OSS call before HSS call

The REAL FACT is the OSS reps are nothing more than dolled up primary care reps. They do not possess the acumen or talent to be a hospital rep. They are failures through and through. That is the TRUTH and i know it HURTS!!

Im just gonna sit back, relax and cash my check. I'll be sure to say "Hi" to you at WalMart.

The REAL FACT is the OSS reps are nothing more than dolled up primary care reps. They do not possess the acumen or talent to be a hospital rep. They are failures through and through. That is the TRUTH and i know it HURTS!!

Im just gonna sit back, relax and cash my check. I'll be sure to say "Hi" to you at WalMart.
Your time is coming.

The REAL FACT is the OSS reps are nothing more than dolled up primary care reps. They do not possess the acumen or talent to be a hospital rep. They are failures through and through. That is the TRUTH and i know it HURTS!!

Im just gonna sit back, relax and cash my check. I'll be sure to say "Hi" to you at WalMart.

If some or all or whatever % of the OSS don't possess acumen or talent, whose fault is that?

Did you attempt to guide or mentor your OSS rep and teach them how you would like your hospitals handled?

They were indeed given a whole new world over night. Did management train them on the new environment? Not really, and the DMs are not helping the situation.

Talent is another thing. Sales to hospitals and handling the hospital environment are unique apart from calling on doc offices. We get that. However, sales talent is sales talent and you were once a new rep or new to hospitals so stop acting like you are God's gift.

The REAL FACT is the OSS reps are nothing more than dolled up primary care reps. They do not possess the acumen or talent to be a hospital rep. They are failures through and through. That is the TRUTH and i know it HURTS!!

Im just gonna sit back, relax and cash my check. I'll be sure to say "Hi" to you at WalMart.

once we are gone the spotlight will be on you and your performance. a field session every month and performance plans. the dm's will have to write a book after each field ride and send it to leadership. it will be heavily scrutinized.
if you go 2 quarters without hitting your goal you will be put on a plan.

Didn't used to be a shit show. But since MT, HO, and SC got a hold of it, it became one.

They effectively eviscerated a 14 year old sales force that made MNK what it is...or should I say was.

The Mallinckrodt brothers are rolling in their graves today.

Did the fire nina the Georgia rep?

Let's see.......they fired all the OSS Reps. Nina was an OSS Rep. I will let you figure it out from here. And by the way....I know Nina personally and she is happily married. I am sure neither her or her husband would appreciate you calling her out on a public board like this.

The REAL FACT is the OSS reps are nothing more than dolled up primary care reps. They do not possess the acumen or talent to be a hospital rep. They are failures through and through. That is the TRUTH and i know it HURTS!!

Im just gonna sit back, relax and cash my check. I'll be sure to say "Hi" to you at WalMart.

Heard about the layoffs and saw this stupid comment so im just gonna leave my 2 cents worth even though nobody will care. I was fortunate to leave before the title change to OSS and ill tell you this, everyone had to start somewhere. Who are you to say that they dont posses the talent or acumen to be a hospital rep? Is that what was said about you before you became a super star hospital rep? Everyone has to start somewhere and unless we get that opportunity to become something greater, know one would ever know if they could be just that. Maybe there are some reps that fall into this category but I still know a few people that got laid off today and I know for a face they were hard workers who could have done the same glorious job your dumbass is doing. So don't think too highly of yourself because at the end of the day, YOU will also be laid off and someone will be calling YOU a untalented, good for nothing hospital sales rep. When that day comes, you will remember me!