Oncology Division

Exactly!!!! This looks to be something Novartis is willing to risk as part of doing business. Great discoveries but really bad execution in the end..due to the business unit of the company.

$250,000 therapy

What with the news from ASH about the collaborative effort using CAR technology to treat leukemias, is there any question, that if approved, we could see a $250,000 per year treatment?

After several years now I've had Dr.'s in my territory treat several hundred patients with tasigna.....not one has had this issue.

It affected you, guess it sucks to be you.

If indeed this is a rep he/she is a loser who doesn't represent the majority. Most do actually care and take pride in the successes and regret about the failures. There are some that aren't educated enough to understand the consequences of effective and needed therapies that also carry significant risks. That is not their fault. The government restricts what they can know and say to a doctor. The lawyers main goal is protect the companies interests. The company is loathe to acknowledge warning signs due to financial loss. It truly is a shame that you had that experience, I hope you find the therapy that controls your disease without causing harm elsewhere. My apologies for the short sighted a hole who doesn't understand that his/her long term success is dependent will be based on honesty and integrity, not denial.

Not denial ahole, just facts.....never heard of antheroscherosis in 4+ years of tasigna treatments in my territory, and, after checking, none in our area either. I find reviewing the SE profile helps give me credibility, but why highlight something that's a 0.00001% according to your BS.

Not denial ahole, just facts.....never heard of antheroscherosis in 4+ years of tasigna treatments in my territory, and, after checking, none in our area either. I find reviewing the SE profile helps give me credibility, but why highlight something that's a 0.00001% according to your BS.

To that patient who you so rudely said "sucks to be you" the incidence rate is 100%. You seem to be in denial to him. Not saying that that is what you should be highlighting, I am saying you should not minimize when a case does occur. You give us all a bad name.

If you had a brain in your fucking head, you'd know to ignore trolls or a least be respectful. They may or not be a troll and there are actual patients on these boards who read your comments. Pharma is becoming as hated as oil and your attitude is one of the reasons.

This from the patient you call a troll. Very classy..I gave you just a few articles to read. There are multiple more available..also...tasigna pi in australia speaks to it towards the end or lsst page...you can do some simple internet research and find articles about the risk and is it worth it.

Wish I could paste a picture of the scars from surgery that go from my hip to below my knee. You're a disgrace to your company which is disgraceful itself. All for billions in profits..I'm in the industry. .I get the profit part but not when a company manipilates its studies to hide the risk of something so severe.

You probably don't know that artherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in develped countries and its a slow progressing disease...with nilotanib which is tasigna for your stupid ass, it has been reported and more is coming out about it, that it causes accelerated artherosclorsis.

I'm done with you on cp. Youll hear about it more soon. Thank you for showing a total disregard nd lack of compassion for patient safety.


Troll with the 18 inch novartis scar.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience on Tasigna but for the vast majority of patients the quicker, deeper response translates to better outcomes. You are what is know as an "outlier". While I understand it is difficult for you personally, overall a statistically significant majority of Tasigna patients see a decrease in disease progression vs. Gleevec. This with much less side effects than Sprycel. I'm well aware of the slight increase in risk of antheroschlorosis but this is a class effect that could happen on any of the CML TKIs on the market today. The potential benefits outweighs the risk if I were a CML patient. Full disclosure is important but I'm not convinced that it will impact Tasigna's trajectory to the first choice in CML patients.

Development isn't much better, although on the bright side Minken from Baltimore just got "promoted" (Novartese for "reassigned before firing"). That sack of trash also went through a divorce- couldn't have happened to a more lowly piece of sub-human garbage. Otherwise, clanging right along into oblivion with every other department.

Hope this patient who has done his/her research into all of this doesn't go to the FDA or DOJ now that you called him or her a troll. I've done some research into it on the internet and it doesn't sound or look good for Novartis. Everything mentioned in the patient's posts is out there and looks to be valid information. This could be the beginning of difficult questions from our HCP's soon.

Re: $250,000 therapy

What with the news from ASH about the collaborative effort using CAR technology to treat leukemias, is there any question, that if approved, we could see a $250,000 per year treatment?

The CAR-T studies look interesting. If approved I'll bet NVS goes for $500,000 per year of treatment!

Development isn't much better, although on the bright side Minken from Baltimore just got "promoted" (Novartese for "reassigned before firing"). That sack of trash also went through a divorce- couldn't have happened to a more lowly piece of sub-human garbage. Otherwise, clanging right along into oblivion with every other department.

All of the MD talent went to Celgene. All that's left are the FMGs. If you have american training Riva doesn't repsect you. If you are foreing without credentials then you are GPH or Senior GPH

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