
You are progressing to the Spector of fire and brimstone with devilish language and tepid mores.
I will be stepping out at noon on my favorite golf course and the three key customers that drive my number one company position. I don't for a minute languish over the ooze of the Division swamp dwellers. Crawl on the bottom that you deserve

I will be stepping out at noon on my favorite golf course and the three key customers that drive my number one company position. I don't for a minute languish over the ooze of the Division swamp dwellers. Crawl on the bottom that you deserve
I have been in Nassau over the weekend enjoying my perks of success. I am the best of the best and run away with all the rewards. The remainder of the dregs deserve nothing but scorn

I have been in Nassau over the weekend enjoying my perks of success. I am the best of the best and run away with all the rewards. The remainder of the dregs deserve nothing but scorn
Just stepped out of tumor board and will now coordinate the afternoon liver rounds Weather is perfect for patio bar and anticipation will be high

Just stepped out of tumor board and will now coordinate the afternoon liver rounds Weather is perfect for patio bar and anticipation will be high
A great Thanksging and Xmas around the corner. The turds in the Division probably mooched off everyone available just as they mooch off the company. I am going fishing today in the Gulf with several important customers business comes so easily life is great

testing out the new golf clubs I bought myself for Christmas at an indoor range...looks like I will continue to have a lot of playing time while getting paid, gotta be ready!

I would like to congratulate the oncology field sales team for all of their hard work and dedication to help drive Q4 sales. I’m sure your efforts made a great contribution to the company.