Opinions...Cytyc or Tripath(thinprep or surepath)

Yes, you are correct. The way you did it is proper and correct, but it ok only if you do not have reviews or manual rescreens of imaged slides.

However, they count it this way:

25 imaged X 0.4 = 10 (if negative)

65 + 10 = 75

If you have over 5 slides to manually review, you must be over calling, especially on those bad days when the tech has 6+ abnormal cases, not to mention the reactives that you must manually rescreen. Want to explain Fed Guidlines the new supervisor, S. Kim over there. Good Luck. Because S. Harner told her the .4 calculation was alright, in her mind, it must be right.

By the way, Westcliff is Labwest now, part of LabCorp.

So you work at LC in CA. Do they tell you to keep your abnormals/manuals low? They are not following the new FDA guidelines but do they straight up tell you not to screen less abnormals/full manual reviews?

Yes, you are correct. However, they count it this way:
25 imaged X 0.4 = 10 (if negative)

65 + 10 = 75

If you have over 5 slides to manually review, you must be over calling, especially on those bad days when the tech has 6+ abnormal cases, not to mention the reactives that you must manually rescreen. Want to explain Fed Guidlines the new supervisor, S. Kim over there. Good Luck. Because S. Harner told her the .4 calculation was alright, in her mind, it must be right.

By the way, Westcliff is Labwest now, part of LabCorp.

so you work for LC. do they tell you not to screen as many abnormals/full manual reviews?

For the person who stated the 65 + 10 (25images x .4)
Does LC tell you not to screen full manuals or abnormals? Do you get in trouble if you screen too many abnormals? That is against FDA regs the .4
but it sounds like you know that.

Anybody want to talk about the rumors going on at Quest that they are also counting negative Imaged 1-22 fov only as .4?
If LabWest can do it does that mean all the CA labs are going to be doing it..at the suggestion of the cytyc rep?

Anybody want to talk about the rumors going on at Quest that they are also counting negative Imaged 1-22 fov only as .4?
If LabWest can do it does that mean all the CA labs are going to be doing it..at the suggestion of the cytyc rep?

From what I hear, LabWest has just been forced to start counting fov only imaged slides as .5 and fov + full manual screen as 1.5 slides by LabCorp Quality Assurance.

S. Kim, cyto supvr says that San Diego has to stay an extra 15 minutes each day, 8 hrs and 45 minutes because they count the administrative task of filling out paper work as additional time to screening time. What anal bean counter came up with this? Our understanding of the laws is that admin time reduces the number of slides the cytotech is allowed to screen. You don't add it to your already long a*s 8-1/2 hour day!!! If you want to get technical about it, that is 15 minutes of overtime that the company is getting away without paying for. How do they get away with this? Oh, I guess no disgruntled techs have gone to the labor board yet. I know a cytotech who went to the labor board on another lab and got thousands in back pay because of stuff like this.

I also heard from reliable sources that she wants the tech's to start rotating at the imager like San Diego does. Geez!

Labwest is now following FDA guidelines thanks to LabCorp Quality Assurance. SK will just find another way to make the tech's lives miserable. Like rotating at the cytyc imager just like the San Diego Lab.

Labwest is now following FDA guidelines thanks to LabCorp Quality Assurance. SK will just find another way to make the tech's lives miserable. Like rotating at the cytyc imager just like the San Diego Lab.

What does that mean? Do you get up from your scope and go into another room with imagers? What is the purpose of that?

From what I hear, LabWest has just been forced to start counting fov only imaged slides as .5 and fov + full manual screen as 1.5 slides by LabCorp Quality Assurance.

S. Kim, cyto supvr says that San Diego has to stay an extra 15 minutes each day, 8 hrs and 45 minutes because they count the administrative task of filling out paper work as additional time to screening time. What anal bean counter came up with this? Our understanding of the laws is that admin time reduces the number of slides the cytotech is allowed to screen. You don't add it to your already long a*s 8-1/2 hour day!!! If you want to get technical about it, that is 15 minutes of overtime that the company is getting away without paying for. How do they get away with this? Oh, I guess no disgruntled techs have gone to the labor board yet. I know a cytotech who went to the labor board on another lab and got thousands in back pay because of stuff like this.

I also heard from reliable sources that she wants the tech's to start rotating at the imager like San Diego does. Geez!

You are ALWAYS supposed to take away slides when doing any non-screening tasks, hands down. I'm surprised there is not a revolt! Plus you are adding time to your day and not getting paid for it? When you take a vacation day or sick day you are paid for 8 hours, that's adding 45 min to each day. Are you considered hourly or salaried?

What does that mean? Do you get up from your scope and go into another room with imagers? What is the purpose of that?

It means that you when it is your turn in the rotation, you do imaged slides only at the image microscope. 130 slides in an 8 hour period is required. 130 fov only X .5 = 65 slides.

The other techs screen 80 manually reviewed only slides until it is their turn.

You are ALWAYS supposed to take away slides when doing any non-screening tasks, hands down. I'm surprised there is not a revolt! Plus you are adding time to your day and not getting paid for it? When you take a vacation day or sick day you are paid for 8 hours, that's adding 45 min to each day. Are you considered hourly or salaried?

