Opinions...Cytyc or Tripath(thinprep or surepath)

is this new rotation because of the fda regs?then they can still get 130 out of everyone. is this a new idea? makes no sense. sincethat is 65 slides do they make u do another 15manual to max out. ridiculous

is this new rotation because of the fda regs?then they can still get 130 out of everyone. is this a new idea? makes no sense. sincethat is 65 slides do they make u do another 15manual to max out. ridiculous

Listen. If you screen 130 slides, that means that you may full manually review 15 of the 130 slides and no more.

130 FOV X .5 = 65 + 15 FMR = 80

ok sorry, I misunderstood
I figured that whatever evil the labs would try, they would get away with it as usual

According to the Ms Hologic Douchebag, there are other labs who pass the abnormal FOV slides off to another tech who counts each as 1 FMR slide in order to enhance productivity.
More money for Hologic, more money for the lab. Tech is screwed.

hey for the techsthat do the rotaion after u do the 130 slides 65 after the .5 do u screen the other 15 to max out? if u do and for the techs that max out with 80 manuals legally if u take out the 15 mins of admin time that is suppose to reduceyour time screening u r all over the limit. that is the law correct?

hey for the techsthat do the rotaion after u do the 130 slides 65 after the .5 do u screen the other 15 to max out? if u do and for the techs that max out with 80 manuals legally if u take out the 15 mins of admin time that is suppose to reduceyour time screening u r all over the limit. that is the law correct?

It is not possible to screen 130 slides without having to fully review some of them. All slides that show reactive changes on up have to go through full manual review. Get it. If you have more than 15 slides for full manual review you will go over the limit.

Admin time takes you way over the limit. I don't know how they are getting away with tacking on 15 minutes without paying the techs for it. Every other company knows better. Oh yes, by telling the techs that they are salaried and calling the time clock the "CLIA Clock." You have to be joking.

It is not possible to screen 130 slides without having to fully review some of them. All slides that show reactive changes on up have to go through full manual review. Get it. If you have more than 15 slides for full manual review you will go over the limit.

Admin time takes you way over the limit. I don't know how they are getting away with tacking on 15 minutes without paying the techs for it. Every other company knows better. Oh yes, by telling the techs that they are salaried and calling the time clock the "CLIA Clock." You have to be joking.

You are just pissed off because you are being made to actually work. Stop your bitching, no one is making you stay if you don't like it then go work for some other lab.

You are a judgmental idiot who has no idea of what you are talking about.You sound like an immigrant who thinks that slaving for a corporation who tries every way it can misinterpret the law in order gain a competitive advantage by exploiting you is better than you ever had it before. You think that we do not already work are a$$es off? It is because we care about what we do. We could just go along with the program, not giving a damn about the patient, and treating them as widgets. Twice as many widgets produced for the same with no increase in expense equals a 100% increase in productivity.

These corporate labs are gobbling up all of the decent labs. How? By exploiting us. Oh the hell with you. You are a waste of energy.

You are just pissed off because you are being made to actually work. Stop your bitching, no one is making you stay if you don't like it then go work for some other lab.

Where to Quest? Same old Sh**, different toilet. How would you like it if your work load was doubled, no increase in pay, in fact your benefits were lowered, and the only thing you were told was what you did wrong no matter how well you did? Just suck it up and be overwhelmed with gratitude because you have an employer? You certainly would not be pissed, would you? No you would just find another job, only to bought out by the company you just quit.

You are just pissed off because you are being made to actually work. Stop your bitching, no one is making you stay if you don't like it then go work for some other lab.

Do you work for minimum wage? If not, why not? After all , if your workload was tripled and you had to work an extra hour for free, it would not bother you at all. You certainly would not complain because you were being made to "actually" work. And I am sure you would share this with your co-workers when they complained. (this is sarcasm if you don't get it.)

You know that's right!!! Yes, we got the trigger cell training after we showed her a half a tray of imager missed HPV cases picked up on QC. Just flat out missed with not even reactive changes.

On one of the cases, she found an anucleate squame at a FOV and said that cell should have triggered a manual review of the whole slide. You just echoed what I said. Just another way to blame the cytotech for the limitations of their machine.

i have used the imager for 7 yrs. now. the device misses daily. it picks up high grade ok, but is nortourious for missing low grades. it will also miss high grades if they are in sheets or in clusters. i think its a matter of time before it is pulled off the market. cytyc is great at bull sh ting their way

It is not possible to screen 130 slides without having to fully review some of them. All slides that show reactive changes on up have to go through full manual review. Get it. If you have more than 15 slides for full manual review you will go over the limit.

