PC President's Club Trip


They aren't even pretending anymore, just lay us off already. It's crazy no destination was ever announced and the year is basically over. With 2015 about to start, motivation does not exist.

Oncology has announced its trip…Belize…at a first class resort. The trip for PC is an all expense paid trip to the unemployment line…and all the cheese you can eat. Government cheese that is.

Oncology has announced its trip…Belize…at a first class resort. The trip for PC is an all expense paid trip to the unemployment line…and all the cheese you can eat. Government cheese that is.

Cancer patients who can't afford your meds are dying everyday and you are jetting off to Belize? This industry is disgusting.

Cancer patients who can't afford your meds are dying everyday and you are jetting off to Belize? This industry is disgusting.

I was thinking the trip to Belize was a joke. Besides, it's full of sand fleas. In regards to the cancer drug comment. Do you REALLY think a company would manufacture a cancer drug with proven efficacy and "x year survival rates" then make it so expensive that the very patients it treats could not afford it, thus die? EVERY company has patient assistance programs which gives away millions each year in FREE drug, foundations which help patients in need secure their drugs and drugs are usually covered by all insurance plans to include Medicare. There really is NO reason anyone should not be able to afford their medication. Besides, doesn't Obama Care cover all this anyway? Oh!! I forgot to mention the MILLIONS of dollars in SAMPLES drug companies give out to physician offices every day to give to their patients. (Not so much in Oncolgy). Drug companies seem to always get a bad rap. Some of it is deserved, but not all of it is bad..... I'm not trying to bash your comment, I'm just trying to give you a different level view.

I'll take the points - much rather have a couple G of spending capability than to walk around some expensive resort pretending I did something special with a whole bunch of other stellar sales people wannabes...

Better late than never...Now go out there and control the controllables, develop great business plans and be the best resource you can be for your customers! (For the next 3-6 months)