It is 8 hours of screening, half hour lunch, plus 15 minutes of admin time do do paper work. And there IS a time clock. You don't get paid for the 15 minutes of admin time.They do not pay overtime. You have to use the time clock but they still call you salaried. If you work on a day off, you don't get overtime. You get what they call premium time. Go figure!!!

It is 8 hours of screening, half hour lunch, plus 15 minutes of admin time do do paper work. And there IS a time clock. You don't get paid for the 15 minutes of admin time.They do not pay overtime. You have to use the time clock but they still call you salaried. If you work on a day off, you don't get overtime. You get what they call premium time. Go figure!!!

Sounds awfully fish-y to me. CAn a salaried employee be forced to take a lunch - I thought that was for hourly employees only?? Do they make you clock out for lunch and breaks too? What is the whole point of being salaried if they make you adhere to hourly policies?
15 minutes add up, day after day..1 hr 15min/week. They are stealing that from you.

But I also understand your dilemma, complain and you look like a trouble-maker and we all know what happens to those people.

Yes, I heard about that. You do have to clock in and out for lunch. They came up with this scam of calling the clock the "CLIA clock." A tme clock by any other name is just a time clock. They use the excuse of compliance with CLIA. But what happened to compliance with California labor law? How ruthless can they be?

You are being robbed of two of your most precious resources, time and money. You will never get back the time. And they tell you that you are salaried??What is wrong with that picture?

Sounds awfully fish-y to me. CAn a salaried employee be forced to take a lunch - I thought that was for hourly employees only?? Do they make you clock out for lunch and breaks too? What is the whole point of being salaried if they make you adhere to hourly policies?
15 minutes add up, day after day..1 hr 15min/week. They are stealing that from you.

But I also understand your dilemma, complain and you look like a trouble-maker and we all know what happens to those people.

You have that right. Jobs are scarce. That is what they are taking advantage of.

I wonder how they get away with the "CLIA" clock overriding CA labor laws?
You r right, it is just a time clock - but the lab will just say that they are upholding the law and making sure the techs aren't getting away with something. They can always turn around and blame the tech and try to look like they are sooooo law-abiding.
Anyone ever go try to formally complain about this, or get a lawyer? What happened, this insight would be helpful to everyone. There is strength in numbers, I might add. Lot of us r in this situation as Labcorp takes over more and more.

What are you saying? CLIA clock? You are not kidding, are you? What will they think of next?And you are being forced to take a lunch and have to clock in and out for breaks too? Well you know what? If they want to blame the techs, and treat them like hourly employees, then they need pay them like employees. OVERTIME AFTER 8 HOURS!!! Just who do they think they are..... Walmart??

I wonder how they get away with the "CLIA" clock overriding CA labor laws?
You r right, it is just a time clock - but the lab will just say that they are upholding the law and making sure the techs aren't getting away with something. They can always turn around and blame the tech and try to look like they are sooooo law-abiding.
Anyone ever go try to formally complain about this, or get a lawyer? What happened, this insight would be helpful to everyone. There is strength in numbers, I might add. Lot of us r in this situation as Labcorp takes over more and more.

They can spin it anyway they want. You would have to be gullible and blind not to be able to see through the bs. This is supposed to be a national lab that is publicly traded on the stock exchange. This is how they risk their stockholders money? California law is as plain as day.

A lab that was acquired by Quest got into trouble with the California labor board over this a while back. A cytotechnologist complained that she was forced to clock out after 8 hours and before she finished her work day. But she had to go back to her desk and finish her work before she could leave. They treated her like an hourly employee, but paid her as if she was salaried. This cytotech had kept copies of her time records. But the clincher was the lab's own Time Clock records. You know, records showing how she clocked in and out when she started her day and ended her work day and for lunch break. This qualified her as an hourly employee. She was paid the per Diem rate on a per slide basis for weekend work and it added up to less than overtime pay would have been.

She won the case. And the lab was forced to pay all of her overtime back pay all the way to the statute of limitations. Happy Time!!!

hey san diego techs. when did this imager rotation start? if u r on rotation and u get n abnormal do u give it to a manual tech. why split the case up
I dont trust a thing my dirtbag Hologic Rep says...but I trust other techs that are struggling with unfair crap.
This is perplexing...the same tech DOESN'T screen the ENTIRE slide if they find an abnormal cell on 1-22 FOV? They count it as .5 and pass it on to another tech who counts it as 1 full manual slide. Yeah I know the labs are counting it right but I don't think it was designed to be passed off between 2 techs. The whole reason is for 1 tech to find abnormal cells, then take the time and the slide reduction to properly manually screen the entire slide...WTF?

Is that what is going on?

I dont trust a thing my dirtbag Hologic Rep says...but I trust other techs that are struggling with unfair crap.
This is perplexing...the same tech DOESN'T screen the ENTIRE slide if they find an abnormal cell on 1-22 FOV? They count it as .5 and pass it on to another tech who counts it as 1 full manual slide. Yeah I know the labs are counting it right but I don't think it was designed to be passed off between 2 techs. The whole reason is for 1 tech to find abnormal cells, then take the time and the slide reduction to properly manually screen the entire slide...WTF?

Is that what is going on?

The same tech screens the case if FMR is required, becomes FOV + FMR (1.5). You are not suppose to pass it off to another tech.