our best are leaving


I wanted to stay, but the problems are pipeline and pay. And by pay I don't mean low base/high bonus. I can handle that. It's the stagnation in total compensation.

Only way to get ahead in this economy is to have a piece of the option action. Too bad Galderma never understood this.

I will leave in a few weeks for a company with virtually no history in dermatology but I will have options galore, a bit more pay, a bit less bonus and a 25% bump in total compensation.

Good while it lasted. I know of 5 others and we are taking our talents elsewhere

Resigned. 24 hours later a counter-offer that gives me a bonus not open to the rest of the sales force. Exceptionally lucrative. I am leaving anyway. Seems like a short term fix that won't help R&D but will just keep me here for the short term. Good luck to all.

Only those willing to work outside the rules have been asked to come over to Novartis. That's why I am leaving as well.

This statement could not be further from the truth. Work outside the rules at Novartis and you'll be canned immediately. And there are a lot of us that don't break the rules that are going.

The thing that I'm disappointed with in Novartis is the vacation time I'll be losing. That, and the fact that if this drug doesn't do better than Stelara did over Enbrel and Humira, I'll never make commission. But to get out of here, I'll take that risk! I don't plan on staying more than a year anyway.

As long as you have nationals who are incapable of relating to individuals, this company is screwed. Whether internally or externally, these guys are all very... Well we all know. No need to continue. It's pathetic how they've been "trusted" and they've destroyed many lives and an exceptional company. Motivation is a personal issue. I'm not motivated to promote nationals ego or perception of me. I could care less at meetings to "schmooze". But the culture is to be all cheeky and fit their mold. If you don't present that artificial enthusiasm, good luck!! Heaven forbid you just kick ass in your territory and amongst your peers. That would be opposite the culture here. Funny though, we haven't done well in this culture they've created?! Hmmmm... Maybe they're just so damn smart we can't see it and that's why they're way they are? I could have sworn we were all professionals here? Running our own territories? Making sound business decisions? Oooohhhhh wait, my bad, I'm a minion. I are smart. Errrr something.

Are we talking about Nationals that are really Regional managers at any other company? Or are we talking about the Directors we currently have? Either way very questionable leadership . all of these guys need to go the people who gave a dam about the employees and stuck up for them are now gone exactly because they did care about the reps and the work place, motivation etc. FF, KG BJ and others saw to that. Now the new President is doing some good things to try to get rid of clearly egotistical dead weight, but he needs to look much further done the pecking order or we will have a yes man good ol boys culture that will continue the downward slide of the company. These guys like DL GA and CS need to go. KC is a scared waste of space as well. Gets rewarded for being a bone head in marketing. Enough!

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