Path-Inc Purchase?

Pathinc has a all Hands Townhall meeting scheduled for 4/23/2014 @0900. Only because Lab Corp has a broadcasted shareholders meeting scheduled for 04/25/2014. We all know what's coming down, they have sent account managers out to mark down the tag numbers on all of the IOP printers and equipment. MS CEO has announced that she will be on the central coast on May 12th to speak with employees, she NEVER tells us when she is going to be in the area. HR sent out a employee survey to see what is the best way to COMMUNICATE with them employees, keeps going over and over on what is the best way to give news to the employees.............OH PLEASE !! just freaking say WE HAVE BEEN SOLD

Well don't keep us in suspense. What happened at the meeting?

We were told that Pathinc had a 7 percent growth...........but when asked if we were being sold, no direct answers were given. LabCorp has moved their sharholders meeting to Monday the 28th.

Word of advice to the Path Inc employee- watch it. They pay your check.
This entire thread is a bunch of LabCorp. employees and other competitors throwing dirt in order to "TRY" and gain business.

Word of advice to the Path Inc employee- watch it. They pay your check.
This entire thread is a bunch of LabCorp. employees and other competitors throwing dirt in order to "TRY" and gain business.

Who are you, management trying to do what you do best. bully and intimidate? That might be your dirt bag reason for visiting this site, but most of us want to be informed and could give less than a damn about your motives. We do NOT want a pack of lies, so we share information here. Remember that this is a FREE country and everyone is anonymous just because of creeps like you.

The West Coast upper management sucks! Don't know schit about the marketplace and have zero respect by lower management, reps, lab folks, logistics, managed care, phlebotomy...NC needs to get a clue before we sink into the bowels of Obamacare's anus.

Get over it! We're stuck with these morons. This purchase is the only thing MM has done besides bossing around her little pons. Corporate has no idea that this purchase is a complete waste of money and ROI. These folks try to protect each other and offer nothing to better anyone.

Get over it! We're stuck with these morons. This purchase is the only thing MM has done besides bossing around her little pons. Corporate has no idea that this purchase is a complete waste of money and ROI. These folks try to protect each other and offer nothing to better anyone.

So what else is new and why do you care? Are you actually taking this personally? Are you going to suffer some catastrophic financial loss because of any deal made by LCA? You make me laugh.

Oh PLEASE........there wont be any changes until the new fiscal year in July.........right now all Pathinc is trying to do is put lipstick on the PIG and make the lab look pretty for LabCorp Pathinc is a ROCHE Laboratory of Excellence, ribbon cutting last thursday, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..........

Oh PLEASE........there wont be any changes until the new fiscal year in July.........right now all Pathinc is trying to do is put lipstick on the PIG and make the lab look pretty for LabCorp Pathinc is a ROCHE Laboratory of Excellence, ribbon cutting last thursday, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..........

And why would LCA care about that if all they are going to do is swallow it up, take what they want and discard the rest?

Oh PLEASE........there wont be any changes until the new fiscal year in July.........right now all Pathinc is trying to do is put lipstick on the PIG and make the lab look pretty for LabCorp Pathinc is a ROCHE Laboratory of Excellence, ribbon cutting last thursday, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..........

You sound like a Quest butt-head. Go back to your own board.

I heard the deal was off.

Molecular testing is about to rule the day. Don't waste time explaining the shortcomings of the automated methodologies because no one of any consequence cares. The trend is to automate whenever possible and eliminate labor where ever possible. There are few fields immune from this inevitability. I suggest cytotechnologists wise up and prepare to make the change.

Cytotech's, the writing is on the wall. Re-train, like yesterday. Most of the cytology schools have closed and there is not much reason for the rest to keeps their doors open. The field is on life support. It is time to move on.