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Oncology Division


I am looking at coming over in the oncology division. Any insights on the culture, pay, stability (as much stability that is possible in the industry), etc? I have multiple years of experience, awards, and looking for a change because my current company has become toxic.

Thanks in advance for your help!

I am looking at coming over in the oncology division. Any insights on the culture, pay, stability (as much stability that is possible in the industry), etc? I have multiple years of experience, awards, and looking for a change because my current company has become toxic.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Are you 40+?

I am looking at coming over in the oncology division. Any insights on the culture, pay, stability (as much stability that is possible in the industry), etc? I have multiple years of experience, awards, and looking for a change because my current company has become toxic.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi. Reason other poster asked if you were over 40; they are actively recruiting college grads/ 20 something’s throughout the company, especially in Oncology. Pay is okay, if you have experience you might feel underpaid after a while. Lots of busy work, they are big on calls per day, number of emails etc.

Culture is not great and it has deteriorated a bit. They do not value sales performance. You will get by with mediocre sales but you hit all the metrics they have in place and you will be recognized. You are paid out on a district performance basis. Great if you are doing bad and team is killing it. However the other side of that can be frustrating. Raises are minimal. Usual benes. All places are toxic in some way. Choose wisely. As always it comes down to your boss and how they are.

Are you east or west coast based?

Thanks for the info. How are you not paid on your individual sales? How does the bonus system work then and is it even achievable? That salary range is low, especially for oncology. Is there any other ways they can make up the money?

What are the car choices? I know what is going to be mocked, but we all know that we live in our cars, and car choices do make a difference when comparing offers. These are questions that I can't ask during the interview, and even with all the crap on cafepharma this is the place to get some truthful information about the division and company. I am not happy where I currently are, and have heard great things about Lilly and the culture.

Thank you for your help!

Thanks for the info. How are you not paid on your individual sales? How does the bonus system work then and is it even achievable? That salary range is low, especially for oncology. Is there any other ways they can make up the money?

What are the car choices? I know what is going to be mocked, but we all know that we live in our cars, and car choices do make a difference when comparing offers. These are questions that I can't ask during the interview, and even with all the crap on cafepharma this is the place to get some truthful information about the division and company. I am not happy where I currently are, and have heard great things about Lilly and the culture.

Thank you for your help!

You are paid as a district. For example you sell at 105% to goal for the quarter. However your team comes in at 95% as a group. You get paid at the 95% goal. This is for each drug you carry. Each drug is weighted. We drive equinox, impala or a sprinter van.

Anybody want to comment on the OBU town hall that took place today? Are we back in primary care? I am blown away that we are now selling dinner programs to HCPs and it is apart of our bonus no less.

Anybody want to comment on the OBU town hall that took place today? Are we back in primary care? I am blown away that we are now selling dinner programs to HCPs and it is apart of our bonus no less.

Town hall is causing problems in OBU. People are gearing up to leave. Why not right? They will be rewarding non sense, wasteful projects instead of actual performance. Unless you are not one the chosen, then sales will count. This used to be a great division. Who is taking over the west leader position? Or can east leader run it all?

Town hall is causing problems in OBU. People are gearing up to leave. Why not right? They will be rewarding nonsense, wasteful projects instead of actual performance. Unless you are not one the chosen, then sales will count. This used to be a great division. Who is taking over the west leader position? Or can east leader run it all?
hahaha. Bring back the Stug and B Scholl. Hell, dig up Camelia while you're at it. The OBU has been in a tailspin since 2009. Even the retreads from BMS that rode the Taxol wave to riches, but couldn't spell carboplatin or count to an AUC of 6 without using the fingers on two hands, did a better job.

You clowns spent what... $5 billion on ImClone, but chased away all the talent. I remember with glee, how anyone who had a real life left ImClone immediately after the news. That should be a case study at one of those Lilly top-end MBA schools, where all the over-educated idiots come from. What next? Kelly Copes-Dumbass takes charge?

Leave now. It is a relief to look yourself in the mirror again.

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