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Our genius at work....Trump supporters: keep drinking the kool-aid

He just said today, he knew this was a pandemic from the gitgo. We could have had early tests. It would be FDA to approve the test not CDC but either way a fellow named Stephen Hann is the commissioner and the FDA which falls within the Executive branch of the US government, under the Department of Health and Human Services and he was appointed by the President of the United States, confirmed by the US Senate, and serves at the President's discretion.

CDC falls under the same umbrella – DHHS – In 2018 Trump appointed veteran virologist Robert Redfield to lead the agency so it’s HIS guy running that show too.

Obama is long gone and not running in 2020.
Yeah, I get it. You just want to irrationally bash Trump and as always perspective destroys your arguments! :rolleyes:

Yeah, I get it. You just want to irrationally bash Trump and as always perspective destroys your arguments! :rolleyes:

Yes, after all, we have a true, self-described descendant of a medical genius at the helm (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). And this concern was on display at the CDC press conference when Trump took time to talk at length about his own intelligence, in part by referencing a “great, super genius” uncle who taught at MIT.

“I like this stuff. I really get it,” Trump said. “People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors say, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should’ve done that instead of running for president.”

You can't make this shit up...………….. ;)
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Yes, after all, we have a true, self-described descendant of a medical genius at the helm (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). And this concern was on display at the CDC press conference when Trump took time to talk at length about his own intelligence, in part by referencing a “great, super genius” uncle who taught at MIT.

“I like this stuff. I really get it,” Trump said. “People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors say, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should’ve done that instead of running for president.”

You can't make this shit up...………….. ;)
Yep, it’s quite a show. It was vintage a Trump and admittedly was unhelpful and self-aggrandizing. However, unlike you, I focus on substance, not merely style. Trump acted quicker and has a far, far, far lower death toll so far than Obama. Congrats you made a fool of yourself again! ;);)

Haha, thank you for proving my point, moron
I like the way everyone has to congratulate $rump or genuflect and kiss his ring and then do their talk. Like " with the presidents leadership . What a fat joke he is.

Yep, it’s quite a show. It was vintage a Trump and admittedly was unhelpful and self-aggrandizing. However, unlike you, I focus on substance, not merely style. Trump acted quicker and has a far, far, far lower death toll so far than Obama. Congrats you made a fool of yourself again! ;);)

Obama, Obama, Obama - fixate much?
Score? Far lower score? This isn't a football game idiot. Get back to me in 2 months. If we have a lower toll, I will congratulate those who deserve it. It's a little early to do that now.

Obama, Obama, Obama - fixate much?
Score? Far lower score? This isn't a football game idiot. Get back to me in 2 months. If we have a lower toll, I will congratulate those who deserve it. It's a little early to do that now.
No, I don’t fixate but thanks for demonstrating that perspective is toxic to your irrational criticisms of Trump! :p:D;)