Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Once again I agree! So let's take your logic all the way to the top since as Harry Truman said "the buck stops here." Center Managers should be fired for hiring bad PCC's, Area managers should be fired for hiring bad Center Managers, Regional managers fired for bad Area managers, VP's for bad Regionals and Peter should be fired for hiring bad executives. The problem with your poor approach to logic is that it's selective and elitist. If your theory is true then it MUST be applied all the way to the top. Apparently you didn't read that section in my last comment. A system works if it is sound, applies to ALL and is reasonable. Yours doesn't meet this standard. The vast majority of recently "laid off" managers could never have been fired for poor performance because they were managing territories that were growing and performing not only beyond industry standard but beyond company expectation. Unfortunately poor analysts like you arrive at erroneous conclusions because you don't take the time to inductively critique the situation comprehensively. It's easier to scape goat than it is to assign blame across the board and not focus on the "perceived easy way out" than to work toward real solutions. During my tenure I was always amazed at the stupidity of those at the top that allowed the group immediately below them to buy time and save face by simply firing there subordinates as though that were the solution to the problem. If the team doesn't win it's not only the fault of the the assistant coaches and players, the head coach must also accept blame and work toward a solution. You might want to enroll in a community college course in logic 101 before you continue exposing your ignorance, albeit anonymously.

Actually, I already did take my logic all the way to the top. If you'll refer to my previous posts, I clearly said that managers who can't recruit and hire and onboard the right people can't manage. That would include CEOs and Chairmen. I'm consistent. And by the way, if you wish me to continue this discussion, you'll stop the ad hominem attacks and lose the attitude . I warn once then I boycott the thread. If you want to continue the name-calling, you'll have to do it with someone else because I won't play.

Actually, I already did take my logic all the way to the top. If you'll refer to my previous posts, I clearly said that managers who can't recruit and hire and onboard the right people can't manage. That would include CEOs and Chairmen. I'm consistent. And by the way, if you wish me to continue this discussion, you'll stop the ad hominem attacks and lose the attitude . I warn once then I boycott the thread. If you want to continue the name-calling, you'll have to do it with someone else because I won't play.

In that case, so long pin head!!!!!!

In that case, so long pin head!!!!!!

I rest my case.....people on here speak, act, and talk like complete idiots. This was supposed to be about a lawsuit against a company. It has turned into an idiotfest. Yep, this will get you a long way in court. And for the person who says they can speak anyway they want on these message boards, you are correct, you absolutely can. BUT, that is your true behavior. A professional lawyer will eat you alive and bring out that inner demon you have called RAGE. My guess is that inner demon came out, maybe just once, at PPS and BOOM, you were fired.

I rest my case.....people on here speak, act, and talk like complete idiots. This was supposed to be about a lawsuit against a company. It has turned into an idiotfest. Yep, this will get you a long way in court. And for the person who says they can speak anyway they want on these message boards, you are correct, you absolutely can. BUT, that is your true behavior. A professional lawyer will eat you alive and bring out that inner demon you have called RAGE. My guess is that inner demon came out, maybe just once, at PPS and BOOM, you were fired.

Wouldn't it be great if when the Braden Partners, the Husatonic Partners and the executive team at PPSc cruised on in here to CafePharma they found the professionalism, the emotional intelligence and the intellect of their former employees to be so impressive that they wondered if they fired the wrong people?

I rest my case.....people on here speak, act, and talk like complete idiots. This was supposed to be about a lawsuit against a company. It has turned into an idiotfest. Yep, this will get you a long way in court. And for the person who says they can speak anyway they want on these message boards, you are correct, you absolutely can. BUT, that is your true behavior. A professional lawyer will eat you alive and bring out that inner demon you have called RAGE. My guess is that inner demon came out, maybe just once, at PPS and BOOM, you were fired.

Your guess?? Well, here is a suggestion for ya! Keep your guesses to yourself or that "inner rage" you describe might just shove those guesses up your A S S!

 need serious mental help. I described you pretty well didn't I? Sound familiar?

Let me no butt kisser you didn't describe me very well!

Now my turn, let me describe you! You are one of those whiney reps that can't get referrals on your own, you take the gimmee's and you kiss PPSC Manager's butts to whine about all of the other reps taking your referrals. You probably still feed off of mamma and you cross dress on weekends!

Did I describe you well? I thought so!

Let me no butt kisser you didn't describe me very well!

Now my turn, let me describe you! You are one of those whiney reps that can't get referrals on your own, you take the gimmee's and you kiss PPSC Manager's butts to whine about all of the other reps taking your referrals. You probably still feed off of mamma and you cross dress on weekends!

Did I describe you well? I thought so!

