Because the person above had no good answer to your spot on post, they had to attack your spelling, haha. What a waste of life all of you fucking entitled pieces of shit are. None of you work 40 hours a week. Try working at Google. Most of my friends there work 60-80 hours a week and do not make overtime pay...why? Because they are salaried employees, you thick morons. They have self respect, dedication and passion for their jobs and will do what it takes to do the job to the best of their abilities. They will spend as much time as needed to get the job done. They don't complain and whine that they should be paid overtime, because they are smart enough to realize that being paid hourly is a huge disadvantage. You want overtime and hourly pay, then go work retail because that is where most of you belong anyway.
This industry crumbled when all of you lazy, unintelligent business majors were hired to be cheerleaders and sell to a much more intelligent customer. I am so glad I am heading back to biotech after working with you idiots for 3 years. Have fun collecting unemployment with your overtime pay, idiots.