Part-Time postings?? Nationwide!

Same thing here, got the email with app, etc but no call. Was told I would hear from the hiring manager by middle of the week. I did get an email from the company verifying background asking for more info about a previous job.

I got email with app call after recruiter said I'd be contacted...
Then nada...anyone else over 50 have this happen?

I wouldn't try to worry....they are overwhelmed with the tight deadline. You most likely will be in 2nd wave. They really are only interviewing 1-2 ppl from each territory. Although I am really excited about this job it is more than likely a 1year contract.

I agree with the last post. They are really scrambling to get everything together. I received a verbal offer and just got the drug screen info today. Hope to begin Nov 10. Not sure what the turn around time for everything is. Have not received the official letter. Anyone else in the same spot?

where is training? Don't people need to give their families some notice? I need more than a few days notice. Most part timers are part timers because they have families I would think.

Waiting for training material too. Hiring mgr. didn't know how many exams etc there are.
Didn't know exactly how many days of training. I know this is happening fast, but we do need to prepare.