
I made the entire quota by June 10 no need to anticipate the fourth quarter. Only losers hope for the best. When one is the best no further need to anticipate

You work in pharma. Your quota is how many doctors you can get to sign a lunch form.

There is no such things as a quarter close or a hard quota.

Good luck.

This is comedy. Don't forget phama reps are well known for their hard work effort (10-2), business acumen (lunch ordering) and sales abilities (please sign the lunch form).

Good selling.

BAM!! LAMAOFF!! this person nails it with elegant brevity!

Spot on, hilarious, and brilliant...(not to mention 100% true.)

You’re all fooling yourselves; Keytruda sells itself. New indications or data every week it seems. Yes oncologist need updates, but at this point you can’t escape Keytruda. This is why Merck and BMS have closed access almost by themselves. You can’t have a rep for every indication. Clinics don’t need 5-6 Keytruda reps. Or Opdivo for that matter. It’s ridiculous

You’re all fooling yourselves; Keytruda sells itself. New indications or data every week it seems. Yes oncologist need updates, but at this point you can’t escape Keytruda. This is why Merck and BMS have closed access almost by themselves. You can’t have a rep for every indication. Clinics don’t need 5-6 Keytruda reps. Or Opdivo for that matter. It’s ridiculous

Of course you can 5-6 Keytruda reps!! This is the Pharma industry for chrissakes! Logic and and sound business decisions don't apply here...If something is ridiculous and makes no sense, count on the management team to do it...After all, they need somewhere to spend the gobs of cash, as a write-off.

come on...they know the reps don't do much and are only marginally (at best) effective.

It just doesn't matter in the Pharmaceutical Industry...