President's Club trip

yeah, these trips are great. i have been to 2 of them. you are forced to hang out with people you would never want to hang out with all week. forced events and company dinners. you can never really totally enjoy it. the 1st one in Cabo really was almost a punishment.
Then at the end of the year they will add 9,000 .00 to your overall compensation for the ttrip.awesome.

Take the Bravo Points if possible! The President's Club trip is just another meeting. Why would you want to take a trip with people from work? Give me a break. Unless you are a Kool aid driking suck ass like many here. I've won it twice in 11 years. I'd much rather spend the money on my self. And yes, you do get taxed for the trip on your W2. It was almost 10K. This company is un-fucking-believable.

I have won Presidents club 6 times. At one time you could receive financial compensation for the trip, now only points. Having said that, the above posters are correct. It is exactly like a national sales meeting. I will definately take the bravo points! I would rather cash them in for a flight that my husband and I can take without having to hang with ass kissing reps who truly do believe this is an honor. Please!