
Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river

Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river

Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river
Thanks Michael Kinkus

Conjure this asshole,

A great “modern antibiotic” that essentially no hospitals have added to formulary.
A great “modern antibiotic” that very few hospitals have purchased or stock.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has shitty insurance coverage.
A great “modern antibiotic” that is difficult to get in patients hands.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has very few docs writing.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has many docs who wrote one Rx, but then never wrote another Rx.
A great “modern antibiotic” that key opinion leaders in infectious disease see no place for it and don’t use it.
A great modern antibiotic that meets no pressing need today and that several other cheaper, easier to access options can cover.
A great “modern antibiotic” that is the most expensive out of other “modern” options.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has low sales during a global pandemic.

After a year, the market has spoken.

The real losers and petty minds are running this company. They will continue to burn through investor’s money and BARDA funding for a few more years and continue to lose 30 million a quarter. They will collect their paychecks while placing blame on the salesforce rather than their horrible marketing.


An old timer who sees what a failure this company really is.

Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river

Conjure this asshole,

A great “modern antibiotic” that essentially no hospitals have added to formulary.
A great “modern antibiotic” that very few hospitals have purchased or stock.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has shitty insurance coverage.
A great “modern antibiotic” that is difficult to get in patients hands.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has very few docs writing.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has many docs who wrote one Rx, but then never wrote another Rx.
A great “modern antibiotic” that key opinion leaders in infectious disease see no place for it and don’t use it.
A great modern antibiotic that meets no pressing need today and that several other cheaper, easier to access options can cover.
A great “modern antibiotic” that is the most expensive out of other “modern” options.
A great “modern antibiotic” that has low sales during a global pandemic.

After a year, the market has spoken.

The real losers and petty minds are running this company. They will continue to burn through investor’s money and BARDA funding for a few more years and continue to lose 30 million a quarter. They will collect their paychecks while placing blame on the salesforce rather than their horrible marketing.


An old timer who sees what a failure this company really is.
Best post on Cafepharma in a long time!!!!!

Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river

Maybe management (including CEO) will stop their crusade to sell it off label. What do you think?

Lol this board is such a stinking dumpster... only losers and petty minds venting their frustration ever post here...
Hey old-timers you are selling one of the very few remaining modern antibiotics, may be you can conjure some pride out of that?
If not, well, don't worry, the drug will basically sell itself once the word about NTM spreads enough. You won't have much to do to earn your lousy salary *rolling my eyes*
In other news, 20 millions guys just lost their f*cking job so cry me a river

...said the skinny female manager from the South

But why?????? We have all these great marketing pieces;)

Pieces but no PRESENCE, anywhere, what is Marketing doing?, who are they partnering with, what initiatives are they taking, which societies are they supporting, NOTHING from inside except calling MDs reps have said they called on and asking what they remember!!! More babysitting the rep than marketing to the customer, again, micromanaged from the top down, that's what corporate is doing.