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What the f#%k does Commercial even do?

Still not sure why there are two SVPs in oncology. No reason to have both Allyson McMillan & Wendy be SVPs. Not the case in Heme, CV or Immunology. If we are going to cost cut, this would be a place. Unless of course we are trying to preserve McMillan due to DEI pressures. Which would be stupid.

Still not sure why there are two SVPs in oncology. No reason to have both Allyson McMillan & Wendy be SVPs. Not the case in Heme, CV or Immunology. If we are going to cost cut, this would be a place. Unless of course we are trying to preserve McMillan due to DEI pressures. Which would be stupid.
She's a DEI Hire. No question about it.

Think this will should answer your question:

"There is a reason why people say “Same Old BMS” because a complete lack of innovation, and mid-90’s reach & frequency paradigm thinking.

Look at the parade of clowns we’ve seen come and go over the last 5 years.

If you want to see what I am saying just spend a couple of hours at PPK or LVL. Be sure to go early in the morning around 8AM. You can park anywhere you want and even roll a yoga mat out in the middle of the office because no one will arrive until 9-9:30 and when they do its down to the Starbucks for coffee and then a vigorous hour-long discussion on what they ate for dinner the night before and what they want for lunch.

Around 11 the tone shifts from a busy morning of chit chat and sending 3 emails about the next POA & executive spotlights to heading downstairs for lunch. Between 11:30-1 the cafeteria is like Lollapalooza. Every kind of cubicle clown is there without a care in the world. Corporate may even have a giveaway table for everyone to help themselves to.

Between 1PM - 3:30 it tends to get quiet due to the collective post-prandial spike but close to 3:45 things start to percolate. It is at this time that you better not be standing anywhere near the elevators or the stairs or risk getting run over by the swell of humanity leaving the collective stresses of the day behind.

BMS is singularly unique in it’s ability to be home to so many clock watching, passive people who have no motivation to be otherwise. In fact, they are celebrated for it."
Bravo for pulling this gem of a comment about "Life at BMS HQ" thru from another thread. It could not be more accurate of a depiction. When you ask why things take 4-5 months to execute, think about this comment and you'll understand what's going on and why.