Only in America and at Gilead...


Only in America and at Gilead, after listening and being lectured for hours on this topic on other conference calls, can you have a black multimillionaire Many times over who was allowed to freely change his religion and name while openly criticizing everything about his country at every opportunity, lecture me - a middle class white male, on my privilege - incredible,

Only in America and at Gilead, after listening and being lectured for hours on this topic on other conference calls, can you have a black multimillionaire Many times over who was allowed to freely change his religion and name while openly criticizing everything about his country at every opportunity, lecture me - a middle class white male, on my privilege - incredible,
As a female, I agree with you. This is now beyond ridiculous

Only in America and at Gilead, after listening and being lectured for hours on this topic on other conference calls, can you have a black multimillionaire Many times over who was allowed to freely change his religion and name while openly criticizing everything about his country at every opportunity, lecture me - a middle class white male, on my privilege - incredible,
Politics aside-this is as accurate, and as ridiculous as it gets. Thanks for stating what a huge majority of us at this company feel.

To all you racists crying that you’re privilege is in jeopardy, do what you’ve been telling Black folks for years. Go somewhere else! Go steal another country but this time build the country yourself and not with slave labor if you want to avoid another situation where former slaves at some point seek justice and equitable opportunities. You bunch of cry baby racists! Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. You were born on 3rd base and haven’t earned a damn thing.

To all you racists crying that you’re privilege is in jeopardy, do what you’ve been telling Black folks for years. Go somewhere else! Go steal another country but this time build the country yourself and not with slave labor if you want to avoid another situation where former slaves at some point seek justice and equitable opportunities. You bunch of cry baby racists! Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. You were born on 3rd base and haven’t earned a damn thing.

Former slaves??? You, my young idiot/racist, are not a former slave! You make me sick hollering about some thing that started 400 years ago. Get the fuck over it! All you want is something for free. If you don’t have the brains achieve, you want it given to you! Your excuse that slavery has somehow ruined your chances at life is ludicrous!

Former slaves??? You, my young idiot/racist, are not a former slave! You make me sick hollering about some thing that started 400 years ago. Get the fuck over it! All you want is something for free. If you don’t have the brains achieve, you want it given to you! Your excuse that slavery has somehow ruined your chances at life is ludicrous!

“Get the fuck over it?” Exactly how does a race that has been continuously oppressed following LEGALIZED SLAVERY AND REPRESSION just “get the fuck over it?” You are a fool living in denial wanting to maintain your UNDESERVED White privilege so I understand. Truth hurts and relinquishing your undeserved privilege and power is too difficult. But you understand this assclown: ALL the advantages and privilege that you currently and historically have benefited due to the foul shit your ancestors did to Black folks you didn’t earn but you damn sure have benefitted though you choose to remain dumb and blind cuz you can in a White America whether you want to see it or not. Slavery started in the US 401 years ago but how do you define systemic racism? I guess Jim Crow wasn’t real either, huh? The bullshit has never ended for Black folks cuz the knees and feet of White folks have ALWAYS been on our necks. Get the fuck outta denial is what YOU need to do. I bet your white ass wouldn’t trade a day to be Black in America you clown ass racist fuck. Learn real history and not the bullshit your racist family and clown of a president spews.

This thread went off the rails fast. We have some pent up hatred in our ranks. I bet you’re the one who god to the bathroom to wash your hands when a genuinely caring white person on the team shakes your hand as a warm greeting? Well considering COVID now, should we get back to in person meetings, no one will be shaking hardship so you’re off the hook. Let your hatred tear you apart, take it to your grave, or find something positive from those who are real and non judgmental.

If you all could step back and hear yourselves you would be so ashamed. Is this really the reputation you want for Gilead? Please take a breath and focus on how you can be part of the solution rather than adding to the anger and hatred that you are cultivating. Rise above it.

There is no systemic racism in Gilead. I’ve had black bosses, women bosses, black women bosses and what if I said I was black too! If you don’t get the job, ask why. Don’t assume it’s the color of your skin. Inclusivity goes both ways and we don’t need bottom rung talent just to fill a void. Earn what you get. Only thing we have issues with is some poor leadership or direction at times and the god awful silos.

Only in America and at Gilead, after listening and being lectured for hours on this topic on other conference calls, can you have a black multimillionaire Many times over who was allowed to freely change his religion and name while openly criticizing everything about his country at every opportunity, lecture me - a middle class white male, on my privilege - incredible,

#1. Nobody forced you to listen.
#2. You clearly either cannot or will not accept that middle class white males are not the dominant paradigm any more. And it's about damn time!
#3. Who cares if someone changes their religion a bunch of times? In America, we have freedom of religion. God knows, we could use a little freedom FROM it these days.
#4. Why don't you start an ERG group for you butt hurt Bubbas and Bubbettes who just can't accept 2020 realities?
#5. Gilead needs to take a hard look at what kind of people they are hiring and retaining. Take your privilege and outrage somewhere it can be valued and your worthless observations might matter. Not here.

