
Maybe you’re just a kool aid drinking,douche manager that’s
programmed to think that sales goals are fair when they are not! Managed care for the product sucks!

OR maybe you are a lazy ass complainer, likes to start drama, and thinks everybody should get a participation trophy just for existing....And managed care for ANY branded drug is typically sucky in the beginning...It takes go back to being a lame primary care rep with a big pharma company and stfu...We don't want people like you on our team anyway...

Maybe you’re just a kool aid drinking,douche manager that’s
programmed to think that sales goals are fair when they are not! Managed care for the product sucks!

Or you're just a sucky rep that complains a lot because life doesn't always give you lemons....This isn't primary care hun, you actually have to sell and get your ass up out of bed before 10AM and actually work. Managed care coverage is always shitty for any branded drug in the beginning...Especially antibiotics....apparently, you've never sold antibiotics and it shows with your whining....Stick to dropping off samples and cupcakes at the office with big pharma....It's more to your liking and leave actual selling to the "big boys"....

Or you're just a sucky rep that complains a lot because life doesn't always give you lemons....This isn't primary care hun, you actually have to sell and get your ass up out of bed before 10AM and actually work. Managed care coverage is always shitty for any branded drug in the beginning...Especially antibiotics....apparently, you've never sold antibiotics and it shows with your whining....Stick to dropping off samples and cupcakes at the office with big pharma....It's more to your liking and leave actual selling to the "big boys"....
In the beginning?
This drug was launched 5+ years ago.
Barta money is gone which is why the company was taken private for $2 a share.
No more big bonuses to senior management due to government handouts!

In the beginning?
This drug was launched 5+ years ago.
Barta money is gone which is why the company was taken private for $2 a share.
No more big bonuses to senior management due to government handouts!

5 years, clown, is still in it's infancy stage by any measure....Where are you from, like panty-wipe Merck or some big pharma douchey company? You're clueless, must be fresh out of college and wet behind the ears...Stick to pod selling, it's about all you're good at....Oh, and by the way, going private actually gave us more money for MORE expansion which is why they are hiring another 90 people for the field and a patent that doesnt expire until 2030....BOOM !

In the beginning?
This drug was launched 5+ years ago.
Barta money is gone which is why the company was taken private for $2 a share.
No more big bonuses to senior management due to government handouts!

5 years is still considered in it's infancy stage, Dummy and more and more commercial payors are covering the drug with 0 out of pocket....NEXT ? What planet are you from? Are you another disgruntled rep that didn't make the cut ? Poor performer so you come on cafe pharma to bitch about how awful Paratek is? I see... Are you happy really anywhere ? You sound like a toxic drama queen that bitches about everything when things don't go your way....Good luck with that...Maybe big pharma pod selling is more your cup of tea...Oh, and that private purchase enabled us to hire over 90 reps and pay their salaries and commissions which sounds more smart than staying fucking public....BOOOM !!!

I've worked for many public funded companies and gone through numerous scares and layoffs so please enlighten us how secure being public versus being privately owned....Enlighten us with your brilliance....

5 years is still considered in it's infancy stage, Dummy and more and more commercial payors are covering the drug with 0 out of pocket....NEXT ? What planet are you from? Are you another disgruntled rep that didn't make the cut ? Poor performer so you come on cafe pharma to bitch about how awful Paratek is? I see... Are you happy really anywhere ? You sound like a toxic drama queen that bitches about everything when things don't go your way....Good luck with that...Maybe big pharma pod selling is more your cup of tea...Oh, and that private purchase enabled us to hire over 90 reps and pay their salaries and commissions which sounds more smart than staying fucking public....BOOOM !!!

I've worked for many public funded companies and gone through numerous scares and layoffs so please enlighten us how secure being public versus being privately owned....Enlighten us with your brilliance....
$2 and change when purchased by private equity firm.
How did the equity stake work out?

What about the tracking app?

You mean the Motus app? And ? you like lying on your mileage ? I look at it as a way to automatically keep track of how many miles I put on my car....You think it's a conspiracy theory...If you're out working, nobody gives a shit. Apparently you've been cold busted staying home and not getting out on territory till 1PM and closing up shop at 3....Those are the only people that complain about it...

You mean the Motus app? And ? you like lying on your mileage ? I look at it as a way to automatically keep track of how many miles I put on my car....You think it's a conspiracy theory...If you're out working, nobody gives a shit. Apparently you've been cold busted staying home and not getting out on territory till 1PM and closing up shop at 3....Those are the only people that complain about it...
Sounds like a manager. Gal out of Texas was a great rep and she got busted by this app.
Manager didn’t care but someone from corporate monitor’s the apps data.
Quit lying!

Sounds like a manager. Gal out of Texas was a great rep and she got busted by this app.
Manager didn’t care but someone from corporate monitor’s the apps data.
Quit lying!

So, you think Paratek is the only company that uses Motus ? YOU said she was a great rep, how does anybody beleive that? Because you say so? lol....Like I said, if you're working like you should, then there shouldn't be any problems....I cant tell you how many stories I was told about my friggin Ipad and how the company I was working for at the time was keeping tabs on all of my stops and people were getting fired because their first signature wasn't until 10:30 AM....It's bullshit...Fear mongering...

So, you think Paratek is the only company that uses Motus ? YOU said she was a great rep, how does anybody beleive that? Because you say so? lol....Like I said, if you're working like you should, then there shouldn't be any problems....I cant tell you how many stories I was told about my friggin Ipad and how the company I was working for at the time was keeping tabs on all of my stops and people were getting fired because their first signature wasn't until 10:30 AM....It's bullshit...Fear mongering...
Wow. U have way to much time on ur hands!