Hola. This is Jose. I work Gilead, also. Why do they give off Juneteenth, but not Cinco De Mayo. I don’t think Gilead values people like me. We must need to riot, loot, and shoot too to get things. Adios.
This is a great observation, but one that will never be addressed by the Liberals.5% of college grads are black, and less than that number comprise the college educated US population. Being college educated is a MINIMUM job requirement for this company. Our workforce is made up of greater than 5% black employees. Blacks are over-represented at our company.
I couldn't agree more. In the Commercial organization, there are plenty of good ol' boys posing as "I've passed the inherent bias exam" poster children while they drunkenly brag at NM how they play cards and sip whiskey together in a white den located in San Carlos. Truth. The bigger we get, the easier it is to hide.I can think of several reps and managers that need to either apply to or return to Pfizer.
Again white people...bigotry and racism has to come at a cost and not just to its victims.
There they go again with their hands out for free money saying we owe them money , which is total BS! Even Morgan Freeman disagrees that black are owed money because of slavery! The entire notion of reparations is ludicrous, and not a single dime should or will be paid out!
This idea will drive a much larger wedge between the races. I can tell you now, liberal whites are losing any empathy they once had for black America. The riots saw to that. There is a huge silent majority out here thats getting fed up with the rioters and looters made up of Antifa and BLM. It’s a huge powder keg waiting to blow.
You seem intelligent. If you spent a fraction of your time becoming educated in a marketable skill (like millions of your black peers have), and less time justifying why, for some reason, only blacks (and all of them), are victims and building up a high level of racist hate, it would do you well. You are fortunate to live in one of few countries where you could be extremely successful.- First of all, I NEVER noted that black folks should receive anything (though they should since every other atrocity in humanity has been repaired...but I digress). Black people paid and continue to pay the greatest price for the systemic cruelty of whites for more than 400 years in this country. What have whites had to pay? They have given nothing and have taken everything right down to the land beneath their feet. You’re in denial and a fool! NO peoples in this world has faced the brutal slavery Blacks in America faced. No peoples! Blacks were kidnapped and enslaved solely for the color of their skin. A race of people’s don’t just “get over” slavery, Jim Crow and systematic racism when they are left with nothing after building a nation. Other forms of slavery (though still wrong) throughout humanity was one group defeating another in war and enslaving them. It wasn’t based on skin color. ALL SLAVERY IS WRONG! Period.
-Typical white person, quote ONE Black man, Morgan Freeman, (an affluent Black man that whites built up) and that’s supposed to be the feeling of an entire race of >35M people to support your ridiculous argument which fuels your denial mentality. Whites always have their Rolodex of that ONE Black person they love to quote to support their misguided and conscientious stupidity regarding race matters. Stop it! Ask the millions of Blacks and those white persons marching with them if they share Morgan Freeman’s views. It’s already been proven BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that slavery existed and as a result the wealth of this nation was grossly maldistributed and slaves weren’t given shit. But your whites benefitted whether you want to remain in denial or not! You have received unearned privilege and access you never had to do a damn thing to earn cuz you were born white in America. That unearned privilege you receive only because your white is called an advantage Trumpite! When one race has benefitted from an unfair advantage it comes at a cost to others and that is a disadvantage for those groups. Here’s an example for you since like your dumb ass president you need pictures to understand: You were handed a 9.95 mile head start in a 10 mile race while Blacks are told to catch up while wearing 200lb weights. You unfairly won the race due to the head start (advantage) you did nothing to receive but be white. You cross the finish line and lie to yourself which fuels your denial that you ran faster to gain such a HUGE advantage. You not once acknowledged that massive head start you received and the disadvantages your competitor faced. You starting to see how it all works now Trumpite?
-Another reality you Trumpites are in denial is that systemic racism is real, but you couldn’t care less cuz you’re white and don’t want to give back the shit your ancestors stole and you didn’t have to do much if anything to get. Exhibit A is your clown for a president! No way in hell would he be elected president AND remain in office if he weren’t a white man. He’s a cruel hearted, misinformed dumb ass! Barack Obama nor any other ethnic minority or woman would have ever gotten away with the overwhelming list of incompetence he’s demonstrated. He is TOTALLY over his skis and has no damn business being the leader of this country. Obama runs circles around him and just laughs at that fool along with every other leader in the world.
-I’ll let you in on a lil’ secret misinformed Trumpite - “liberal whites” never gave a shit nor had any empathy about Black America. They simply need and must have their votes and come around every 2-4 years but never does shit for them.
-Your last two sentences are nothing more than your dear leader’s (Trump) talking points. Btw, NONE of his bullshit has ever been proven. 1-20-21 can’t get here fast enough for that orange, fake albatross to be out. In the words of the orange fool: “Believe me” he will be voted out!
Now go read a book about “REAL” history which highlights more than just the shit that makes you and other whites feel good like apple pie and July 4th. The Orange Fool has concocted another batch of Kool Aid for you. Drink up!
Poster #26 thinks America owes reparations for slavery. America owes you nothing but allowing you to do whatever your talent allows you to do. The victim and race card has gotten very, very old and does nothing but divide the races even more. Quit playing the poor little victim. It’s old.
Poster #26 thinks America owes reparations for slavery. America owes you nothing but allowing you to do whatever your talent allows you to do. The victim and race card has gotten very, very old and does nothing but divide the races even more. Quit playing the poor little victim. It’s old.
You seem intelligent. If you spent a fraction of your time becoming educated in a marketable skill (like millions of your black peers have), and less time justifying why, for some reason, only blacks (and all of them), are victims and building up a high level of racist hate, it would do you well. You are fortunate to live in one of few countries where you could be extremely successful.
Thank you, I do feel fortunate. Looking forward to celebrating my great Country over the 4th of July weekend. God Bless America!And you are fortunate to live in a country as a white person (if you’re white) that greatly reaps the fruits and benefits of unpaid slave labor and continuous systemic advantage/preference for whites.
Thank you, I do feel fortunate. Looking forward to celebrating my great Country over the 4th of July weekend. God Bless America!
Just make sure you give thanks to the “true” builders of this country whose labor was stolen for all you have and claim to be grateful for.
Yea, we thank our brave military members all the time.
why is no one on here upset with DeSean Jackson's Hitler comments? Why, even at this hour, is it not on CNN or MSNBC. Fox News isn't the only one with an agenda. Read this quick before the mods delete this because its not part of their approved narrative.
Trying to compare a comment by a person with ZERO power to control anything! You’re comparing a powerless Black guy’s comments to systemic racism and attempting to give them equal weighting? Really? Typical Republican strategy! It’s called “false equivalence.” But nice try!