Only 14 mangers hit this segment

Once again, THIS is the best you can do??? "Management/leadership" by threats and intimidation!?!?

Would you prefer I try and ambulance chase another patient? Maybe do some more illegal procurement of documents? Violate HIPPA and ask a nurse, who also happens to be a PSR and PAID by Zoll to fit patients, to find some patients? Possibly tell said PSR that she only fits patients she finds?

Lastly, is the "threat" of not being employed at Zoll any longer a negative consequence???
There is a address we need to express our concerns with zoll unethical behavior.
send real life experances to zoll.information then the numbers (four one one) This is a gogle mail account

Once again, THIS is the best you can do??? "Management/leadership" by threats and intimidation!?!?

Would you prefer I try and ambulance chase another patient? Maybe do some more illegal procurement of documents? Violate HIPPA and ask a nurse, who also happens to be a PSR and PAID by Zoll to fit patients, to find some patients? Possibly tell said PSR that she only fits patients she finds?

Lastly, is the "threat" of not being employed at Zoll any longer a negative consequence???

Can you see a pharma rep (Asthma medication) wondering around the hospital talking to RN and looking for patients that has asthma in there chart to get the Dr. to write a prescription. This could be any medication. The hospital would be filled with reps!! ITS ILLEGAL what they are telling us to do every day. No they have to get appointment. We will NOT be able to do this much longer as well as have to deactivate the hospital RN PSR. Zoll will have to employee the psr's soon. The orders will fall and so the layoffs start, this has already been predicated LOL

There is a address we need to express our concerns with zoll unethical behavior.
send real life experances to zoll.information then the numbers (four one one) This is a gogle mail account

I have heard and they are not looking for childish name calling or slander but ONLY TRUE facts on information on PSR and what hospitals they are in and any other activity that we think is in violation of hospital protocol. Your name is not needed just the information and place of incidence occurred . This is for past or present employees or ANY healthcare workers. There have been a RN pissed because a PSR "RN" getting money and she wanted a position to get paid as well and was not given the opportunity. She has filed a complaint and this is what they are looking for.

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you

As we all say... We are speaking the truth. You may as well fire the sales force because all these posts are from different people and you can't find out who we are. I am pleasured by torturing you.

Zoll will fall!!!!
Oig has interviewed many of us who are involved in a whistleblowers lawsuit. You can pay me until the doors shut and I won't even make a call!

Then I get a portion of the recovery :)

As we all say... We are speaking the truth. You may as well fire the sales force because all these posts are from different people and you can't find out who we are. I am pleasured by torturing you.

Zoll will fall!!!!
Oig has interviewed many of us who are involved in a whistleblowers lawsuit. You can pay me until the doors shut and I won't even make a call!

Then I get a portion of the recovery :)

Great this is happening. We need realize we the employee will not be in violation and be exempt from any wrong doings as long as we turn in the violations or unethical doings of Zoll. There are different entities that is investigating Zoll practices and need your information. So get in touch with the oig and email any information address above. You could be awarded money as this person has stated. SO funny if zoll has done nothing wrong they would be assisting in the investigation. Instead they threaten our jobs a Christmas.

I have heard and they are not looking for childish name calling or slander but ONLY TRUE facts on information on PSR and what hospitals they are in and any other activity that we think is in violation of hospital protocol. Your name is not needed just the information and place of incidence occurred . This is for past or present employees or ANY healthcare workers. There have been a RN pissed because a PSR "RN" getting money and she wanted a position to get paid as well and was not given the opportunity. She has filed a complaint and this is what they are looking for.

Where do we report the information? I'm uncomfortable sharing the information with a Zoll email only as I don't think the data will ever make it to the appropriate entities.

Where do we report the information? I'm uncomfortable sharing the information with a Zoll email only as I don't think the data will ever make it to the appropriate entities.

As I said there are different organizations that are looking into Zoll practice's. One is OIG the other is needing you're personal experiences. They DO NOT need your name (it can be from a email address that you make up) we just need information on PSR violation's and what hospitals it occurred at. THIS IS NOT A ZOLL address!!! We thank the information already given and need as much information as we can get. I can promise you the statements are gong to make a difference. The comments on this sight are worthless because they never mentions a hospital or a city where the violations happen, so it makes it impossible to have a organization recognize the violations and follow up. It this was zoll they already know who there psr are so this would be worthless information.

I have sent stuff to OIG and left message with not much help. This gogle address allows the proper authorities to investigate the source of the occurrence. WE need to know what hospitals has PSR and what department they work in so we can hold Zoll accountable.
The psr WILL NOT BE IN TROUBLE or you. This is for corporation to hold Zoll accountable with the illegal practice's they make us and hospital staff preform daily.
its zoll.information then the number's (Four, one,one) @ a gogle account.

Where do we report the information? I'm uncomfortable sharing the information with a Zoll email only as I don't think the data will ever make it to the appropriate entities.