You do realize this means war... I'm not a rep at all, haven't lived with mamma for over 25 years, kissing ass and whining really don't fit me one bit. (probably why I wasn't fired) I W O R K, ever tried that missy? So NO you are not even close at describing me. You on the other hand have lost sight of reality. You bitch and moan about how you were mistreated, sit on a internet board and complain how "they owe you", yep the classic "They owe me Generation"!!!! People try to put something together and what do you do??? Start calling people cross dressers! that's funny as shit. You are a loser, an idiot, and will never get anywhere in life. I know your type. I'm sure you will be working at Wal Mart soon if you are not already. Actually that might be a step up for you, so why don't you go and apply. And to quote a famous actor...."That's all folks"...I'm out!

Apparently the mean IQ of the so called ex employees is 22. When things are not going as management wants they dont randomly fire good employees. They do what you call restructing. But i mean a preganat employee who probably spent several hours a week seeing doctors, shoping and getting her nails done would be dishearted with being terminated prior to her milking her maternity benefits. Those under achievers always blame others never realizing the reason they fail is due to their own lack of ability to PRODUCE. Move on and either take the other persons advice and apply at walmart or I am sure you local gas station could use someone to pump gas on the weekends. Just make sure you can differentiate between 5's, 10's, and 20 dollar bills.

PLEASE READ THIS, IT WILL MAKE ME FEEL BETTER. I worked for PPS for two years as a Rep, luckily I knew they were a joke and used them as a stepping stone to obtain a real medical sales job with a company that respects their employees. I started with PPS opening a new territory by myself!! My manager and closest employees were an hour away, my month training consisted of concentrator checks, and my new PPS office was called my townhouse. I lied to all the Dr.'s that we even had an office and other employees in the town for about 6 months until I was given an empty space called our office. I built this territory into a sales area that could not only support a PCC but a CSR and an RET. I left the area to take over a territory in a more desirable area to live. After working for a year ALONE!! I started all over with another area that was not doing well. WITHIN TWO MONTHS MY SET UPS WERE NOT UP TO PAR WITH HOW LONG I HAD BEEN EMPLOYED EVEN THOUGH I JUST TOOK OVER A NEW TERRITORY. That did not matter to the powers above I was written up and given a warning to bring up my numbers. I was a damn good rep and for my last several months I had to worry about being fired at the end of every month. I was promised a raise by my area manager after exceeding the numbers they expected for three straight months. It took the request for my raise so long to get to the Regional Manager that by the time it got there I had a bad month and MY RAISE WAS DENIED!! Three months of exceeding what they wanted and PROMISED my raise, my Regional Manager had the BALLS to DENY MY RAISE A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! Screw them, I now make 90K with a respectable company that provides me with a company car, gas card, home office, paid internet/fax, company cell phone, and company car insurance. I cannot believe how much of a joke PPS is. The only reason they even get any business is because the service the reps in the field and the CSR's provide. Below I will list some more beef I have with Pacific Pulmonary.

-After I left my PCC position it was filled by our CSR who had no prior sales experience. Shows how much they value and seek talented Reps.

-I have seen Reps and Center Managers fill in info on Medicare forms. I have seen Center Manager instruct Reps to fill in information that would be considered Medicare Fraud by legal standards.

-In 2 years of working for PPS I never once had an evaluation done.

-Towards the end of my nightmare with PPS I was required to beat down elderly patients doors to obtain checks to cover their deductibles. If I did not I would not receive any commission for that pt. I WAS HIRED TO HELP PT's AND MAKE THEM FEEL COMFORTABLE NOT SHAKE THEM DOWN FOR A LITTLE EXTRA CASH TO LINE PPS's POCKET!


-Oh ya remember that commission you got on those pt's last month well they all just passed away and we are going to take that back away from you even though you worked hard and were good enough to make the sale.

I could go on all day. They fire good people and let all the patsies stick around because they don't complain. The only thing I can thank Pacific Pulmonary for is helping me start a successful Medical Sales Career. Remember this is from a two year employee who did not get fired and ended up leaving on my own terms. Good luck to all of you who were let go.

Apparently the mean IQ of the so called ex employees is 22. When things are not going as management wants they dont randomly fire good employees. They do what you call restructing. But i mean a preganat employee who probably spent several hours a week seeing doctors, shoping and getting her nails done would be dishearted with being terminated prior to her milking her maternity benefits. Those under achievers always blame others never realizing the reason they fail is due to their own lack of ability to PRODUCE. Move on and either take the other persons advice and apply at walmart or I am sure you local gas station could use someone to pump gas on the weekends. Just make sure you can differentiate between 5's, 10's, and 20 dollar bills.

Maternity benefits? What maternity benefits? You are either a guy or a woman who has never had a baby. Most companies' "maternity benefits" include a set amount of UNPAID leave. All it is is an excused absence from work. The most you will get is your paid vacation time, which usually isn't much. If you take that, you will use up any time you may need for sick leave or anything else that may happen. It is to the benefit of the mother to return to work ASAP because she isn't getting paid while she is out. I returned to work 4 weeks after having a baby. Typically, companies allow 6-8 weeks.

