Only 14 mangers hit this segment

Like I said a$$hole, I was a top rep and I am still hitting my number after many splits and an ever increasing goal. It's not just a couple of reps. This company is a dead end road!
I am only staying here to be a mole for oig and will make it my life's mission to expose this fraud of a company.

Its really not as bad here as you make it out to be or as terrible as the board posts suggest. I assume its a couple nonperforming reps that are jealous they haven't been successful here yet...or at any previous med device they have had, posting their frustrations on here. They have a great product and the credibility of some of the KOL docs touting its wonder, but they are frozen in fear how to position it. Really is shameful to have these type of so called sales pros in our organization!

Lies, lies and more lies. Ask anyone who has ever worked here. Management has a history of lying to everyone and even most KOL's think it's a bunch of garbage. Otherwise, it would be in the guidelines by now.

Its really not as bad here as you make it out to be or as terrible as the board posts suggest. I assume its a couple nonperforming reps that are jealous they haven't been successful here yet...or at any previous med device they have had, posting their frustrations on here. They have a great product and the credibility of some of the KOL docs touting its wonder, but they are frozen in fear how to position it. Really is shameful to have these type of so called sales pros in our organization!

It appears management has had a discussion on what to do with all the negative posts about the company. This I know for sure. I hear Marshall really got pissed when someone wrote they have a second job and are only working 5-6 hours a week for Zoll. The above post from a corporate person is intended to dispel all the bad press about the company. They would like you to think there is a small minority of people that are unhappy because they are underperforming or are not good employees. The problem with this argument is that the negative threads started being posted years ago. The corporate culture is terrible here because of the inability to have a fair chance to be part of the organization for more than 2 years. It is impossible to stay above water with the current quota system that is in place. This is an indisputable fact. The company has moved away from tenured cardiac med device reps in favor of pharm reps with a desire to get into med device. The reason for this move is based on several factors. 1) high performing med device reps bring long lasting relationships which can be used against the company especially when the quota comp plan is not advantageous for more than one year.2) med device reps over time understand the true potential of how many patients truly benefit from this product. With a true cardiology background it is difficult to risk your reputation with long lasting customers by overselling this product. Employing pharm reps with little cardiac experience enables the company, in their mind, to be able to provide direction that tenured reps would find unprofessional. It really is that bad here at Zoll. The process is self defeating as many departments work against each other rather than in unison. For example tech support and sales. Account managers being incentivized to control inventory for sales. putting a 24 hour shot clock on the return of PSR paperwork or withholding pay. I am a Regional Manager who had come from med device after 25 years. I am embarrassed to have my name associated with such a mismanaged and ruthless organization. I can only believe that the policies that exist today may be in place because of fear of declining reimbursement. This is nothing more than a guess. I did live through the glory days of cardiac arythmia monitoring with similiar reimbursements only to see them reduced to the 300-400 per patient per 30 day range. This in no way should be a reason to employee entry level sales people. The company has created a name within the industry that tenured cardiac people avoid. Zoll upper management has created this culture. This is the honest truth. I am very glad that this is my last stop and that I have had the ability to do very well at previous companies. I would not want Zoll on my resume if I was coming up in the medical sales profession.

It appears management has had a discussion on what to do with all the negative posts about the company. This I know for sure. I hear Marshall really got pissed when someone wrote they have a second job and are only working 5-6 hours a week for Zoll. The above post from a corporate person is intended to dispel all the bad press about the company. They would like you to think there is a small minority of people that are unhappy because they are underperforming or are not good employees. The problem with this argument is that the negative threads started being posted years ago. The corporate culture is terrible here because of the inability to have a fair chance to be part of the organization for more than 2 years. It is impossible to stay above water with the current quota system that is in place. This is an indisputable fact. The company has moved away from tenured cardiac med device reps in favor of pharm reps with a desire to get into med device. The reason for this move is based on several factors. 1) high performing med device reps bring long lasting relationships which can be used against the company especially when the quota comp plan is not advantageous for more than one year.2) med device reps over time understand the true potential of how many patients truly benefit from this product. With a true cardiology background it is difficult to risk your reputation with long lasting customers by overselling this product. Employing pharm reps with little cardiac experience enables the company, in their mind, to be able to provide direction that tenured reps would find unprofessional. It really is that bad here at Zoll. The process is self defeating as many departments work against each other rather than in unison. For example tech support and sales. Account managers being incentivized to control inventory for sales. putting a 24 hour shot clock on the return of PSR paperwork or withholding pay. I am a Regional Manager who had come from med device after 25 years. I am embarrassed to have my name associated with such a mismanaged and ruthless organization. I can only believe that the policies that exist today may be in place because of fear of declining reimbursement. This is nothing more than a guess. I did live through the glory days of cardiac arythmia monitoring with similiar reimbursements only to see them reduced to the 300-400 per patient per 30 day range. This in no way should be a reason to employee entry level sales people. The company has created a name within the industry that tenured cardiac people avoid. Zoll upper management has created this culture. This is the honest truth. I am very glad that this is my last stop and that I have had the ability to do very well at previous companies. I would not want Zoll on my resume if I was coming up in the medical sales profession.

