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Oncology division


So, how long does it take before 50% of the oncology salesforce is eliminated. There is no way they keep everyone in these small territories with Lilly not selling Erbitux anymore. This along with the sunshine act and not being able to see any Dr's puts the nail in the coffin.

Business ownership at its best. Nov 23 Super committee medicare part b and d cuts, no access, sunshine act, erbitux gone, no merit, camellia sucks, no more 4 d's, bad internal marketing, oncomize failure, bi-ads not working, not backfilling territories, pre-maddona reps that are overpaid, new comp plan based on behaviors, low morale= Handful of dm's gone and reps based on need. Coming Q2 and Q3 changes coming to mktg and sales. Not everyone- dm's will have a say who go and stay.

I-align tool "planning and execution" will expose everyone, not enough capacity. Once data comes in, business ownership decisions will be back. Look to your right and left your gone. Tenure does not matter. Top talent will be protected. DM and sr directors will decide how to staff. Alimta will not grow as fasy alk4 and egfr and braf changing the game and the payor will have pathways. Global oncology is the future! 2013 sales force will look different, also medical, payor and sales working together more to better engage customer!

Tick, Tick, Tick- See you in the later part of 2012. hope you make it!!! Won't be major, but certain territories and Districts will be adjusted significantly, and if you are an associate trying to move on- things will change there to.

And Yes the ship is strong :) and we have plenty of money for you, money to launch our pipeline and the power to handle medicare part- d, and the molecular markers will not affect the lung business, everything will be ok :) As long as you are not working in the US Markets!

Love the Grim Reaper :)

Yes, too many of us for one product. Hear BMS is at launch meetings for Head and Neck claim and were told that Lilly reps added no value! F... BMS!!!

Newt has been told to reduce costs and about a third of us go including Camellia.

Biads have been proven to be a waste. Look at other divisions that went to unads and did not miss a beat. 30% of the sales force will be gone 2012. Access is your ONLY friend and most don't have it.


Re: Oncology division - the emperor has no clothes

so...parity again!! :) Good job Lilly oncology! Put a stake in it - there's no way for you guys to continue to claim you are Lilly's top sales force! Yay - the only sales force in Lilly to carry one product!!!

Let's take a walk down memory lane shall we? Think of it, what major initiative has Lilly Oncology undertaken in the last two years that hasn't failed? Give up? So do we! Here's your motto: "Lilly Oncology - we fail, and there's nothing you can do about it!!!!"

yes Lilly Oncology has lead the way in showing how to flush mega dollars down the toilet at a time when Lilly is in distress. But not to worry - the same people stay in mgmt, and continue to reproduce after their kind by making more politically correct "diversity" hires to repeat past failures!!!! It's an amazing magic show!

So at a time when Lilly is in danger of drowning, we in the other sales divisions see you for what you are - an anchor tossed our way when we really needed a life vest. Truly the emperor has no clothes.

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