• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

Pain Management Contract

Guess I am rusty at this game. My video IV was horrible; found it to be quite intimidating and not like everyday communication with another human which is very natural to me. Not this way of interviewing. Miss the good old days of actually sitting down with someone and interacting like adults. I am certain I will not get 'the call'.

Not as easy as it sounded. I looked like a total goofball.
Do the hiring managers just sit around with a few beers and watch these videos for entertainment? I probably would.

You sound stupid.... and not too bright... bet you are a product of fetal alcohol syndrome...and inbreeding......you likely have webbed feet.
No....not stupid just realistic....20 years of pain experience....this sell is a nursing sell MDs have better things to do than treat constipation due to opioids.....new product available in C2 arena reduces pain and constipation %.... a little naloxone backs off the constipation. OTC my friend!!

No....not stupid just realistic....20 years of pain experience....this sell is a nursing sell MDs have better things to do than treat constipation due to opioids.....new product available in C2 arena reduces pain and constipation %.... a little naloxone backs off the constipation. OTC my friend!!

Wow.....your life really sucks......20 years experience.....now you are groveling for a CSO shit temp job......great career planning.....look on the bright side gray balls.....at least you'll be dead soon!!!!

Exactly. No rep with pain management experience is going to make a move to this job for less than 80.

Wrong. You need to get over yourself. The industry is and has been going through a major downsizing for several years now. You did not know that? LOL That includes major salary reductions since there are tens of thousands of unemployed and begging for just an interview. We get well over 75 qualified candidates for every opening in all therapeutic areas with tremendous experince. So you keep waiting for that big pay check. Those days are long gone but at least you an dream! LOL

Exactly. No rep with pain management experience is going to make a move to this job for less than 80.

Wrong. You need to get over yourself. The industry is and has been going through a major downsizing for several years now. You did not know that? LOL That includes major salary reductions since there are tens of thousands of unemployed and begging for just an interview. We get well over 75 qualified candidates for every opening in all therapeutic areas with tremendous experience. So you keep waiting for that big pay check. Those days are long gone but at least you can dream! LOL

-Your PSS Recruiter

Wrong. You need to get over yourself. The industry is and has been going through a major downsizing for several years now. You did not know that? LOL That includes major salary reductions since there are tens of thousands of unemployed and begging for just an interview. We get well over 75 qualified candidates for every opening in all therapeutic areas with tremendous experience. So you keep waiting for that big pay check. Those days are long gone but at least you can dream! LOL

-Your PSS Recruiter

80K is not big pay for a well experienced rep.

If someone is making 100-125K an 70-80K check is a major financial loss and often not sustainable in some areas.

80K is not big pay for a well experienced rep.

If someone is making 100-125K an 70-80K check is a major financial loss and often not sustainable in some areas.

Then get in another industry. The days of bloated big pharma salaries are over in case you have not been paying attention. Believe it or not the industry is not required to continue to support you in the lifestyle you previously lived. Yes $80K is now a big pay day for any experienced rep.. Welcome to your new reality.

-Your PSS Recruiter

I think that the purpose of the video interview is only to determine the candidate's age. Older reps will not be getting the call!

Don't be silly it has nothing to do with age but how you are professional or not. Incidently, I was in management and video interviewing I done to save time on flying EVERYONE in like they use to. They generally interview 6-8 people and fly in 2-3 finalists for the face to face.

Then get in another industry. The days of bloated big pharma salaries are over in case you have not been paying attention. Believe it or not the industry is not required to continue to support you in the lifestyle you previously lived. Yes $80K is now a big pay day for any experienced rep.. Welcome to your new reality.

-Your PSS Recruiter

Who gets 80?

Not me and I have big big experience and mega ed....

......boiling over with a crap 65.

Late on my bills and need to dig ditches on the side!

AZ and what else can be expected.

You whiny doofus losers are the very same ones that regularly call me begging for an interview anywhere. LOL. If you dimwits had half a brain you would understand that the industry has changed dramatically the last 10 years. The pharma rep position is rapidly dying and companies are laying off every day. You were vastly over paid for decades for doing a silly, unskilled job and you know it. There are tens of thousands of unemployed reps looking to get any crumb they can get to get back in the industry that is why you call us crying and begging,. If you had any real skills or abilities you would be do something else but you don't. So shut your mouths and take what we give you.

-Your PSS Recruiter

Why would anyone with a hummer resume work for pennies and greater work demands than a direct job that with almost twice the pay, sweet bennies, car, vacation and the rest?

There are still plenty of those real jobs with real paychecks all around......may take time to hook a good one, but they exist. This is why cso will always be a revolving door.

If you are a rep in a cso you:

1. Have a good second income from the spouse.
2. Are able to live on low, low, low paycheck.
3. Are a kid living in moms and pops basement
4. Are retired and have a second paycheck from social security or a pension
5. And for most, are here until the real thing comes along.

Will these jobs have the customer service bubs knocking on the same doors?
If they're in the mix we can once again expect reps to be turned away.

Smart work AZ!
....paying less, expecting more...and making it tough to get the ring!