I am pissed and think it's unethical by Sanford Heisler (atty's for both overtime discrim. and OT case) that they contacted me ONLY for the gender discrimination to notify me of my entitlement and also gain my testimony by tape recorded interview, but did not notify me for entitlement for OT. They said paperwork had to be sent in quite some time ago but there are many rep's calling and they are taking down names etc. and are going to be working hard (my ass) on getting us included.
I left Vanessa another message today at 202.742.7451 as she is the one assigned to hancle calls for OT suit. I am dealing with two other pharma legal nightmares where they are trying to screw me on monies owed that I earned and I have no problem getting my atty's that are assisting me with these cases to go after Sanfor Heisler for not contacting me about OT lawsuit. I feel certain that it is the Companies obligation or the atty's hired claims office (dispensing checks) obligation to contact ALL employees that are entitled to payouts.
If anyone here has any further information on how to get included quickly, that would be very much appreciated. I worked my ass off 60 hrs plus a week and was greatly discriminated against when pregnant...could have lost my son, if doctor didn't write me out on my 7th month.
I am entitled to these monies and while I was a rep. in TX during the timeframe of employment, I now live in CA so I wonder if previous poster below knows if that means I am automatically THROWN in (even if not contacted) to receive payouts.
THANKS THANKS THANKS everyone for sharing. I hope we ALL get what we are so entitled to receive as NOVARTIS is a disgusting monster of a company to have worked for. Some of the WORST memories of my 15 yrs. in this toxic industry.