
The low sales and high number of formulary rejections speak for themselves.

The few formulary wins in my territory haven’t generated squat as the protocols are so restrictive that the vials just sit. The 10 vials I placed last summer at one of my teaching institutions cant be used until after multiple generics are used in combination, which work for CABP.

Community launch will be interesting if and when it happens.

And now they just had another hiring event last week to reel in new victims. Yikes!!

The hiring events are constantly needed to replace the ISSs who are leaving. Since I started in Dec 2018, a good number of that hire group have left for BMS, Novartis, Abbott, JNJ, etc.

The ONLY reason people stay with Paratek is to hang on until a full time position opens with a major Pharma company. I’m in that category, but hope to be out of here by the end of Feb.

Finally have their own page and no one is left to complain?? They have driven so many away that it’s not worth piling on the dead corpse. Zero reason to join them and more than a hundred reasons to run far far far away from this dumpster fire

Finally have their own page and no one is left to complain?? They have driven so many away that it’s not worth piling on the dead corpse. Zero reason to join them and more than a hundred reasons to run far far far away from this dumpster fire
April 1, 2020 is the defining date for survival according to the female manager out of Florida.
She said the board wants to shut the sales force down!

The good news is that there are quite a few companies hiring including BMS, Abbott, Sanofi, and smaller biotechs. Trust me, you will appreciate a big or small company full time gig immensely after working for Amplity/Paratek!

The best thing about Paratek is that it gave me the opportunity to work for by far—the worst leadership, micromanagement, lack of resources in my 25 year career in biotech/pharma.

George K at Amplity and the clown show Iet me know what bad truly looks like.

Now that I’m back in a permanent position with a diabetes industry leader—I will never complain again for the rest of my career as Paratek helped me realize that the small gripes I had in big Pharma were very small indeed.

Hope everyone can get out and land on their feet elsewhere!
Paratek = Greed

Christine Adam and Evan. It’s a pandemic. I guess that you have NO plan for the commercial team but don’t let yourself be blinded by sales at any cost. You have opened the company up to significant liability because of your selfishness AND lack of leadership. If one employee gets sick or tests positive. That’s on you Coyne. You’re a mid level marketing hack at best. Don’t risk jail because of your incompetence. Adam. Don’t kid yourself. You’re a JOKE. You have a title and your English. Congrats. That means you’re a foreign screwup who’s out kicked his coverage while your PA Wannabe lackey does your inept bidding. Whatever you think you did with Wyeth mean Dick now. This ain’t tygacil. Enjoy the civil lawsuits and the criminal trial.

Christine Adam and Evan. It’s a pandemic. I guess that you have NO plan for the commercial team but don’t let yourself be blinded by sales at any cost. You have opened the company up to significant liability because of your selfishness AND lack of leadership. If one employee gets sick or tests positive. That’s on you Coyne. You’re a mid level marketing hack at best. Don’t risk jail because of your incompetence. Adam. Don’t kid yourself. You’re a JOKE. You have a title and your English. Congrats. That means you’re a foreign screwup who’s out kicked his coverage while your PA Wannabe lackey does your inept bidding. Whatever you think you did with Wyeth mean Dick now. This ain’t tygacil. Enjoy the civil lawsuits and the criminal trial.

Christine Adam and Evan. It’s a pandemic. I guess that you have NO plan for the commercial team but don’t let yourself be blinded by sales at any cost. You have opened the company up to significant liability because of your selfishness AND lack of leadership. If one employee gets sick or tests positive. That’s on you Coyne. You’re a mid level marketing hack at best. Don’t risk jail because of your incompetence. Adam. Don’t kid yourself. You’re a JOKE. You have a title and your English. Congrats. That means you’re a foreign screwup who’s out kicked his coverage while your PA Wannabe lackey does your inept bidding. Whatever you think you did with Wyeth mean Dick now. This ain’t tygacil. Enjoy the civil lawsuits and the criminal trial.
Can an office sue Amplity/Paratek if we spread corona to them or a patient? That will really cause us to go belly up.