OSS reps gone after Q3

Ok, so after that SICP call, this whole OSS axed doesn't seem believable. Why go through all that effort in producing an incentive structure and adjusting the goal for better payouts? And planned for the next few months? Whatever. I'm just a naive dumbass.

Ok, so after that SICP call, this whole OSS axed doesn't seem believable. Why go through all that effort in producing an incentive structure and adjusting the goal for better payouts? And planned for the next few months? Whatever. I'm just a naive dumbass.

It is kind of a silly statement you are making. They have to act like business as usual and don't forget the SCIP is for what you haven't been paid on yet for what you are due. No one is ever going to give to a heads-up on a layoff.

Bonus Payout out delayed?? Shocker? They need to hold on every penny they have to gain interest on the retention payouts out due to the HSS and the scraps and leftover will go to OSS.

How many people have accepted new jobs with a planned start date after the original May pay out day? I have, and now I have to hope and pray I can delay my start date. Good thing we were on mute for the call - you would have heard me screaming.

How many people have accepted new jobs with a planned start date after the original May pay out day? I have, and now I have to hope and pray I can delay my start date. Good thing we were on mute for the call - you would have heard me screaming.

You should be able to negotiate your bonus with your new company. In addition to a sign-on bonus. It is done all the time. I go to my second interview for an opportunity early next week and generally a good company will ask you for everything you will be giving up to make you a competitive and fair offer.

How many people have accepted new jobs with a planned start date after the original May pay out day? I have, and now I have to hope and pray I can delay my start date. Good thing we were on mute for the call - you would have heard me screaming.

Why do you think they delayed it!!! They are expecting people to leave that's why they are delaying it!! What was their excuse?

Well as someone else put it, the call was "necessary" because this is how everyone will be paid for the work they have completed and this needed to be announced regardless. Also, I am sure everyone has had past experiences or know someone that has been in a situation where they were laid off. They lie to you till the bitter end and have to act as it is business as usual. This certainly doesn't give anyone enough time to look for a job. So the smart people either already have a job lined up or they are in the midst of interviewing just in case.