OSS call before HSS call

I little help here please! So I m in what appears to be a paper bag. It Could be brown but not sure if it is the real thing or recycled. So far I have gone left but hit a wall and therefore went back right and again a wall. Trying left again and i am still hitting a wall. Do I try going back right?. Damn! I hit a wall.

Tricky stuff getting out of a paper bag.

Ummmm yes. Sorry to hurt you feelings, but I can safely say the HSS group is superior in terms of selling skills and hospital experience. You keep bringing up this "growth". Hate to break this to you, but the HSS team was killing it and then got trumped with the triple price increase. With that said, they persevered where others would have lost everything.
By adding 100 plus OSS reps, it not only didn't help increase sales, it hindered sales! I can't tell you how many HSS reps have received a large volume of complaints about these OSS reps that a.) don't know shit about the product and can't even present it. B.) don't know anything about the hospital environment down to the most basic of things like cpoe, formulary etc. C.) Don't know anything about surgical protocols, order sets, specific surgery procedures. the OSS team has had tremendous negative effects and adding that office sales force to a hospital drug was a big mistake.

yeah OK you are a rock star. Pretty sure you have "lost less" than anyone in the organization and are in such demand in the market that you are turning down more lucrative offers until the right one comes along. (you invented hospital sales after all!)...Arrogant prick. Provide some specifics on the tremendous negative effect.....You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

yeah OK you are a rock star. Pretty sure you have "lost less" than anyone in the organization and are in such demand in the market that you are turning down more lucrative offers until the right one comes along. (you invented hospital sales after all!)...Arrogant prick. Provide some specifics on the tremendous negative effect.....You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

I didn't post that earlier, but I can safely say my OSS counterparts don't know anything. They don't even know how to use their iPads. I have had specific surgeons call me and tell me they are actually hurting my growth attempts in the hospital as well. You will get no respect from these surgeons when you can't answer how this product fits in their surgeries or answer hospital related questions. There is nothing regarding arrogance. You just don't belong in this world. Let's see. You have 8 years experience? God forbid even less? Or even worse, you have more years experience, yet you have never left the office based primary care position. Yes, that says a lot.

I didn't post that earlier, but I can safely say my OSS counterparts don't know anything. They don't even know how to use their iPads. I have had specific surgeons call me and tell me they are actually hurting my growth attempts in the hospital as well. You will get no respect from these surgeons when you can't answer how this product fits in their surgeries or answer hospital related questions. There is nothing regarding arrogance. You just don't belong in this world. Let's see. You have 8 years experience? God forbid even less? Or even worse, you have more years experience, yet you have never left the office based primary care position. Yes, that says a lot.
You are one more arrogant mother fucker.

I didn't post that earlier, but I can safely say my OSS counterparts don't know anything. They don't even know how to use their iPads. I have had specific surgeons call me and tell me they are actually hurting my growth attempts in the hospital as well. You will get no respect from these surgeons when you can't answer how this product fits in their surgeries or answer hospital related questions. There is nothing regarding arrogance. You just don't belong in this world. Let's see. You have 8 years experience? God forbid even less? Or even worse, you have more years experience, yet you have never left the office based primary care position. Yes, that says a lot.
Enjoy working with MT and SC. I will gladly take my chances with the devil I don't know rather than the two I know all too well.

Yea it's real hard. " Doc you start it in pre op and continue 1 gram every 6 hours until your patient can transition to oral Meds". That's so friggin hard!! My 6 year old can sell this crap. You

I didn't post that earlier, but I can safely say my OSS counterparts don't know anything. They don't even know how to use their iPads. I have had specific surgeons call me and tell me they are actually hurting my growth attempts in the hospital as well. You will get no respect from these surgeons when you can't answer how this product fits in their surgeries or answer hospital related questions. There is nothing regarding arrogance. You just don't belong in this world. Let's see. You have 8 years experience? God forbid even less? Or even worse, you have more years experience, yet you have never left the office based primary care position. Yes, that says a lot.
What do your numbers look like super star? Oh I get it...It's my OSS fault that my numbers can't grow. You are yet another excuse making mediocre hospital rep with 10-15 years experience hiding in the middle of the pack. Really..you are pathetic chiming in on this. Go ahead tell us more.

