Oncology - WORST WASTE OF TIME EVER!!!! Whose brain child is STEM?


Who schedules STEM during a launch and while we are four week into a new role all while also in training for AML. Who is pushing this big pharma mentality? You wonder why people continue to leave. We were all hired for experience and now questioning if this is the right move. Someone needs to step up and be a leader. Total distraction when we should be spending time on launching a drug to help patients but have to sit and role play with some old worn out wanna be pharma consultant. Aren't our managers the ones that should be coaching us? Whoever is behind the timing of this and STEM should be given their pink slip


Couldn’t agree more. Ever since Kim replaced Mike there has been a huge negative change in culture. It is so sad to see. And while Genentech had plenty of talented employees, we shouldn't have hired all of them at all levels of the sales and marketing organization. It took away diversity of thought and perspective. Jazz is becoming big pharma and metrics and “activity” seem to be more important than results. Everyone needs to honestly fill out the end-of -year survey if you want to save our culture. There’s a chance to save ourselves if we all have the courage to speak up. I do believe Bruce will listen.

Jazz’s culture is the biggest joke I’ve ever been a part of. It ranks right next to AstraZeneca at the bottom of the list of cultures that I’ve been a part of. The priorities are completely backwards. You don’t get rewarded for being innovative; you’ll get a slap on the bottom for that. You get rewarded for bring the best parrot. They should do a parrot skit in this years jazzies.

Ask yourself too, when was the last time Jazz discovered their own novel therapeutic that advances the science in healthcare, Everything Jazz promotes was either purchased, or even worse in the case of GHB/Xyrem, moved from a cheap OTC without FDA indication, to a really expensive drug whose only novel aspect is it’s REMS program.

Jazz is a marketing organization pure and simple. It’s not the best company you’ll ever work for, unless of course your desire in life is to work for companies like AZ, Pfizer, GSK, etc. in which case it’s marginally better simply based on pay.

The movement toward big pharma is a real threat - felt both in the field and in the home office. Over layered corporate functions, excess process, leadership changes and an increasing sense in US Commercial that the company lost its way and has lost/will lose talent going forward.

Couldn’t agree more. Ever since Kim replaced Mike there has been a huge negative change in culture. It is so sad to see. And while Genentech had plenty of talented employees, we shouldn't have hired all of them at all levels of the sales and marketing organization. It took away diversity of thought and perspective. Jazz is becoming big pharma and metrics and “activity” seem to be more important than results. Everyone needs to honestly fill out the end-of -year survey if you want to save our culture. There’s a chance to save ourselves if we all have the courage to speak up. I do believe Bruce will listen.

Oh please. Bruce doesn’t care one bit about culture. Jazz is a hobby to him. But I will agree with you on all the Genentech hires. Losers like Sue Hibbard and her lackey Jen Dolan have done nothing to fix all the problems in Comm Ops. Hiring more former Shire morons ain’t the way to go either.

If you’re unhappy leave! It’s a very simple solution to your unhappiness. My guess is that you’ve tried leaving but have not had any luck because you’re just not that marketable. Keep whining on CF while cashing your Jazz paycheck every other week. Loser

If you’re unhappy leave! It’s a very simple solution to your unhappiness. My guess is that you’ve tried leaving but have not had any luck because you’re just not that marketable. Keep whining on CF while cashing your Jazz paycheck every other week. Loser

Are you suggesting that someone hired by Jazz would be undesirable to other, more worthy companies? Or are you suggesting that other more worthy companies would pass over someone who works at Jazz because doing so makes them unmarketable? Which is it KJ?

Above poster is spot on. Successful organizations want their employees to be extremely marketable - and yet stay despite that because the organization is so appealing. The thought process here is so backwards. The attitude that you’re lucky to be here and you must be unmarketable if you stay despite how unhappy you appear is a symptom of how crappy an employer Jazz has become.

If you’re unhappy leave! It’s a very simple solution to your unhappiness. My guess is that you’ve tried leaving but have not had any luck because you’re just not that marketable. Keep whining on CF while cashing your Jazz paycheck every other week. Loser

Jazz paychecks aren’t that great. Loser!

KH is a f’ing moron. After how that marketing team screwed up the Sunosi launch they’re better off without. But the problem in sleep is so much deeper. If you’re in the field just be happy you’re not in the Philly office. If you actually saw how the sausage was made you’d puke your guts out.