PAML to LabCrap

I assume that person the above poster speaks of is MM. Correct?

If this sale goes off, the only bright spot in that day will be knowing that FV, SW, and the rest of the SMT will be removed. What a sight that will be.

I used to think that FV and SW were the only idiots, but the more I watch others in the SMT group I have less and less faith in humanity. KT is a joke now, she used to stand for so much, you could tell her something and she would act on it, try telling her why you are truly leaving PAML "SW is a horrible human, and very well may be the devil, despite his self professed faith" and she will agree with you and then never act on the dozens and dozens of complaints.

SW has only made a few good hires on his watch, and despite the many people he has brought in, eventually they all leave. But to KT that must be the employee, not the psychopath running IT.

Hey, KT - - want some street credit back before you loose you job? Do PAML and its people a big favor and act on those dozens of employee complaints about SW, go ahead--we'll wait-----

That "bright spot" is shadowed when you realize this take down is the sole purpose and ultimate goal of FV, SW, etc. This is what they are being paid to do, and not by PAML, Providence or CHI. They accepted the job knowing this is a temporary gig for all of them. A sell, or simply going under , would be a win for them.

Allow me to fill in a few more pieces to the puzzle. FV was hired on at 3 times the salary of TT. (With a little digging, its not difficult to confirm this information for yourself.) He came in, bought the HQ, spent a fortune turning it in to his fortress/palace, rebranded (an expensive undertaking in and of itself), blew up the expense account on ridiculous expenditures (First class everywhere, limo's, his personal chauffer, etc.), wasted money on things like AION, XIFIN (though XIFIN's success would have aided in this agenda). The likes of which PAML never saw under past leadership. All this and more at the very same time that he put a freeze on pay increases for everyone else (2 years. Many went longer.), voluntary severances, not so voluntary "severances", cuts in resources.

This all makes good, solid business sense, for the competition. Weasel your agent in, who then gets rid of anyone who might cause problems for their agenda, replace key players with you're own pawns, track down a slighted past employee or two with intimate inside knowledge of vulnerabilities and an axe to grind, jack up the companies debt to the point that their owners/affiliates are hurting, cut staff & resources needed for success to bring in revenue. They have successfully brought the company to its knees. And think of this, FV is being paid BIG MONEY to do this on top of his income at PAML. (More research and you'll see the house he lives in. Try imagining TT living in million dollar home.)

The final straw for many, not just in IT, has been the treatment of the employees. It doesn't cost a dime to treat employees with respect. Yet time and time again, they put up with A-hole treatment of good employees. But why not! Every good, loyal employee that leaves is another notch on their belt. (Anyone else notice they are most often replaced with temps?) Again I wonder how anyone can not see what's happening.

Hey its October 1. The rumor was that if this sell was going to happen, it needed to be announced publicly by October. Everyone's still so tight lipped. Are they going to rip this band-aid off or not?

At one point Providence was balking. As was Paclab. Things didn't go well in Colorado a few weeks ago. Something about the deal chapped their hides. Are they back to the drawing board from that? Did it completely fall through? The problem is that PAML is so buried right now, it would take a miracle (beginning with a complete cleansing of the execs) to pull out of the nose dive.

Regarding KT, she's in a tough spot. and she's not alone. Director level was let in on this intel months ago but everyone is under some serious threats if they don't play along or if they discuss it at all. What do ya do when you have families to feed and bills to pay? Some have the fortitude to bail. But others either cant financially, are biding their time to retirement anyway or are holding on to a thread of hope that if they play the game, they'll see that miracle and be able to help get things back on track. Which would be a tall order with the broken trust.

Re: PAML to LabCorp

So what is the latest? Many new items have come to light.

No new insight, but a new question in this LabCorp purchase scenario: PAML has an equity stake in Cellnetix. LabCorp competes for AP work against Cellnetix. Wonder if LabCorp would hold that stake, sell it, or even consider buying Cellnetix?

