Open Letter to Dan W



You're a smart guy and I'm sure you know what you're doing. This is meant to give you a reality check. The Pharma ship is sinking quick! You've been busy focusing elsewhere and you've lost a lot of smart people inside and out that you couldn't afford to lose. Take a look around Pharma. It's being run by 2nd and 3rd rate operators at best. Market share is going to plummet across the board. You have asked for huge growth with nothing to assist that endeavor. Moral is low.

Managed markets is a joke. Marketing has nothing to offer. Massive changes are happening in the marketplace and nothing useful or helpful comes from corporate. Business is being lost incrementally everyday. It's going to hit like a ton of bricks and it will be too late. Alc_n has been ready for this moment and they are pouncing at every level of the business. You need to grab control and change our course or our fate is sealed.

I'm sure you don't read this CP stuff, me neither really. I hope someone shows you this and you realize it's not from someone who is bitching or trying to screw B&L. It's from someone who once believed in this company and is horrified at its pending demise.

There is no reason for anyone to comment or say any smart remarks. Let this stand alone if you can. Start your own topic.


You're a smart guy and I'm sure you know what you're doing. This is meant to give you a reality check. The Pharma ship is sinking quick! You've been busy focusing elsewhere and you've lost a lot of smart people inside and out that you couldn't afford to lose. Take a look around Pharma. It's being run by 2nd and 3rd rate operators at best. Market share is going to plummet across the board. You have asked for huge growth with nothing to assist that endeavor. Moral is low.

Managed markets is a joke. Marketing has nothing to offer. Massive changes are happening in the marketplace and nothing useful or helpful comes from corporate. Business is being lost incrementally everyday. It's going to hit like a ton of bricks and it will be too late. Alc_n has been ready for this moment and they are pouncing at every level of the business. You need to grab control and change our course or our fate is sealed.

I'm sure you don't read this CP stuff, me neither really. I hope someone shows you this and you realize it's not from someone who is bitching or trying to screw B&L. It's from someone who once believed in this company and is horrified at its pending demise.

There is no reason for anyone to comment or say any smart remarks. Let this stand alone if you can. Start your own topic.

Nice letter. Why dont you type it up and send it to his office? You dont have to sign it. Maybe you could offer some specifics of what we need for support ( like samples! Nothing like asking for surgical business with no sample support over the last 4 months)

Nice letter. Why dont you type it up and send it to his office? You dont have to sign it. Maybe you could offer some specifics of what we need for support ( like samples! Nothing like asking for surgical business with no sample support over the last 4 months)[/QUOTE
Or maybe resources for the blue team similar to the white team.

Biatches. This ain't my first time at the rodeo. Who the hell cares if that smoking fiend left. He has never stayed at a company long. B & L is still a great place ot work at. Valeant..who cares? People get over the drama. It doesn't matter whether he stayed or went

Biatches. This ain't my first time at the rodeo. Who the hell cares if that smoking fiend left. He has never stayed at a company long. B & L is still a great place ot work at. Valeant..who cares? People get over the drama. It doesn't matter whether he stayed or went

Dont know about the smoking, but you are right-get over it peeps! There are so many immature drama mongers at this company! Find something productive to do!

He moved on! It happens!

No, we aren't. Do you think your quotas are going to stay flat with new drugs? If you are not growing these drugs-so easy to sell-you dont deserve a decent bonus.

Lol, yes the quotas are crazy. Easy to sell? Yea gel is so easy to sell, with its less than stellar MC, the fact suspension STILL out there and it's getting switched, that pharmacies stock it over gel, where's our pay no more than and med D coupon? I will say after a year it's growing and getting easier, but still challenging to put it mildly.

Lol, yes the quotas are crazy. Easy to sell? Yea gel is so easy to sell, with its less than stellar MC, the fact suspension STILL out there and it's getting switched, that pharmacies stock it over gel, where's our pay no more than and med D coupon? I will say after a year it's growing and getting easier, but still challenging to put it mildly.

Whaaaaaa. Whaaaaa. Whaaaa.

Your quotas were based on substitution data. This is a push prior to generic suspension.

How many drugs on the market have a part D coupon? Just because there is one for prolensa oes not mean there should be one for gel. Prolensa has its own challenges-and your goals are not dependant on it.

Go to work.

I don't think they were discrediting the fact prolensa has its own challenges (remember we all sold it at one point). So we are all aware and aware that you have had advantages in some areas. Took Bromday away, uhc and other NC are not an issue since you have that nice little coupon. Just give the blue team the same chance is all. I'm not whining I'm pointing out facts!