Oncology Managers Meeting in NJ all week


So, it comes down to this...the Oncology DM's are in NJ this week to hear the fate of Oncology.

Anyone want to guess the outcome?

How comforting is it to know that some of the most incompetent people in the industry will be determining ou fate? OB and his micro-management thought process, MC and his my way or the highway process (by the way Charlie Brown, how did that internal promotion of Mark B. work out for you? Dumba$$), and 6 new DM's all hired in within the last 18 months.

We have great products, it is just a shame that we have morons running the show here. I can not wait to hear what mind numbing dribble that my DM will come parrot out after weeks end. I hope it is more information related to Influential Inqueary and how to use my dry erase board before every call.

Our leadership team could not sell a life preserver to a drowning man.


Tough times. The oncology is not going to save the company. Hopefully, the PC business will?

Don't worry! We all can count on OB and his infinite widom! In his first try, OB failed the PC business unit. In his second try, OB failed the oncology business unit. Hopefully, the thrid time's a charm!

Even though OB suffers from his "lack of communication" disease, don't worry because OB knows better!

Even though OB suffers from his "micromanagement" disease, don't worry because OB knows better!

Even though OB has "unclear expectation" because of his incompetence, don't worry because OB knows better!

Even though OB has a habbit of "intimidating" us, don't worry because OB knows better!

The management team ABSOLUTELY already knows what the head count will be post April 1rst. It will be interesting to see when they finally decide we can know too. The sooner the sales force can know its fate (Will I have a job? Which customers will I have?) the better, as long-term planning is more critical today than ever before. Even if the final decision sucks, at least we will have some certainty.

Top secret update from the meeting. Opening session was musical chairs. Final two are the new RSDs will be. Next was duck duck goose. The first 3 DSMs out will be cut. Now it is lunch break. Yummy yummy whole grain granola bars with green tea. More to come from the afternoon session.

80 territories. 8-10 managers. Long time Eisai employees will be given consideration over newly hired. Meaning....all the new PC reps promoted will be safe, actual onc reps will be let go....I mean restructured. What a mess this meeting is.

They have to give 30 days notice don't they? Maybe not if only 20-30 reps? That ,ightcotto be the WARN notice for larger layoffs? I would think more info by March 1 for April layoffs?

I think that the fact that they would keep people on the payroll until March 31 and then pay some sort of severance means that they could tell us any time up until March 31. Practically, if they plan to have the new territories/reps in place by April 1, then they would want to make the announcement before that, but I do not think they are legally obliged to.

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