Yea it's real hard. " Doc you start it in pre op and continue 1 gram every 6 hours until your patient can transition to oral Meds". That's so friggin hard!! My 6 year old can sell this crap. You

Surgeon: "oh gee, I guess I will do that just by you saying that because you sure don't know the data or any supportive arguments.." You are a real idiot. And I guess with your talents, you sure have changed the surgeons attitudes and the territory has grown by 100% right? You can't get it done. Admit it. You are going to downplay the job and say selling this product is easy? Then where is the growth do to your fantastic OSS efforts? None. Exactly. Goodbye liability.

Surgeon: "oh gee, I guess I will do that just by you saying that because you sure don't know the data or any supportive arguments.." You are a real idiot. And I guess with your talents, you sure have changed the surgeons attitudes and the territory has grown by 100% right? You can't get it done. Admit it. You are going to downplay the job and say selling this product is easy? Then where is the growth do to your fantastic OSS efforts? None. Exactly. Goodbye liability.

Earlier is better doc, don't believe me? Let me show you my iPad. Can you pass me a turkey sandwich? Thanks.

Earlier is better doc, don't believe me? Let me show you my iPad. Can you pass me a turkey sandwich? Thanks.

And this is why folks the OSS reps didn't get it done and made no difference at all. It as if that entire division never existed. With that mentality it's no wonder why they are letting you go.

Wow! These posts are a complete embarrassment. You people should be ashamed.
Lets get a few things straight.
1) The CEO is the top dog and thus responsible for this nightmare not the hss or the oss.
you want to blame someone blame those in charge for the XarteMESS and Ofirmev horror show.
2) Other then your own egos no one in america cares how long you have been a sales rep nor do they care what division you are in. Sorry but you are not going to the Pharma Hall of Fame. Yes, i know a few of you believe you are but it doesnt exist.
3) You want respect try gaining it the only way that matters. Work hard and earn it from your peers. Again, you cant decree you deserve respect. Clearly from the posts many are still trying to.
4) As for the OSSs I have met a bunch and the common theme is they work hard and are willing to try anything to make the job work.
5)Assumed lack of knowledge or skill sets by oss is the error of an upper management for throwing them into a new role overnight with the directive that sales must immediately go up. Upper mgmts lack of long term vision or understanding of these two markets is frighting and sadly landing in our laps.

Im not saying give peace a chance or find god but the egos really need to come down.
People are losing their jobs. Grow up.

Wow! These posts are a complete embarrassment. You people should be ashamed.
Lets get a few things straight.
1) The CEO is the top dog and thus responsible for this nightmare not the hss or the oss.
you want to blame someone blame those in charge for the XarteMESS and Ofirmev horror show.
2) Other then your own egos no one in america cares how long you have been a sales rep nor do they care what division you are in. Sorry but you are not going to the Pharma Hall of Fame. Yes, i know a few of you believe you are but it doesnt exist.
3) You want respect try gaining it the only way that matters. Work hard and earn it from your peers. Again, you cant decree you deserve respect. Clearly from the posts many are still trying to.
4) As for the OSSs I have met a bunch and the common theme is they work hard and are willing to try anything to make the job work.
5)Assumed lack of knowledge or skill sets by oss is the error of an upper management for throwing them into a new role overnight with the directive that sales must immediately go up. Upper mgmts lack of long term vision or understanding of these two markets is frighting and sadly landing in our laps.

Im not saying give peace a chance or find god but the egos really need to come down.
People are losing their jobs. Grow up.

Post of the year. Well said. Thank you.