Only in America and at Gilead...

Trying to compare a comment by a person with ZERO power to control anything! You’re comparing a powerless Black guy’s comments to systemic racism and attempting to give them equal weighting? Really? Typical Republican strategy! It’s called “false equivalence.” But nice try!
Do you really even work here? If so, then consider the diversity within this company- straight, gay and transgender blacks, whites, Asians, Latinos at the field and corporate levels (aside from upper mgmt). More diverse than Genentech up the road (where I used to work, and they bleed diversity). Your anger and hatred will give you frown lines friend, not becoming.

I am white. My family came here from Helsinki in 1994. I like it here. I was born here in 1995 and graduated from Stanford in '17 and finished med school this spring. Are all of my "gains" due to my skin color or are they all ill gotten because of my skin color? Finland never had any slaves, nor any colonies.

I am white. My family came here from Helsinki in 1994. I like it here. I was born here in 1995 and graduated from Stanford in '17 and finished med school this spring. Are all of my "gains" due to my skin color or are they all ill gotten because of my skin color? Finland never had any slaves, nor any colonies.

What’s your point? Answer your own question. Do you believe it’s easier for Europeans and Canadians to gain US citizenship or those from Haiti, Central Africa, Central America, other countries of black/brown ethnicities? Especially with the racist president currently occupying the White House which was built by slaves by the way? America did have slaves which was cruel and it created an overwhelmingly large maldistribution of wealth in this country to whites that many fail to acknowledge/admit. As a result of your fellow white brethren’s unearned advantages - since you presumably have white skin being from Finland - you and your family now enjoy the fruits of privilege afforded to your race by now being in America. Congratulations!

What’s your point? Answer your own question. Do you believe it’s easier for Europeans and Canadians to gain US citizenship or those from Haiti, Central Africa, Central America, other countries of black/brown ethnicities? Especially with the racist president currently occupying the White House which was built by slaves by the way? America did have slaves which was cruel and it created an overwhelmingly large maldistribution of wealth in this country to whites that many fail to acknowledge/admit. As a result of your fellow white brethren’s unearned advantages - since you presumably have white skin being from Finland - you and your family now enjoy the fruits of privilege afforded to your race by now being in America. Congratulations!