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Opinions....Does anyone like pharma sales at all?


I would say that probably 95% of us hate this job and hate this industry. But, the money is great. The benefits are great--the car is great.

I'm curious though...how do you say you don't have to do much with these timed computers? I feel totally micromanaged and like I need to be in the field from 8:30 to 5 or so. Does BMS not have timed computers?

I would say that probably 95% of us hate this job and hate this industry. But, the money is great. The benefits are great--the car is great.

I'm curious though...how do you say you don't have to do much with these timed computers? I feel totally micromanaged and like I need to be in the field from 8:30 to 5 or so. Does BMS not have timed computers?

Better go back and read what you agree to every year- in the field from 8-5, not 8:30

Most of my customers are really nice people, and are supportive of the pharma industry. They really do want the research based companies to continue R&D and come up with significant new medicines. They count on me to deliver samples for their patients to start on. They also like having a live rep come by in case they need to obtain medical info from the company.

I actually enjoy the daily calls on customers, with the caveat that it all breaks down when company policy and management pressure pretty much force you to do counter productive things like probe and get into their business too much, call continue too much, insist on getting extended time every time, etc., etc. What kills all enjoyment the most is unrealistic company expectations that are impossible to actually achieve in the real world.

Amen, and possibly winning a trip to Bermuda in the lottery called Pinnacle!

Truly a lottery and BMS has tried to say these individuals are the finest in the industry. Anyone looked at rankings without these bogus multipliers attached. Everyone knows the true sales leaders,for whatever that statement is worth, would emerge. BMS 'S IC department and leaders are the laughing stock of the industry

Good pay and benefits for doing basically nothing - only thing is that it can be boring.
We're leaches on the system. Taking and giving back virtually nothing. Creators are the ones who have righteous jobs, like engineers or service people like firemen and emt's. Compared to them. We are high paid trash.

We're leaches on the system. Taking and giving back virtually nothing. Creators are the ones who have righteous jobs, like engineers or service people like firemen and emt's. Compared to them. We are high paid trash.

Gotta agree... have to admit I felt kinda guilty during the whole health care reform debate, knowing that we're part of the reason medical costs are so high.

But the money's nice and I drive a nicer car than most of my docs, so I'm not complaining. Oh, and I have health insurance, too.

Gotta agree... have to admit I felt kinda guilty during the whole health care reform debate, knowing that we're part of the reason medical costs are so high.

But the money's nice and I drive a nicer car than most of my docs, so I'm not complaining. Oh, and I have health insurance, too.

Come on, that's nonsense. I'm sure folks are going through medical school there so they can drive a Subaru or Ford Fusion.

Love being in sales. It is profitable to sell the samples on the side, gives one a little extra unreported income. Boss is fantastic too...show him a little love-in and he leaves me alone but not for long...lol! Love the car and only responsib for low call count! What a gig!!

Truly a lottery and BMS has tried to say these individuals are the finest in the industry. Anyone looked at rankings without these bogus multipliers attached. Everyone knows the true sales leaders,for whatever that statement is worth, would emerge. BMS 'S IC department and leaders are the laughing stock of the industry

BMS data and IC are a total cluster fuck. Mike Lenyo is in charge of IC oversight - need I say more? Rankings are a lottery, as is Pinnacle - anyone who tries to argue otherwise is wishing.

Look, if you really feel ashamed for doing what we do and for making the money we do, then quit. This is by no means my dream job but I enjoy calling on my customers. We make a good living and have good benefits and are able to take care of our families and that's what our main job is!
I don't do this job for BMS, I do it so my family is taken care of so my kids can go to college and then themselves lead a good life. If this job gives me the ability to do that then so be it.
I see no reason to feel guilty for doing this job. As was said above, most doctors do want companies developing new meds to take care of their patients and are appreciative when we are able to help with samples.
I love the hypocrisy of people that say they feel guilty but continue to work this job and make the money they do. If you TRULY feel guilty then you wouldn't be doing this job! Look, God knows there are PLENTY of reps out of work that would take your job in a minute so if you really feel this way then leave and give someone a chance that wants to do the job and stop bitching about it and do something!

Look, if you really feel ashamed for doing what we do and for making the money we do, then quit. This is by no means my dream job but I enjoy calling on my customers. We make a good living and have good benefits and are able to take care of our families and that's what our main job is!
I don't do this job for BMS, I do it so my family is taken care of so my kids can go to college and then themselves lead a good life. If this job gives me the ability to do that then so be it.
I see no reason to feel guilty for doing this job. As was said above, most doctors do want companies developing new meds to take care of their patients and are appreciative when we are able to help with samples.
I love the hypocrisy of people that say they feel guilty but continue to work this job and make the money they do. If you TRULY feel guilty then you wouldn't be doing this job! Look, God knows there are PLENTY of reps out of work that would take your job in a minute so if you really feel this way then leave and give someone a chance that wants to do the job and stop bitching about it and do something!

Well said and I couldn't agree more!!

Well said and I couldn't agree more!!

Pharma is no different than most industries. Most people are unsatisifed in their jobs and feel the grass is greener in another industry. You always have the dreamers on here with the moral compass thinking that they need to stop world hunger for that sense of job worth. For those, I say hello to the the "Peace Corps." For me, I make the most out of the ever changing Pharma industry and enjoy being paid in the top 10% of all Americans while I look outside of my job for my sense of purpose.

Pharma is no different than most industries. Most people are unsatisifed in their jobs and feel the grass is greener in another industry. You always have the dreamers on here with the moral compass thinking that they need to stop world hunger for that sense of job worth. For those, I say hello to the the "Peace Corps." For me, I make the most out of the ever changing Pharma industry and enjoy being paid in the top 10% of all Americans while I look outside of my job for my sense of purpose.

If you can do this without it impacting your sense of self worth, more power to you!

If you can do this without it impacting your sense of self worth, more power to you!

If you keep looking to your job for "self worth" you will remain very frustrated. Ask yourself, does it support your lifestyle, does it allow you to have a great family/personal life????? Also, despite the micro mgmt, does it still give you much more autonomy than most other jobs? You have to volunteer at your kids school or a charity to support your self worth compass.

Look, if you really feel ashamed for doing what we do and for making the money we do, then quit. This is by no means my dream job but I enjoy calling on my customers. We make a good living and have good benefits and are able to take care of our families and that's what our main job is!
I don't do this job for BMS, I do it so my family is taken care of so my kids can go to college and then themselves lead a good life. If this job gives me the ability to do that then so be it.
I see no reason to feel guilty for doing this job. As was said above, most doctors do want companies developing new meds to take care of their patients and are appreciative when we are able to help with samples.
I love the hypocrisy of people that say they feel guilty but continue to work this job and make the money they do. If you TRULY feel guilty then you wouldn't be doing this job! Look, God knows there are PLENTY of reps out of work that would take your job in a minute so if you really feel this way then leave and give someone a chance that wants to do the job and stop bitching about it and do something!

i love wrapping bagel twists around my faceneck!