Pathway Genomics

you mean to tell me this sad sack company is still around? you are like those turds that cannot be flushed down still circling the toilet. Flush the toilet on this turd company once and for all so those of us that were bamboozled to come on board with this crap company just to be dismissed 6 weeks later and have some closure.
you disrupted our lives, our homes and that of our families, Tidy Bowl where are you clean these turds up.
I'd continue to bill the shit out of this company. Hire a collections company to bug them. Some will pay a small % of the bill and try to collect for the full invoice.

That is a good idea. I keep sending bills but they do not care.... they do not even answer emails, calls....nothing. when you call them they let the phone ring like it's someone's house. When you email them, you get zero. I received a call the other day from this guy Nilesh Dharajiya (CLO and Medical Director) from pathway who called to apologize to me, but then I asked him to look into this matter and it was a ghost town after that. When I did that huge expansion back in 2013, I had them pay me in advance for the work, so they were up to date going into this nightmare in 2017 that they asked me to complete. Funny how they want you to work day and night to complete a project that took 2 months of my time, avoiding my kids and sports obligations to make sure I take care of a company only to have that company not care if I pay a bill, live or die. It really is the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Now they are on Twitter constantly promoting themselves overseas and in other markets. They have a lot of individual people posting about them... it's strange.
Where did the Pathway Genomics employee that said to "give it a rest"?
This company is the biggest pile of crap.
May 2014 I was part of a wave of hiring, about 40 new reps within 6 weeks they had let everyone go.

No reason given to any of us and apparently no reason needed. Luckily some of us were able to go back to our last jobs., but this stink bomb of a company hurt many peoples, then was fined for inducing payments to physicians for filling out paperwork.
I was also part of that hire and out of a job in 6 weeks. Do you remember that tour of the lab? It had a fancy training room, a few IT people downstairs that looked liked they hadn't seen people in months and nothing else. It was creepy.
Based on Pathway Genomics reputation and their last 5 years of paying fines and lawsuits.

I would say they only exist on paper and via virtually to get investments. It is a number 1 scam of a company that was fined $4 million for inducement payments to physicians for filing out required lab slips.
Yes these people are an absolute disgrace. They hired a guy named Jeff or Jeffrey Chinn who stiffed all of the vendors so that he can look good to his russian boss. He wanted to save him money so he could keep his job I think. So he screwed over vendors owed tens of thousands of dollars just so he could keep his job and then he got canned. Now he is working for a big company and they have no idea of his reputation. I hope the vendors that got stiffed inform the company he is at now. People like this are flat out evil.