You mean PHS won't be punked by an LCA that only wants the books of a thriving lab. Move the F along LCA. Target some other lab with less sense. No one in WA wana LCA. Why you think we do so well. There is money to be made by those that hate LABCRAP!!

It wasn't even LCA directly anyway. It was a smaller affiliate of theirs (in support of LCA and their goals.) and PAML has been set up for it for over 5 years. Would they be able to pull themselves out of this, should it really fall through? It would be tough to regain footing but maybe eventually. Or it could be that they wouldn't have a choice but to start soliciting other buyers. Only speculation, of course. Time will tell.

It would have been icing on the cake had it worked out for the competition to acquire PAML. After all, nobody can dispute that they had great potential. But open your eyes, they still succeeded in knocking some viable LCA competition off its rising star pedestal. You have to see that PAML/PACLAB are no longer the competition to the local industry that they once were. And THAT was the ultimate goal. FV succeeded in throwing away a hefty amount of their money putting them in some serious financial straights, eliminated resources needed for success, got rid of their most experienced and loyal employees, broke trust with their employees, ruined their reputation with their clients and patients (lots of complaints about the decline in service), etc. And they are certainly not in any financial position to recoup those valuable losses any time soon.

Either way, I would expect FV and crew to be moving on soon. Their job here is about done. PHS would be wise to see to it that they do. The sooner the better so they can get to work trying to salvage their sunken ship.

Recently witnessed TT, NM and BR at the G2 conference. All in prominent leadership positions at PAML in year's past. TT still going strong with innovative ideas, NM doing what he does best at Sonic and BR helping take TriCore to a new level.
FV completely ignored these three at the fact, FV was conspicuously absent from all group gatherings. This guy is the consummate spin master but only to those naive enough to bite off on his fabricated lies. FV actually made a comment regarding Cinch which is nothing but a smoke and mirror play on his behalf. It's just ridiculous to see this man strut around in his $5000 suit, polished shoes, manicured (and pedicure I'm sure) just thinking he is something he's not, never has been and never will be.
PLEASE someone in Spokane figure this out and fire him ASAP!

The bigger problem here is SW. We have 10+ people here in IT that are just waiting to leave when they can. SW was and is the biggest mistake. He is wholly incompetent and manipulative.

The problem is that SW was not a mistake. He was a strategic hire who is succeeding in exactly what he was hired to do. SET UP FOR FAILURE!! IT isn't alone by a long shot. Its the same throughout the company. Phlebs, couriers, billing (have you seen the mass exodus of billing?! dropping like flies.) Your 10+ in IT are only the tip of the iceberg he's run the company in to.

FV can clothe himself in all the Brooks Brothers he wants. But no amount of money will by respect, trust and integrity. These are the riches TT has built up over the years and his continued success were founded on. These are things that attracted Providence to begin with so I hope they'll bring it back.

The problem is that SW was not a mistake. He was a strategic hire who is succeeding in exactly what he was hired to do. SET UP FOR FAILURE!! IT isn't alone by a long shot. Its the same throughout the company. Phlebs, couriers, billing (have you seen the mass exodus of billing?! dropping like flies.) Your 10+ in IT are only the tip of the iceberg he's run the company in to.

FV can clothe himself in all the Brooks Brothers he wants. But no amount of money will by respect, trust and integrity. These are the riches TT has built up over the years and his continued success were founded on. These are things that attracted Providence to begin with so I hope they'll bring it back.

Brooks Brothers...???!!! Are you kidding. The cost of one of his limo rides from home to the airport would purchase 2 Brooks Brothers suits! This guy only shops in the high end shops. I'm sure given his stature (5'6" and 200 lbs is my guess) the little runt has his suits custom made with some high end designer label. The short squat, bald headed little guy needs the false affirmation spending big bucks on clothes and pretending to be "all-knowing" provides. Look up the word arrogance and it describes him perfectly.