let them give a little back somewhere. Right now wealthy pay the bulk of the taxes but the middle class is gaining ground fast...and still the low end payscales pay nothing.

unemployed also "payed" into the system. The fact is that "Welfare" is a tiny part of the financial burden of this country. Besides lets look at all "welfare" including "corporate Welfare", "Defense contractor Welfare", "Farm subsidy Welfare"?

Calm down. What is wrong for someone who has involuntarily paid into the social security system to demand to collect what they were promised? Merck reps making good money pay a lot into the system. Now it is evil for them to collect on it?

Of course it cool to collect, but lets just acknowledge that "Welfare" cost us nothing compared to social security and medicare, and that most people pay in practically nothing compared to what they collect. It is ignorant to blame poor people for our problems when we all know that the biggest drains are from:

- Social Security
- Medicare
- medicaid (mainly from disabled and elderly, nursing homes, etc)
- Defense (if we stopped spending ten years ago, we would still be the most powerful country on earth). For example there are 20 aircraft carriers in the world and the US has 11 of them. China has 2, and russia has one. There is no other country with more than 2.

You could eliminate all cash welfare payments and it wouldnt even put a dent in our financial problems. You would destroy the economy, and simply shift the allocations to other areas such as law enforcement, prisons, etc. You see, wealth is relative, so there will ALWAYS be poor people, always? Shame on you and your sentiments?

Yeah, including your home mortgage deduction. Why should your decision to buy a home cost the rest of us money. I live in a NYC apartment, and can not deduct my rent.

Home ownership is only the interest on the mortage is deducated. Truth is its not much of deducation and most homeowners do need a mortgage, they could not afford a house otherwise.

Living in a rented apartment is peanuts compared to home ownership and all the BS you must pay extra that is NOT deducated at all. Living in an apartment lets you off the hook for everything.

The fact that you know so little about mortgages and your own tax and apartment situation only reinforces that you are very ignorant. Speak to an advisor. Your eyes will open and you'll grow up a little.

Of course it cool to collect, but lets just acknowledge that "Welfare" cost us nothing compared to social security and medicare, and that most people pay in practically nothing compared to what they collect. It is ignorant to blame poor people for our problems when we all know that the biggest drains are from:

- Social Security
- Medicare
- medicaid (mainly from disabled and elderly, nursing homes, etc)
- Defense (if we stopped spending ten years ago, we would still be the most powerful country on earth). For example there are 20 aircraft carriers in the world and the US has 11 of them. China has 2, and russia has one. There is no other country with more than 2.

You could eliminate all cash welfare payments and it wouldnt even put a dent in our financial problems. You would destroy the economy, and simply shift the allocations to other areas such as law enforcement, prisons, etc. You see, wealth is relative, so there will ALWAYS be poor people, always? Shame on you and your sentiments?

Agree corporations need to pay more tax but government restrictions need to be lifted so they can hire without big sanctions and still generate revenues.

Disagree on the cool part. It is never cool to collect anything you may not really need...or be entitled to.....only the disabled, elderly, should always to be cared for and given assistance.

Able bodied? You can work...there is always a need for workers in all kinds of work. Paint buildings, clean parks and streets, remove trash, help in hospitals and the list can go on. The shame is for anyone who is able bodied to work the system and receive free anything without contributing back in some form of payment.

Ask any middle class person in a high government spend out states how their taxes are? Most are being destroyed by taxes.

Home ownership is only the interest on the mortage is deducated. Truth is its not much of deducation and most homeowners do need a mortgage, they could not afford a house otherwise.

Living in a rented apartment is peanuts compared to home ownership and all the BS you must pay extra that is NOT deducated at all. Living in an apartment lets you off the hook for everything.

The fact that you know so little about mortgages and your own tax and apartment situation only reinforces that you are very ignorant. Speak to an advisor. Your eyes will open and you'll grow up a little.

What does the fact that you misspelled "deducted" multiple times in your post say about you? Who is ignorant now, jerk?

Home ownership is only the interest on the mortage is deducated. Truth is its not much of deducation and most homeowners do need a mortgage, they could not afford a house otherwise.

Living in a rented apartment is peanuts compared to home ownership and all the BS you must pay extra that is NOT deducated at all. Living in an apartment lets you off the hook for everything.

The fact that you know so little about mortgages and your own tax and apartment situation only reinforces that you are very ignorant. Speak to an advisor. Your eyes will open and you'll grow up a little.

You're correct in spite of your repeat typo. Few renters have any sense of how little they really pay in rent in comparison to home ownership. When renters decide to take on the burden and joys of home ownership they're amazed at the costs. Especially more costly expenses attached to single family homes. From the cost of getting a mortgage to making the monthly payments it can be a heavy weight. Then its repairs (a 12K roof), maintenance (a 1.5K hot water heater, plumbers, electricians), property tax (often, many thousands each year), hot water, heat (winter oil bills and maybe a new boiler for 8K), lawn and property upkeep, snow removal ,,,want more, its never ending. For owners of single family homes very little tax relief exists besides the small mortgage interest. For multi-family homes the tax relief is greater. The saying a home is a money pit is spot on. Any slight tax relief is needed. To take it away is a MAJOR mistake, especially now with people losing their homes, and facing oppressive property taxes and increasing (variable) mortgage rates. A renters ignorance can be bliss but its a sign of being out of touch with reality.

Of course it cool to collect, but lets just acknowledge that "Welfare" cost us nothing compared to social security and medicare, and that most people pay in practically nothing compared to what they collect. It is ignorant to blame poor people for our problems when we all know that the biggest drains are from:

- Social Security
- Medicare
- medicaid (mainly from disabled and elderly, nursing homes, etc)
- Defense (if we stopped spending ten years ago, we would still be the most powerful country on earth). For example there are 20 aircraft carriers in the world and the US has 11 of them. China has 2, and russia has one. There is no other country with more than 2.

You could eliminate all cash welfare payments and it wouldnt even put a dent in our financial problems. You would destroy the economy, and simply shift the allocations to other areas such as law enforcement, prisons, etc. You see, wealth is relative, so there will ALWAYS be poor people, always? Shame on you and your sentiments?

Not much per year?
1996 US welfare spend....300 billion
2003 US welfare spend....400 billion
2010 US welfare spend...approx 700 billion

Reform is needed....