PAML to LabCrap

The tech department employees are leaving in droves. Nobody wants to be around this possibly sinking ship. It hurts to think what PAML was like years back and then see it now.
Interesting, if you were in the meeting you would know. I guess you are not with PAML and just an outsider wanting more information... Good luck.... Perhaps you will have to try another source...
Those of us at SHMC lab have a big stake in what happens across the street and wonder what is being told to PAML employees, because our "leaders" are telling us next to nothing other than the usual "We don't know anything, continue business as usual for now..." etc. etc.
Interesting, if you were in the meeting you would know. I guess you are not with PAML and just an outsider wanting more information... Good luck.... Perhaps you will have to try another source...

A lot of people are trying to get information on this sale because it affects the entire Spokane economy and health care system. That kind of attitude of "get your info elsewhere" is really disheartening. In the meeting they said the sale went through but a lot of things still need to be sorted out. Probably won't see any changes until 2018...but take that with a grain of salt. People are bailing left and righ
There is an article in the May 2017 Laboratory Economics which said:
'LabCorp expects to take full ownership of PACLAB, CLS and KLS by early 2018. Until these
transactions are complete, LabCorp says there will be no significant changes to PAML’s main lab,
PSCs or operations. Ultimately, the majority of test volumes at PAML’s main lab in Spokane are
expected to be redirected to LabCorp’s regional laboratory in downtown Seattle near Swedish
Medical Center.'