Let me share this with you because I am sure you morons cant add.
Avg OS sales rep does $20,000/month in sales
or because youre all so dumb $240,000/year
each Sales rep makes $80,000/yr on average
each has on average two PSRs who make $40,000/yr, or $80k combined
Taxes and benfits on those salaries is 20%, or .20x$160k=$32,000
Combined salary, benefits and taxes = $192,000 for a sales rep and two psrs
Try to pay attention morons ...$240k-$192k=$48,000
Thats just salaries, we havent even paid for people to answer the phones, bill the claim, collect the money, pay for the rent on the facilities, pay for legal, regulatory, let alone the actual braces and cpms themselves. THE BUSINESS IS FAILING BECAUSE THE SALES REPS ARE THE LAZIEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. YOU DO NOTHING TO GROW THE BUSINESS, ONLY COMPLAIN.
Let me spare you the suspense, yes I am one of the RSMs who was just let go...