Well said! Oig is taking a hard look at Zoll Lievest

Its really not as bad here as you make it out to be or as terrible as the board posts suggest. I assume its a couple nonperforming reps that are jealous they haven't been successful here yet...or at any previous med device they have had, posting their frustrations on here. They have a great product and the credibility of some of the KOL docs touting its wonder, but they are frozen in fear how to position it. Really is shameful to have these type of so called sales pros in our organization!

Sadly, too many people know the truth about Zoll and the culture. No matter what kind of public relations damage control management tries to throw at this, the place is a mess. It's a revolving door and nothing anyone wants on a resume. Wish that wasn't true, because it's on my resume, but it's the way it is.

Its really not as bad here as you make it out to be or as terrible as the board posts suggest. I assume its a couple nonperforming reps that are jealous they haven't been successful here yet...or at any previous med device they have had, posting their frustrations on here. They have a great product and the credibility of some of the KOL docs touting its wonder, but they are frozen in fear how to position it. Really is shameful to have these type of so called sales pros in our organization!

Thank you for weighing in home office/or management! One of your KOL physicians would like to weigh in now:

It appears management has had a discussion on what to do with all the negative posts about the company. This I know for sure. I hear Marshall really got pissed when someone wrote they have a second job and are only working 5-6 hours a week for Zoll. The above post from a corporate person is intended to dispel all the bad press about the company. They would like you to think there is a small minority of people that are unhappy because they are underperforming or are not good employees. The problem with this argument is that the negative threads started being posted years ago. The corporate culture is terrible here because of the inability to have a fair chance to be part of the organization for more than 2 years. It is impossible to stay above water with the current quota system that is in place.

Right on. The fact that Marshall is trying to cover up only what's posted on this forum means he's really clueless about what field and sales activities are. Focusing only on a segment as an indicator of sales success is idiotic. Since segment growth is the only measure, why the hell should they care that I'm only spending 10 hours a week on this job while I'm actually developing a "real" company's product and my own reputation? I'm hitting my numbers. I know some of my other colleagues have the same selling skills, putting in 10X the effort in difficult regions, and being pipped. Means I have it good for a while, until it catches up with me, then I'm gone, and telling my customers the truth about this place.

I suggest you you worry more about how you are going sell our vest rather than worry about those that aren't going to be here much longer. You all have the same tools, I only wish you had the same drive as the best performers in our ranks. Stop complaining and start figuring out why your on here wasting time while others are making this life saving product accessible to their customers and patients. What a shame to bite that hand that feeds you so well!!

I'm not a history buff, but I've learned most dictatorships I despise (Stalin, Mao, Pol pot, Hitler) had the same sentiments -to sell the illusion of working on something greater than each individual, to be thankful for what they had, to eliminate or disparage anyone with differing opinions, and to have the wrong people in positions. Wow....4 for 4.

Mgmt is really freaking out about the posts on here. Instead of looking at what they could improve, they are hammering reps to stay off CP and planting posts about how great it is at Zoll. Shame they don't work to fix what is wrong.

Mgmt is really freaking out about the posts on here. Instead of looking at what they could improve, they are hammering reps to stay off CP and planting posts about how great it is at Zoll. Shame they don't work to fix what is wrong.

Zoll will never take accountability for anything. Zoll thinks that the hundreds of reps that have left ALL couldn't sell. LOL!!! They wouldn't want to think that they set up idiotic quota system that does not work. The way that quotas are set are so dishonest it's just pure guess work and manipulations. Example, Rep A has been with Zoll 2 years is at 80% of quota and they take 3 accounts away to "expansion". Those 3 accounts are worth 40K, and rep B (brand new) picks up this 3 accounts that we are calling "expansion". Rep B is at 100% of quota, as the new goal when they started was set at the amount the territory was actually producing. Rep B gets 25K quota added to their territory for those 3 expansion accounts that are doing 40K. Rep B is on easy street. Rep A's quota gets decreased 10K of the 40K that went away because they are not at goal. Now rep A's territory is smaller, has less accounts, less potential to make up the 40K that they lost and now they are an additional 30K in the hole from where they started with less potential to make up the difference. Oh yea and it compounds every two weeks. Which rep is the one that can sell and which is the one that can't sell? Rep B becomes "rookie of the year by doing nothing and rep A gets put on a Plan cause they can't sell and are fired within 60 days. Next year rep B becomes rep A and it starts all over again. What horrible quota system!!!!

