You are a complete fool if you don't think our sales force will be cut! Bank on it!
AMW, you need to let go.....
Hey's not AMW
Yeah, you wish. Pilo's destruction commercial accounts (United, CVS, Wellpoint) AND his running off govt MC talent is the BIGGEST reason you are losing ground, market share has dropped - he is singularly responsible for this huge loss of business. The buffoon still thinks he's all that.
And PS. the former govt MC managers had valuable skills in dealing with P&Ts and working relationships with key people. The only people left are former CLs who have no business managing payer accounts. Sad.
FDA approves two higher dosage strengths of Orexo's ZUBSOLV
The new dosage strengths are 8.6 mg/2.1 mg and 11.4 mg/2.9 mg buprenorphine/naloxone CIII sublingual tablets. The 8.6 mg/2.1 mg dosage strength is expected to be launched early 2015 and the 11.4 mg/2.9 mg strength later in 2015.
The new dosage strengths complement the existing strengths of 5.7 mg/1.4 mg and 1.4 mg/0.36 mg tablets and enable patients to receive their optimal dose in one tablet.
The new strengths are made with the advanced, proprietary sublingual tablet formulation in ZUBSOLV providing higher bioavailability, a fast dissolve time, small tablet size, and menthol flavor
The Party is not necessarily over, the market and competitive landscape however have changed. Its about time the whining counselors and wanna be sales people go and get a job where they don't have to ask for or earn the business. For years the Cl's showed up in offices and basically did nothing. So now we have a managed care team that basically does nothing except loose business and a CL team that does not know how to keep it. Pathetic.
Agree 100 pcnt .. Time to sell is now...
Happy New Year!
You can start payin to get your resume fluffed, cuz some of you are going to be needin it and you can BANK on that one.
So now we have a managed care team that basically does nothing except loose business and a CL team that does not know how to keep it. Pathetic.
2 things.
-It's "lose". Not "loose". How can you not know the difference?
-When you get a Managed Care win or equal footing, do you give them credit?
I think a lot of people gave credit to the mc team.....but we were the only one on the market. So one could look at the present time and say the mc team is Junior Varsity because they just seem not to compete with the other brands to mc companies. I mean we have 2 other brands and somehow we fall short. So yes when we were competing against OURSELVES the mc team was great but when we hit the actual game you kind of SUCK.