Its a gmail account, and why would you get in trouble for telling the truth? See what zoll has done to us!!!!! We all know we do violations. Seriously I have been in medical field for over 25 years, this is the FIRST company Ive ever worked for that I was scared to tell the truth about what I do daily. Think about it and do the right thing.
The outcome is Zoll will get fined and they will have to change the PSR system. FIX the quota scale that nobody will make after the hospital staff get told to stop violating HIPAA rule and looking in charts for LV or get fired. We will not be allowed to be in hospitals to wonder the halls or be suspended from hospital if caught. The PSR will have to be employees of Zoll and get paid salary of 45K year and be basically a SSR. This is the way it will have to be

Its a gmail account, and why would you get in trouble for telling the truth? See what zoll has done to us!!!!! We all know we do violations. Seriously I have been in medical field for over 25 years, this is the FIRST company Ive ever worked for that I was scared to tell the truth about what I do daily. Think about it and do the right thing.
The outcome is Zoll will get fined and they will have to change the PSR system. FIX the quota scale that nobody will make after the hospital staff get told to stop violating HIPAA rule and looking in charts for LV or get fired. We will not be allowed to be in hospitals to wonder the halls or be suspended from hospital if caught. The PSR will have to be employees of Zoll and get paid salary of 45K year and be basically a SSR. This is the way it will have to be

If you all worked at selling as much as you did worrying about reporting falsehoods, we'd be much better off. Please stop complaining and and start being productive...Please!

If you all worked at selling as much as you did worrying about reporting falsehoods, we'd be much better off. Please stop complaining and and start being productive...Please!

FUCK OFF! You can either get that shitty resume of your's ready and get out before the shit hits the fan, OR you can be someone's bitch in prison!!!

If you all worked at selling as much as you did worrying about reporting falsehoods, we'd be much better off. Please stop complaining and and start being productive...Please!

This is the caliber of management Zoll hires; "worked at selling". What the hell does that mean???

I can hear the conference call with your team now:

"Guys, since we're all brand new, let's go into our #1 STEMI hospital, ask nurses to look for patients, share our seatbelt/parachute analogies, and hold these doctors accountable. They're still missing patients. It's our job to be an advocate for the patient and save lives. Come on guys, let's work at selling."

Never mind the fact that it's all BS, and the last ~3 people, in the last ~3 years, have done the SAME. EXACT. THING.

LOL LOL ya no shi*!! where are they going to realize that new guys are not going to do crap!! There are actually going to have a harder time selling because the vets that have been here for 4-5+ years are going to screw zoll the way they have screwed them. WE have relationships that are VERY VERY valuable. They are so stupid if they think the Dr. will keep producing MO's once they fire us or make it sooooooo uncomfortable from the continuous threats. WRONG!@!!!!!! Its our relationship and Dr. will take our side. That that Zoll!!!

Zoll is run by idiots!!! Think about this you have a vet that's been with Zoll 4+yr. Hes missing his number and making base for 3 months within 85+% quota but still making zoll over $65,000 every 2 weeks. Lets fire him pay shit load of money to train new bitch and let them make bonus for 6 months because of the lowered quota and make it a revolving door. ZOLL WILL have NO decent reps soon. Nobody wants a job that only will last 1 yr before the fire gets put to your feet. Vets want a good company that they can have job security for there family's.

Well put past poster, sell how? what the fuck do you want us to do RM you are just a puppet mother fucker's and will burn in hell! You have nothing intelligent to add to "selling" Ok let me ask RN to break HIPAA violation and look in charts. We do that or get fired right assholes!!!!!!!! All that matters is make your number so you don't get fired. Your a pussy for not standing up to corporate and being on our sides and telling corporate these are GREAT Reps and there quota is unattainable and there loosing good people.. for shitty people. Cause they will put you to the dogs just you do to us.
How does ML fist feel up your ass? You are not a manager but a mere puppet you pussies. You bring nothing to the table you DO NOT motivate us or help us, just threatening us. Shit goes both ways ,Watch you back you might be next!

If you all worked at selling as much as you did worrying about reporting falsehoods, we'd be much better off. Please stop complaining and and start being productive...Please!

Again with the "falsehoods" its what we do every day! You clearly want to stay out of jail not going to happen, sorry. The things we say are TRUE everyday stuff. Why don't you see what the OIG, DOJ, Corporate hospitals and lawyers see's. If we all are lairs or it was BS why are the director of nurse's OIG, corporate lawyers says its unethical and leads to violations. They are looking at key strokes of RN seeing what records they look at. Zoll will be banned from most hospital soon. 2015 will not be a record for zoll profit.

If you all worked at selling as much as you did worrying about reporting falsehoods, we'd be much better off. Please stop complaining and and start being productive...Please!

I too, wouldn;t want my employees to learn about their legal possibilities if I ran Lifevest. If I were really into lying, I'd say that signing a form when they came on board absolved the company of all responsibilities and ethics.

...another underachieving pharma rep driving a Ford Focus

Wrong dipshit! I am one of the fortunate ones that got out of this cluster fuck better off then I came in! I quickly realized how screwed up Zoll was, and instead of "working at selling", I focused on building relationships and networking for my inevitable next move! That move came along after a LONG and PAINFUL 2 years. Now I work for a reputable company that respects it's sales force, and has products that are actually needed. Also, I make more then you worthless DM's and don't have to sell my dignity to do it...

All you Zoll dough asses are glorified pharma reps, nothing more. Funny thing is, you all even admit it. Get the hell out there and find something more fulfilling. There are jobs for you with the experience most of you accumulated prior to going to Zoll. Leverage it!! Be someone again and do something worthwhile again while getting paid to do it. Happy Holidays