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Our genius at work....Trump supporters: keep drinking the kool-aid



January 22: Trump on Coronavirus “We have it totally under control”!

January 24: Trump on Coronavirus “It will all work out well”!

January 30: Trump on Coronavirus “We have it very well under control, and I think its going to have a very good ending. So that I can assure you”!

February 2: Trump on Coronavirus “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China, but we did shut it down!” No clue whatsoever of the severity of what’s coming.

February 10: On Fox News Trump says without evidence that the coronavirus "dies with the hotter weather” "You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat

February 24: Trump tweeted another baselessly claims: "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”

February 25: Trump falsely claims : you may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re ALL getting better! Obviously he doesn’t care for those who died from it. (Like captured soldiers)

February 26: Trump wrongly says the coronavirus "is a flu"

February 26: Trump baselessly predicts the number of US cases is "going very substantially down" to "close to zero”

March 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.

Translation - I’m a hyper-biased silly fool who doesn’t recognize the great job Trump is doing!
When you are out of arguments, feel compelled to dispute facts, then you just post bullshit. The hallmarks of a Trump supporter!

Your buddy is done, once and for all, at least in politics! 4 wasted years for America!

When you are out of arguments, feel compelled to dispute facts, then you just post bullshit. The hallmarks of a Trump supporter!

Your buddy is done, once and for all, at least in politics! 4 wasted years for America!
I wish I could agree with you. For whatever reason the same losers in life pieces of trash idiots that voted for him will do the exact same thing in this election because they are beyond redemption and unfortunately these pieces of trash immoral life losers now comprise the majority of this country

When you are out of arguments, feel compelled to dispute facts, then you just post bullshit. The hallmarks of a Trump supporter!

Your buddy is done, once and for all, at least in politics! 4 wasted years for America!
It’s not the facts but your hyper-biased, hypocritical and incorrect interpretation of them that I object to.

And just how is Trump done when Obama’s death toll is 12,500 and Trump’s is merely 100 so far???? The hallmark of idiotic Trump detractors!

It’s not the facts but your hyper-biased, hypocritical and incorrect interpretation of them that I object to.

And just how is Trump done when Obama’s death toll is 12,500 and Trump’s is merely 100 so far???? The hallmark of idiotic Trump detractors!
Just wait, we will have significantly more before this thing is over!!! Either way, you and the Fuehrer are done!

It’s not the facts but your hyper-biased, hypocritical and incorrect interpretation of them that I object to.

And just how is Trump done when Obama’s death toll is 12,500 and Trump’s is merely 100 so far???? The hallmark of idiotic Trump detractors!

AS I recall, you are not the decider so buckle up, buttercup. :D:D:D

He just said today, he knew this was a pandemic from the gitgo. We could have had early tests. It would be FDA to approve the test not CDC but either way a fellow named Stephen Hann is the commissioner and the FDA which falls within the Executive branch of the US government, under the Department of Health and Human Services and he was appointed by the President of the United States, confirmed by the US Senate, and serves at the President's discretion.

CDC falls under the same umbrella – DHHS – In 2018 Trump appointed veteran virologist Robert Redfield to lead the agency so it’s HIS guy running that show too.

Obama is long gone and not running in 2020.

Yes that must be why the hospitals in Italy are to the point of saturation and making decisions on who lives and who dies because of a cold. That must be it. These assholes that are sprouting the stuff are proving to be very very dangerous
Yeah, it’s so dangerous that worldwide it still hasn’t reached Obama’s death toll for swine fluin the US. It’s a sad situation but you are out of your mind! Trump and Rush are far more right than you are.