Admin time takes you way over the limit. I don't know how they are getting away with tacking on 15 minutes without paying the techs for it. Every other company knows better. Oh yes, by telling the techs that they are salaried and calling the time clock the "CLIA Clock." You have to be joking.

I don't think you understand what they are saying. They screen 130 slides AND if they see any abnormal cells they pass it to another tech so they do not have to do the full screen. What I want to know is after they do the 130--do they screen any more? Or is that it for the day?

Listen. If you screen 130 slides, that means that you may full manually review 15 of the 130 slides and no more.

130 FOV X .5 = 65 + 15 FMR = 80

Absolutely correct, we have known this since the original FDA approval came out..but the labs chose to interpret the requirements the way they thought they could get away with it.
In states other than CA where 100 Max is the limit, a CT can screen 180 Imaged slides but can have no more than 10 full manual reviews (but that is a ridiculous amount for 180 slides!!) Hologic lied about everything but then again they are a medical-device manufacturer. It is the lab's responsibility to use the Imager properly and not abuse the law.
That includes deducting 15 minutes of slides to make up for the required Admin time, but they just tack that onto your day instead.

But my question is for other CTs: If you have a high-risk population, or just have a bad day and come across more than 15 abnormal slides during the day, are you
1) just stopping your screening to comply with the law in CA,
2) feeling pressure NOT to diagnose too many abnormals during the day so you look more productive,
3) screening more than you record as a full manual review just to cover your own ass, and because you dont trust the Imager??

I struggle with all of this - so please let me know if it is happening to you too. My thoughts is that the lab's initial expectations for the Imager and the golden "200" number has now reduced the effectiveness of the Pap smear altogether...maybe even rendering it useless under certain screening conditions. Not every CT is willing to screen more for concern of their patients - and many more may feel the need to look like their productivity is at the highest level or they will be next on the chopping block.

According to the Ms Hologic Douchebag, there are other labs who pass the abnormal FOV slides off to another tech who counts each as 1 FMR slide in order to enhance productivity.
More money for Hologic, more money for the lab. Tech is screwed.

Really? Who is doing that and why aren't there compaints left and right?
You can't do that!

According to that logic the labs will require a CT to screen a max of 160 in CA, and a max of 200 in other states..because they never screen beyond the 1-22 FOV? I'm finding it hard to believe that the labs are that stupid or arrogant to think they can get away with it.

What is the max that CTs are screening out there?? Im at 130 max in CA, with no more than 15 Full manual reviews. If I have a lot of abnormals, my overall productivity goes down - sometimes in the 95-105 range.

You are just pissed off because you are being made to actually work. Stop your bitching, no one is making you stay if you don't like it then go work for some other lab.

spoken like a true sales rep or supervisor dirtbag. u dont give a shit about the patients just about sticking your nose in corporates ass.

Absolutely correct, we have known this since the original FDA approval came out..but the labs chose to interpret the requirements the way they thought they could get away with it.
In states other than CA where 100 Max is the limit, a CT can screen 180 Imaged slides but can have no more than 10 full manual reviews (but that is a ridiculous amount for 180 slides!!) Hologic lied about everything but then again they are a medical-device manufacturer. It is the lab's responsibility to use the Imager properly and not abuse the law.
That includes deducting 15 minutes of slides to make up for the required Admin time, but they just tack that onto your day instead.

But my question is for other CTs: If you have a high-risk population, or just have a bad day and come across more than 15 abnormal slides during the day, are you
1) just stopping your screening to comply with the law in CA,
2) feeling pressure NOT to diagnose too many abnormals during the day so you look more productive,
3) screening more than you record as a full manual review just to cover your own ass, and because you dont trust the Imager??

I struggle with all of this - so please let me know if it is happening to you too. My thoughts is that the lab's initial expectations for the Imager and the golden "200" number has now reduced the effectiveness of the Pap smear altogether...maybe even rendering it useless under certain screening conditions. Not every CT is willing to screen more for concern of their patients - and many more may feel the need to look like their productivity is at the highest level or they will be next on the chopping block.[/QUOTE

Yes. You have fully expressed my thoughts and feelings. It could not be said better.