Gilead is a Bay Area based company that makes medicines that many marginalized populations happen to take. American's hypocritical society loves to judge the patient populations that Gilead happens to make medicines for, and they face enough discrimination and judgment from society. They don't need it from its employees.

There is no systemic racism in Gilead. I’ve had black bosses, women bosses, black women bosses and what if I said I was black too! If you don’t get the job, ask why. Don’t assume it’s the color of your skin. Inclusivity goes both ways and we don’t need bottom rung talent just to fill a void. Earn what you get. Only thing we have issues with is some poor leadership or direction at times and the god awful silos.

Classic! “If you don’t get the job, ask why.” I guess the The Ole’ Boys Club is comprised of plenty of Black and Brown folks? Please! That’s ALWAYS the bullshit line you roll out to justify every damn thing going to white folks ALL the damn time. Spare me that crap! You and I and everyone knows what it is. They go by the names White Privilege and White Denial. If you are Black (which I hope you’re not), Heaven help you!

Gilead is a Bay Area based company that makes medicines that many marginalized populations happen to take. American's hypocritical society loves to judge the patient populations that Gilead happens to make medicines for, and they face enough discrimination and judgment from society. They don't need it from its employees.
I can think of several reps and managers that need to either apply to or return to Pfizer.

Got that little hand out again huh? Wanting to redistribute the wealth to people that don’t have brains enough to earn it themselves! So your great, great , great Granddad was a slave and that’s what’s holding you back? What total BS!

Bam! Nailed it! The whiny song over and over again has gotten very old! We have a lot more to worry about in this industry than whose ancestors were slaves! We have a new paradigm in pharma, and one day we will see a huge reduction in the number of reps. Concentrate on that rather than trying to take from those who have been successful!

Classic! “If you don’t get the job, ask why.” I guess the The Ole’ Boys Club is comprised of plenty of Black and Brown folks? Please! That’s ALWAYS the bullshit line you roll out to justify every damn thing going to white folks ALL the damn time. Spare me that crap! You and I and everyone knows what it is. They go by the names White Privilege and White Denial. If you are Black (which I hope you’re not), Heaven help you!
5% of college grads are black, and less than that number comprise the college educated US population. Being college educated is a MINIMUM job requirement for this company. Our workforce is made up of greater than 5% black employees. Blacks are over-represented at our company.

Got that little hand out again huh? Wanting to redistribute the wealth to people that don’t have brains enough to earn it themselves! So your great, great , great Granddad was a slave and that’s what’s holding you back? What total BS!

Since you seem to have ALL of the answers “Oh Privileged One,” how do you propose Blacks get their share of the 100% wealth that has been maldistributed since slave days? Enslaving an entire race with continued systemic oppression and racism isn’t something one just “gets over!” The total BS is your lack of recognition and denial for the sins of your race and the privilege you’ve reaped and continue to benefit from due to those sins. Please tell me how Black people gain economic equity from the maldistributed wealth in America due to legalized stolen labor called slavery? I’m sure there will only be responses of denial but please detail the plan to level the playing field since it’s so easy. It’s a new day in America and Black and Brown folks aren’t putting up with the bullshit and unfairness that has been dished out by White folks no mo’! Ya might as well get used to it or steal your ass another country to live.

Question, exactly how to do want to “redistribute” wealth in America so whites can atone form the sins of their ancestors 400 years ago? Would you seize a portion of our 401k’s, retirement funds, bank accounts, property, etc., and if so, how much would you want? Also, please tell us what has to be done to “equal the playing field”?

Question, exactly how to do want to “redistribute” wealth in America so whites can atone form the sins of their ancestors 400 years ago? Would you seize a portion of our 401k’s, retirement funds, bank accounts, property, etc., and if so, how much would you want? Also, please tell us what has to be done to “equal the playing field”?

I’m not falling for the ole’ answer my question with a question” trick but nice try! Bigotry and racism has to come at a cost and not just to its victims.

White people have NEVER experienced systemic injustice. Not to say white people don’t have individual challenges but they have never been systematically disadvantaged. So, AGAIN, I ask the question:

What can Black people do to eliminate their own unjust injustice, mistreatment, disrespect, oppression and marginalization in America as a result of the legalized system of slavery, repression, Jim Crow, etc, created by whites for whites that has intentionally and unfairly maldistributed 100% of the wealth of this nation in their favor?

Remember: If you decide to answer the question with an answer bigotry and racism has to come at a cost and not just to its victims!

Question, exactly how to do want to “redistribute” wealth in America so whites can atone form the sins of their ancestors 400 years ago? Would you seize a portion of our 401k’s, retirement funds, bank accounts, property, etc., and if so, how much would you want? Also, please tell us what has to be done to “equal the playing field”?

Good question that they refused to answer. They want everything they can get is the answer!