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One of the best leaders is leaving Novo Nordisk

JHDV (DBM) is leaving Novo Nordisk. This guy was a awesome person and leader within Novo Nordisk. Heard he got a better offer but he will be missed in a big way. Sad day for Novo Nordisk. Don't make many like JHDV.

Are you really surprised ? This guy led soldiers in Iraq and recieved a bronze star.. I am sure if he can lead and motivate people who are getting shot at and hit with bombs on a daily bases, he can lead at Novo Nordisk without all the FACT and coaching being jammed down everyone's throats. He should have been teaching leadership at Novo Nordisk rather than the FACT Bull Sh*& we have to deal with everyday. Should have put him in charge of training managers.

I agree with the last post. He knew how to get it done, without all the b#%* that takes the fun out of this job. Would hate to be the one replacing him---HUGE shoes to fill. Best of luck, JD. I'd follow you anywhere.

Don't know the man, wished I did. This company has surely lost a star. The nonsense thrown at us in the name of business is beyond laughable. FACT is only one complete waste of company money and selling time. I wish my CA IDBM could have learned a thing or two from this true warrior and leader! God speed man!

I agree with the last post. He knew how to get it done, without all the b#%* that takes the fun out of this job. Would hate to be the one replacing him---HUGE shoes to fill. Best of luck, JD. I'd follow you anywhere.

Shocked when I saw this post. He was fast tracking with Novo, why did he leave and what company ??

Shocked when I saw this post. He was fast tracking with Novo, why did he leave and what company ??

He was playing the game until something better came along. Novo Nordisk could care less about if he was great DBM. In a week, people will not even remember his name. If it were not for the economy and jobs available, more people would be leaving. We all must endure the current culture. What happened to the triple bottom line - might as well take it off the web site being we dont live the triple bottom line anymore. All we hear is profitability and reducing rebates. To hell with the patient and providing products with low co-pays in order to treat diabetes. The patient use to be the most important customer - not anymore.

This is truly a loss. I worked with John in Managed Care. Integrity. Great work ethic. It's a sad day for NN but just add it to the list of good people that we have lost/dismissed: Sean Hurley being at the top of the list. Surrounded by losers from pharma companies that we have never even heard the name of..
Our customers are so angry with our strategies and the turn over rate, they are done with us...it will take years to repair.

This is truly a loss. I worked with John in Managed Care. Integrity. Great work ethic. It's a sad day for NN but just add it to the list of good people that we have lost/dismissed: Sean Hurley being at the top of the list. Surrounded by losers from pharma companies that we have never even heard the name of..
Our customers are so angry with our strategies and the turn over rate, they are done with us...it will take years to repair.

Ditto, I still cant believe he left, he was awesome with TennCare and amazing motivator. When he spoke, customers would listen because he was so convincing and came from the heart. Good luck John - you are a class act.

John was not my manager in Georgia, but I know for a fact (from talking to his district) they loved him as a person and as a DBM. He had a gift to be able to lead yet be tough on his people which made the Macon GA district respected in the Gulf Coast. You could tell from national meetings he was respected by other managers as well. Nice to see a posting with some substance rather than all the negative comments. I would not want to be the manager following John in Georgia.

This is truly a loss. I worked with John in Managed Care. Integrity. Great work ethic. It's a sad day for NN but just add it to the list of good people that we have lost/dismissed: Sean Hurley being at the top of the list. Surrounded by losers from pharma companies that we have never even heard the name of..
Our customers are so angry with our strategies and the turn over rate, they are done with us...it will take years to repair.
Don't forget Matt B from the South Atlantic...he was the best AE we ever had in this region.