Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deserve

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

WOW, guess somebody's never been to a trade show and seen the large display of DJ braces with almost every major college sports team logo on their knee brace! I'm sure DJ is shaking right now worried the fourth player in line has a new ACL brace, the only way it will sell is if National Acounts gets an order and sends ours instead of a competitors to the patient, then the Dr bitches and we end up sending a Breg or DJ brace to swap out
keep dreaming, when you do about 640K a month, how long can you last, that's the business expense alone

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

how many current docs are there? of them how many are using the new acl brace? Is it bundled with kneehab and a cryo? I wouldn't count on national accounts, by the time they figure out what to order and that the order isn't in a blackout area, call the patient then send a delivery ticket, a competitor will have already fit the brace. competitors and docs don't even know otto bock is still open.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

Gee did any of the OBOS reps watch college football this weekend, didn't see any Xeleton ACL braces out there, but every time a player turned around, there was a Don Joy brace on their knee!

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

Actually, it was over 600 braces per month. Took a good office that billed 60k/mo to over 200k/mo and mother bock would not even add 1 FTE. Yeah, good reps are a dime a dozen. How is that working out for ya OB? RBM's could not close a door. At least SV had the "balls" not to cut a certain rep and she left before it happened. Not so for DM who was happy to do the deed. How did that work out for ya Davie?

Was sorry to see DA gone in Denver. What happened there?

I can thank CG for one thing. I can take him on any golf course and thank him for my scratch game today. LOL

wow, we are still waiting for a rep to prove something that works???? I thought the reps were idiots. So the idiot who sold over 600 of the genu direxa in colorado and won a trip to Germany only to get back and get fired???? Not sure I understand? lets just lets successful people go right out the door!

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

WOW - you got golf - another rep got Steelers tickets - his cousin get's to go on drunken and drug induced binges leaving his company van abandoned in a parking lot - his 2 daughters get six figure jobs to watch satellite TV in the office he set up and the other to sit at home in a blackout zone after stealing accounts from a neighbor rep - his step-son get's to drive company cars across state lines until the motors blow up leaving it on the road without telling anyone. Then he fires good reps so he can assume the sales position in that territory right before a good deal closes and he gets to STEAL the commission for himself.

And all I got was a clueless manager who couldn't even help me with the time of day. Well... wait. What am I complaining about?

Warning - if he is your manager BEWARE making any big deals. He will fire you right at the close and steal the commission from you.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

I am surprised at no posts. Many of you thought that Otto Bock OS was going to shut the doors by Christmas. Well, we are still alive and doing better than ever.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

I am surprised at no posts. Many of you thought that Otto Bock OS was going to shut the doors by Christmas. Well, we are still alive and doing better than ever.

Okay, I'll play along (although it's tempting to just call BS). There are no signs of OBOS "doing better than ever", or even a small bump. "New" management (read: No Mgmt) has closed down yet another depot in our region. Add that to the others closed in Nov-Dec and the prognosis is not good. These territories were OB's anchor depots just a couple of years ago. A few areas showed a small increase in revenue here lately but as any of us that have been in this business more than a year know that this is the time of year where we see an increase in business due to end of year, deductibles-met, rush for surgery. Don't get me wrong - I work with some great people and I hope that someone can turn this around (I'm doing my part) as most of my peers are good people who deserve to keep their jobs in spite of poor leadership. My pipeline is drying up and I've doubled up on qualifying leads. I have zero holdback as I've thrown everything into the bucket for end of Q4. Survey around my region confirms that January will be a ghost town with billing. It's nice to "will success into being" but be careful. If you're not out working the streets double-time you're setting yourself up for a 90-day plan come Q1.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

worse would be having you guys back and the old management team.

which old management team is that?
ron c - who took us down 17%
pat c - who took us down another 9%
ben d - who choked out any life we had left
john f - vp for an hour

remember that each of the above had their own followers chanting that they were our savior and we would thrive if we blindly gave them 100% allegiance

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

so have you heard of any new brilliant strategies to save the division? new product such as acl brace etc.?

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

play along? I was under the impression from someones earlier post that OB has been doing very well once they got rid of the worthless reps who were losers? Is this not true????

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

play along? I was under the impression from someones earlier post that OB has been doing very well once they got rid of the worthless reps who were losers? Is this not true????

I guess that's the point. This person came on here and made a broad statement that OBOS is "doing better than ever". That's news to me (not speaking for anyone else) as I have seen no signs of a bright future. I'm still here and I still have hope but to say that it's better than ever is just not close to the truth. Some people have said that if we get on here and stretch the truth it will boost morale - a previous post called it "willing it to succeed". Some in management have suggested we get on here and "put those old reps in their place" by speaking positively. Well I don't see the point, the truth is we are in very bad shape and there is no way to hide it. The "old reps" know it better than anyone and there's no putting lipstick on this pig. The sooner we admit our mistakes the sooner we can address our shortcomings and get back to the things that worked in the past.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

Turn around 101: Fire management and sales then sell off inventory. Collect bonus, shut down. Move on. Mitt's the man.

Re: Orthopedic Sales Reps, Congratulations, you losers you are getting what you deser

tax purposes.....show a loss? hmm, I think so!! Its so sad because so many gave their heart and soul to this company and for the individuals at the top who thought they had all of the answers and didn't listen to the little people, I wish you the worst and I really hope that you don't go out an ruin another great company. Most of those who are guilty already moved on to another position and probably lied about what they did at otto bock. Good Luck!