Oncology Franchise??? Really???

looks like there are a lot of lonely scientology reps from pharmacyclics trolling the board. Its a shame that pharmacyclics cant just go out and sell there drug, its been a tragic failure of a launch led by scientologists. so many reps already leaving pharmacyclics because they cant sell ibrutinib .
I'll tow the company line with the best of them, but the previous poster is delusional. Ibrutinib is doing very well in my area and their reps are well respected by my accounts. I've reached out to a few friends across the country and they say the same thing. This is going to be an uphill battle when idela gets approved, hopefully sooner than later.

I'll tow the company line with the best of them, but the previous poster is delusional. Ibrutinib is doing very well in my area and their reps are well respected by my accounts. I've reached out to a few friends across the country and they say the same thing. This is going to be an uphill battle when idela gets approved, hopefully sooner than later.

We are Gilead, we will crush you, no matter what you think, we will dominate you.

one of my attendings went to Prime Oncology symposium and thinks we will get iNHL but may only get 17p in cll. if after ASCO upper management thinks the same, we need to change our focus to what's going to make us money and stop screwing around

I can't wait until you get your teeth kicked in by ibrutinib and your manager puts you on a pip! You're a fucking whining bitch who will have a lot of fun getting an oncology sales job when your numbers suck! HCV craps bigger then you!

I can't wait until you get your teeth kicked in by ibrutinib and your manager puts you on a pip! You're a fucking whining bitch who will have a lot of fun getting an oncology sales job when your numbers suck! HCV craps bigger then you!

yup but HCV here and at every other company pays a lot less than oncology...sour grapes

I think my RD is looking to jump ship. A former colleague at a well known biotech gave me a call and said he threw his hat into the ring for an open position. WTF! I'm really starting to get a bad feeling, why would he leave before the drug is approved?

I think my RD is looking to jump ship. A former colleague at a well known biotech gave me a call and said he threw his hat into the ring for an open position. WTF! I'm really starting to get a bad feeling, why would he leave before the drug is approved?

Maybe because you have no drug approved after 6 months and they are getting nervous that it may not get approved?

Summer vacation cancelled!! Nice BLACK BOX WARNING & REMS program! Who's whining now oncology hotshot? Have fun selling your shit drug :)

Did you guys actually negotiate that horrible label with the FDA? The above poster is correct in having fun selling that drug.

Ever hear of Iclusig? That's where you guys are heading!

I worked for years in oncology and I have to say all of you people with oncology experience are freaking elitist aholes. I saw it 7 years ago when I first got in and I've seen it ever since, even here. You think too much of yourselves. The one thing that Gilead will do RIGHT is hold their reps accountable. NO rep, I mean NO rep works less than an onc rep. Lazy POS that sit around and judge others. You're the joke of the industry yet you think you're the elite. LMAO

You jealous clown....

Get your head out of the mud...it's true ..we are elitist.. Now assholes..hmmnnn not all of us.
Many of my Oncologists are friends of mine , I travel with etc... I know what they are thinking and what they think about reps who know nothing and don't invest time in understanding their business, disease states -- you know..beyond training..
Your outburst is one of pure jealousy...
Yeah Gilead will probably create an environment where a lot of us will seek work elsewhere after awhile because micro management is primary care and there are cultures which are much easier ...
Holding reps accountable? A good Oncology professional makes sure the Patient has the right drug and maximizes his product... Make sure your oncologists see this in you

You jealous clown....

Get your head out of the mud...it's true ..we are elitist.. Now assholes..hmmnnn not all of us.
Many of my Oncologists are friends of mine , I travel with etc... I know what they are thinking and what they think about reps who know nothing and don't invest time in understanding their business, disease states -- you know..beyond training..
Your outburst is one of pure jealousy...
Yeah Gilead will probably create an environment where a lot of us will seek work elsewhere after awhile because micro management is primary care and there are cultures which are much easier ...
Holding reps accountable? A good Oncology professional makes sure the Patient has the right drug and maximizes his product... Make sure your oncologists see this in you

Do you think as an oncology rep you receive and have more sales and "disease state" training than an implantable medical device rep? Do you think an oncology rep is held to the same "accountable" standards of an implantable device rep? Which do you think is more highly regarded and would be hired first for a real sales gig an implantable device rep or a pharma oncology rep? Please answer!

Do you think as an oncology rep you receive and have more sales and "disease state" training than an implantable medical device rep? Do you think an oncology rep is held to the same "accountable" standards of an implantable device rep? Which do you think is more highly regarded and would be hired first for a real sales gig an implantable device rep or a pharma oncology rep? Please answer!

Depends on what implantable device you are talking about and what oncologic you are talking about. I've sold implantable oncologics for glioblastoma and scrubbed in on most cases. Not sure I received any more or any less training than the other chemos I've sold. Also I don't think most doctors regardless of the therapeutic area have a standard they hold any of us to. They really don't care as much about us as you think they do. I started my med career selling stents which is technically an implantable device and I can tell you it was a promotion to go from that to oncology and the oncology training was far more intense clinically. My brother "sells" pacemakers but he went to school for special training for that and it is more applications drive than selling. Not sure what 'real sales gig means'. My guess is anyone in medical sales (Pharma device, equipment etc) would not be overly attractive in industries out side of medical. Why would a software company hire a Pharma or Device rep over someone with software sales experience? Apply that same logic to any other industry, financial services, industrial chemicals, you name. Experience in the specific field usually trumps experience outside of the field. Lastly real sales should not be defined by what the day to day is but rather what you earn. A good Onc rep at a good biotech will make over $200k a year with base and bonus add all the other perks in and that is very real money to a lot if people. Couple that with a few stock buyouts and you have a lot of 40 year olds who are multi millionaires.

Depends on what implantable device you are talking about and what oncologic you are talking about. I've sold implantable oncologics for glioblastoma and scrubbed in on most cases. Not sure I received any more or any less training than the other chemos I've sold. Also I don't think most doctors regardless of the therapeutic area have a standard they hold any of us to. They really don't care as much about us as you think they do. I started my med career selling stents which is technically an implantable device and I can tell you it was a promotion to go from that to oncology and the oncology training was far more intense clinically. My brother "sells" pacemakers but he went to school for special training for that and it is more applications drive than selling. Not sure what 'real sales gig means'. My guess is anyone in medical sales (Pharma device, equipment etc) would not be overly attractive in industries out side of medical. Why would a software company hire a Pharma or Device rep over someone with software sales experience? Apply that same logic to any other industry, financial services, industrial chemicals, you name. Experience in the specific field usually trumps experience outside of the field. Lastly real sales should not be defined by what the day to day is but rather what you earn. A good Onc rep at a good biotech will make over $200k a year with base and bonus add all the other perks in and that is very real money to a lot if people. Couple that with a few stock buyouts and you have a lot of 40 year olds who are multi millionaires.
So you're saying that Eisai reps scrubbed in for brain surgery? That's a scary thought.