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people in late 50's-how going to retire

The problem for people who have been around, the old-timers, is that they were sold "a bill of goods"...stay for the excellent pension plan and outstanding insurance benefits. Well, my retirement plan won't even pay for the outstanding insurance we were to receive.

The problem for people who have been around, the old-timers, is that they were sold "a bill of goods"...stay for the excellent pension plan and outstanding insurance benefits. Well, my retirement plan won't even pay for the outstanding insurance we were to receive.

Yep, maybe I shouldn't have attended and believed those Topper Brick sessions where they promised us all those things to keep us from going to Merck or Pfizer.

The problem for people who have been around, the old-timers, is that they were sold "a bill of goods"...stay for the excellent pension plan and outstanding insurance benefits. Well, my retirement plan won't even pay for the outstanding insurance we were to receive.

No one cares. Go cry about it in your group home.

50s with 20 years pension, 5 years of transition payments into 401k, I'm not complaining. You young bucks never know if you'll make it this far.

I agree with you. As an employee, I can't complain. The OP is disappointed by promises made by people who aren't around anymore. He is in his 50s and retired!! What other job allows for that? The new reality is get your money upfront and pay your own way. No promises made and no disappointments later. Of course, there will be those who will have the expectation of being taken care of later in life even though they bought into this notion. I guess we should be careful what we wish for and what promises we make!!

I agree with you. As an employee, I can't complain. The OP is disappointed by promises made by people who aren't around anymore. He is in his 50s and retired!! What other job allows for that? The new reality is get your money upfront and pay your own way. No promises made and no disappointments later. Of course, there will be those who will have the expectation of being taken care of later in life even though they bought into this notion. I guess we should be careful what we wish for and what promises we make!!

Exactly, if people would take the time to read the fine print, everything, 401k, medical coverage, bonus, etc- is all subject to change or discontinuation at any time by the company. This is a business not a welfare organization. If you want someone to " take care of you ", go elsewhere.

HR rep here. It's you elders who made BMS what it is. An old, disgruntled sales force who are overcompensated and here because there's no where else for you to go. Look around at who got cut last time. People on LOC and higher tenured reps. Over 50 and or plus 15 years puts a target on your head. We can hire 2 new fully qualified, experienced and hungry sales reps in their 30's for the cost of you dragging down BMS. It's in your future. Believe it.

Yeah, and you can hire 10 HR people for the same cost, but why would you want to do that.

Four more years - That's it? How about Obama for ever - for life?

Recommended by Mahamud Ahmedinajad & Hugo Chavez

Did Osama Bin Laden recommend him too you wingnut? Your boy Bush boned us and cost us a trillion and raped the Treasury. So piss off righty! We look forward to kicking whichever boob you throw at us in November's ass!!!

Did Osama Bin Laden recommend him too you wingnut? Your boy Bush boned us and cost us a trillion and raped the Treasury. So piss off righty! We look forward to kicking whichever boob you throw at us in November's ass!!!

The economy - Bush's Fault...........update - economy is getting better - Obama's credit
Stalemate in Congress - Tea party's fault
Need revenue? - Tax anyone who makes more than Obama's voting base.

It's easy being a Liberal - Someone else is always responsible for taking care of you

First off, I feel your pain. I planned on retiring while I could still enjoy it too. Things happen that you don't expect. That's life!! Don't take their healthcare. They're self insured. In fact, you would be rewarding them if you do accept it. Get out there and try to find something else. Not something similar. Something else with health coverage. Screw 'em! Don't burn up your pension on these assholes!!

Retired early from BMS at age 58 and did not want to pay their price for healthcare. Went to www.ehealthinsurance.com and found a plan that was equal to the one that I was offered for 1/2 the price! You do NOT have to take the BMS plan at the high price!

I think the point here is that some of us chose to come to work for BMS back in the day when this sort of thing was common. Now when it's too late for any of us "old timers" to make appropriate changes to do something about it the pension and retirement benefits have been taken away. BMS has failed a basic human decency and that is to deliver on a promise or a commitment.

I think the point here is that some of us chose to come to work for BMS back in the day when this sort of thing was common. Now when it's too late for any of us "old timers" to make appropriate changes to do something about it the pension and retirement benefits have been taken away. BMS has failed a basic human decency and that is to deliver on a promise or a commitment.

Welcome to business in America 2012, every day corps drop their pensions for 401ks. Get over it.

The economy - Bush's Fault...........update - economy is getting better - Obama's credit
Stalemate in Congress - Tea party's fault
Need revenue? - Tax anyone who makes more than Obama's voting base.

It's easy being a Liberal - Someone else is always responsible for taking care of you

Being a rightwing nutty is easier. Bush and his economic failure wasn't his fault--it must have been Clinton's fault. Lied about WMD, gave an unfunded drug benefit, started two wars both of which were not paid for. Cry a little more pussy about how the wealthy who took nearly all of the tax cuts benefits and have made out like bandits might now suffer if their taxes go up. Tell me what their children don't have asswipe. You believe in the trickle-down supply side crap they fed you. And now your pension is gone. Kiss some more ass Wimpy. Maybe they will increase your cell allowance.

Being a rightwing nutty is easier. Bush and his economic failure wasn't his fault--it must have been Clinton's fault. Lied about WMD, gave an unfunded drug benefit, started two wars both of which were not paid for. Cry a little more pussy about how the wealthy who took nearly all of the tax cuts benefits and have made out like bandits might now suffer if their taxes go up. Tell me what their children don't have asswipe. You believe in the trickle-down supply side crap they fed you. And now your pension is gone. Kiss some more ass Wimpy. Maybe they will increase your cell allowance.

Whats going on at the Occupy Plainsboro campsite? Any free sex, drugs or other fun?

Being a rightwing nutty is easier. Bush and his economic failure wasn't his fault--it must have been Clinton's fault. Lied about WMD, gave an unfunded drug benefit, started two wars both of which were not paid for. Cry a little more pussy about how the wealthy who took nearly all of the tax cuts benefits and have made out like bandits might now suffer if their taxes go up. Tell me what their children don't have asswipe. You believe in the trickle-down supply side crap they fed you. And now your pension is gone. Kiss some more ass Wimpy. Maybe they will increase your cell allowance.

Sounds like your relatives didn't get their checks this month

Whats going on at the Occupy Plainsboro campsite? Any free sex, drugs or other fun?

But of course dipshit! Being a Liberal and a Democrat is SO much more fun than being a CONservative republican. Your parties suck, you are boring people, you distrust others so you have difficulty making lifelong friends, and the sex at your house is rare and unexciting. I know this because your wifey comes to me for her unmet physical needs. We meet over lunch while you are delivering pizza and begging for a sig. I pity you for wasting your life constantly scanning other's lives to see if they got something that you didn't get.