no pharma rep makes 90k base. unless u have 50 years experience..lets be honest here that person who claim they canmake total comp 130k as a pharma rep is just pulling everyones pud...pharma is a great job for a mom so she can fill up her 401k and make decent money workin 10-2, while picking and dropping off the kids... while her husband makes the real bacon...or vice versa a father can do the pharma gig while the wife makes the bacon in a real job.
i have worked both pharma and med device...i believe both are great careers as opposed to the 1000's of other crappy jobs out there. if you are driven and want to make great money medical device is a great place to do that. yes there is more pressure,risk and responsibility, which you are compensated for in devices...pharma is a slacker job which is why compensation is much lower than device on average...
yes there are not so good device jobs out there, meaning u may not crack 100k. however most device jobs do not require more than 40 hours of work in a week and most do average 130-160k. pharma is a 15 hour to 20 hour a week job. for me i would prefer device because i want to be able to retire and have money in the bank. as well, device can be more fulfilling due to the better relationships that you build with the doctor versus being a pharma rep. unless u get 100% of business pushing pills u cannot tell me that relationship mean anything. in devices, as a rep you are there to make the docs job easier and in the same breathe make him $$$ that right there to me, it separates your relationship between that of a device rep and a pharma rep.
everyone has the freedom to choose which path they want to take..for me i want to make more money for not that much more work.only 10% of device jobs require wearing a beeper and extensive hours on call, these are pacer jobs, and trauma positions..the rest are 30hrs-50 hrs a week tops...if any one tells you differently they are full of it...they real difference between device and pharma is if you want to take full accountability for your performance..if in fact you can sell and be a truly good rep on a consistent basis devices is a great place to be. but if you dont like pressure and dont mind less money stay in pharma...its a choice...this website sucks because no one ever tells it straight...