If you are referring to me in your post, I never got my nails done (I do my own nails) or went shopping while on the job. My managers, however, had no reservations about looking at real estate or staking out a Starbucks all day long to check up on an employee while on the clock.

This company does an awful lot of "restructuring." How about PPSC stops blaming the employees for the "failures" and takes the initiative to properly train employees? That makes a little more sense to me.

To know a manager was stalking YOU at starbucks you must have been caught COFFEE HANDED :) , fact of the matter is NO company fires a producer. Look deep into your heart and realize sales is not the right place for you to be. Try McDonalds or Wendys. That way expectations will be low and even you will shine.

To know a manager was stalking YOU at starbucks you must have been caught COFFEE HANDED :) , fact of the matter is NO company fires a producer. Look deep into your heart and realize sales is not the right place for you to be. Try McDonalds or Wendys. That way expectations will be low and even you will shine.

It's always easy to spot the folks who don't know what they're writing about. If you had access to the numbers of the most recently "laid off" group, you would know most of them were top producers. One would expect decisions to be made thoughtfully and intelligently, but you apparently do not understand the PPS culture where loyalty and compliance reign supreme. If you believe yourself to be the smartest person ever, then all you require are people who will dutifully follow your directives and never disagree or challenge your assumptions. The proof of effective parenting is in the character of adult children. The proof of effective "restructuring" will be in the success of the company down the road. And just like I can probably predict the outcome of parenting that permits children to eat junk food and watch T V all day, I can also predict the outcome of a company where a few arrogant sociopaths make all the decisions and fire top producers because they need "yes men" who feed and reinforce their feeble egos.

Did anyone go thru 'training' w/ PPSC.....I did and it was downright communist!

Wish I had a camera, could have sold the 'secrets' and 'mindbending' training the management provided our 'class' that 'week'.

Anyone else 'sued' for 'trade secrets' and or 'non-compete' with this company?

Anyone from Chicago-Surrounding area's here?

I miss the old team back in 2003-2005!


Chime in!

I WAS with PPS for along time, i rememeber when all of this was fun. This happenes to companies when they go from 200 TOTAL patient to where PPS is today with over 42,000 patients. People, i am in the same shoes as you are and yes i dont agree what Peter and is "advisor" has done and is doing but its his company and if he wants to drive it into the ground then let him! I think its VERY wrong for Peter to come after anyone that is trying to take care of his or her family after leaving PPS because WE have giving Peter enough money to take of his childrens kids!!!!.

Did anyone go thru 'training' w/ PPSC.....I did and it was downright communist!

Wish I had a camera, could have sold the 'secrets' and 'mindbending' training the management provided our 'class' that 'week'.

Anyone else 'sued' for 'trade secrets' and or 'non-compete' with this company?

Anyone from Chicago-Surrounding area's here?

I miss the old team back in 2003-2005!

Bridgeview?I WAS with PPS for along time, i rememeber when all of this was fun. This happenes to companies when they go from 200 TOTAL patient to where PPS is today with over 42,000 patients. People, i am in the same shoes as you are and yes i dont agree what Peter and is "advisor" has done and is doing but its his company and if he wants to drive it into the ground then let him! I think its VERY wrong for Peter to come after anyone that is trying to take care of his or her family after leaving PPS because WE have giving Peter enough money to take of his childrens kids!!!!.

Chime in!
I WAS with PPS for along time, i rememeber when all of this was fun. This happenes to companies when they go from 200 TOTAL patient to where PPS is today with over 42,000 patients. People, i am in the same shoes as you are and yes i dont agree what Peter and is "advisor" has done and is doing but its his company and if he wants to drive it into the ground then let him! I think its VERY wrong for Peter to come after anyone that is trying to take care of his or her family after leaving PPS because WE have giving Peter enough money to take of his childrens kids!!!!.

I WAS with PPS for along time, i rememeber when all of this was fun. This happenes to companies when they go from 200 TOTAL patient to where PPS is today with over 42,000 patients. People, i am in the same shoes as you are and yes i dont agree what Peter and is "advisor" has done and is doing but its his company and if he wants to drive it into the ground then let him! I think its VERY wrong for Peter to come after anyone that is trying to take care of his or her family after leaving PPS because WE have giving Peter enough money to take of his childrens kids!!!!.

Wow, I thought I was the only person that went through this. I was an Area Manager and my numbers were awesome. My regional came to me one day and said I either resign and he pays me my commissions or he will find a way to fire me and I wont get anything. I asked him if I could take a few days to decide and he said it's on the table now and I must resign. I was never written up and again my numbers were #2 in the Nation.

I'm on board!!

Where are we exactly in this class-action? Is there someone trying to find counsel? I remember talking with someone in November. Does anyone have any info.? On another note.... it's freakin' sad that this company couldn't get their act together. We had an awesome thing in the Bay and elsewhere and people put their personalities before their principles.