Zoll will never take accountability for anything. Zoll thinks that the hundreds of reps that have left ALL couldn't sell. LOL!!! They wouldn't want to think that they set up idiotic quota system that does not work. The way that quotas are set are so dishonest it's just pure guess work and manipulations. Example, Rep A has been with Zoll 2 years is at 80% of quota and they take 3 accounts away to "expansion". Those 3 accounts are worth 40K, and rep B (brand new) picks up this 3 accounts that we are calling "expansion". Rep B is at 100% of quota, as the new goal when they started was set at the amount the territory was actually producing. Rep B gets 25K quota added to their territory for those 3 expansion accounts that are doing 40K. Rep B is on easy street. Rep A's quota gets decreased 10K of the 40K that went away because they are not at goal. Now rep A's territory is smaller, has less accounts, less potential to make up the 40K that they lost and now they are an additional 30K in the hole from where they started with less potential to make up the difference. Oh yea and it compounds every two weeks. Which rep is the one that can sell and which is the one that can't sell? Rep B becomes "rookie of the year by doing nothing and rep A gets put on a Plan cause they can't sell and are fired within 60 days. Next year rep B becomes rep A and it starts all over again. What horrible quota system!!!!

Shut up and go sell the vest you idiot! Tired of you lazy assholes complaining.

Shut up and go sell the vest you idiot! Tired of you lazy assholes complaining.

So Marshal tells you managers to go on Cafe Pharma and give fair balance (basically the opposite of the truth and what everyone else posts), and THIS is the best you can come up with???

If the LifeVest is as great of a product as corporate/leadership/management make it out to be, then you should have no problem making a compelling statement or argument for it. The problem is, that is not the case! Reimbursement is shrinking. Appropriate use has long been maxed out. The data is nonexistent (and not coming...VEST trial = failure). Leadership is incompetent. The FDA are circling the waters.

SOOO, due to all this, you resort to childish name calling and finger pointing! A quick review of the unlimited number of threads on this board will reveal many well thought out negative critiques of ZOLL and the LifeVest. Being that this is in fact the truth, it is not difficult to present an honest and non attacking statement as to what it is like working at ZOLL.

Zoll will never take accountability for anything. Zoll thinks that the hundreds of reps that have left ALL couldn't sell. LOL!!! They wouldn't want to think that they set up idiotic quota system that does not work. The way that quotas are set are so dishonest it's just pure guess work and manipulations. Example, Rep A has been with Zoll 2 years is at 80% of quota and they take 3 accounts away to "expansion". Those 3 accounts are worth 40K, and rep B (brand new) picks up this 3 accounts that we are calling "expansion". Rep B is at 100% of quota, as the new goal when they started was set at the amount the territory was actually producing. Rep B gets 25K quota added to their territory for those 3 expansion accounts that are doing 40K. Rep B is on easy street. Rep A's quota gets decreased 10K of the 40K that went away because they are not at goal. Now rep A's territory is smaller, has less accounts, less potential to make up the 40K that they lost and now they are an additional 30K in the hole from where they started with less potential to make up the difference. Oh yea and it compounds every two weeks. Which rep is the one that can sell and which is the one that can't sell? Rep B becomes "rookie of the year by doing nothing and rep A gets put on a Plan cause they can't sell and are fired within 60 days. Next year rep B becomes rep A and it starts all over again. What horrible quota system!!!!

The funny thing is I have heard ML say that he can not understand why reps can't be constantly successful He has shared that there are many reps that are successful one year but are not the next or subsequent years. He can't understand the inconsistency! It's hilarious because it's the Zoll Quota system. I have never seen another person with this title in any other company that blinded to what really happens in their own company. I know he doesn't think that the LV actually needs sales people, but OMG..this guy is really out to lunch.

So Marshal tells you managers to go on Cafe Pharma and give fair balance (basically the opposite of the truth and what everyone else posts), and THIS is the best you can come up with???

If the LifeVest is as great of a product as corporate/leadership/management make it out to be, then you should have no problem making a compelling statement or argument for it. The problem is, that is not the case! Reimbursement is shrinking. Appropriate use has long been maxed out. The data is nonexistent (and not coming...VEST trial = failure). Leadership is incompetent. The FDA are circling the waters.

SOOO, due to all this, you resort to childish name calling and finger pointing! A quick review of the unlimited number of threads on this board will reveal many well thought out negative critiques of ZOLL and the LifeVest. Being that this is in fact the truth, it is not difficult to present an honest and non attacking statement as to what it is like working at ZOLL.

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you

Once again, THIS is the best you can do??? "Management/leadership" by threats and intimidation!?!?

Would you prefer I try and ambulance chase another patient? Maybe do some more illegal procurement of documents? Violate HIPPA and ask a nurse, who also happens to be a PSR and PAID by Zoll to fit patients, to find some patients? Possibly tell said PSR that she only fits patients she finds?

Lastly, is the "threat" of not being employed at Zoll any longer a negative consequence???

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you

*yawn*. Lies, bullying and diversion from the actual problems (which aren't the employees in sales force). Seems like the same old sad Zoll Management story.

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you
What do on my time isn't business. Soi suggest you close your trap and go find so wine else you think you can bully. In the meantime, looks like there are more than enough people around willing to show what a corrupt, unethical clown show your company really is!

I would suggest if you would like to remain here through the Holiday's, you close your trap and start producing. Time on this site is not productive and it is taking time away from your efforts in the field. Thank you

I love threats from corporate! So why are YOU on here if its NOT productive FUCK FACE.